Against the Current

Christopher Phelps: In memoriam: Paul M. Sweezy, 1910-2004 (No.110, May-June 2004,  p.43-44)
“Sweezy held that the challenge of Marxist thinking is to go beyond formulas or schemas. The method of Marxism, he emphasized, is internalized only with patience. In a life that arced from the Old Left to the New Left and beyond, Sweezy’s accomplishment was to show just how gracefully and succesfully that may be done.”


Robert Pollin: Remembering Paul Sweezy: ‘He was an amazingly great man’ (6-7 March  2004)
“There is no doubt that Paul was the leading Marxian economist in the United States, and probably the world, during his lifetime. Certainly he was the most widely recognized and respected.”


Hillel H. Ticktin: Paul Sweezy: Marxist political economist – 1910 to 2004 (No.35, April 2004, p.169-174). Only first page online.
“There can be no question of the enormous influence that he exercised on the left and most particularly on Marxist political economy. Indeed, he dominated Marxist political economy from the forties down to the mid-seventies … Whereas the genuine Marxists kept Marxism alive like monks guarding the heritage in the dark days of Stalinist dominance, Sweezy, Baran and the the Monthly Review school broke through the bounds of Stalninism, often in spite of themselves, and showed what Marxism could be cabable of once its Stalinist bounds were removed.”

Gloves Off

A conversation with Paul Sweezy (20 March 1986; online at Internet Archive). With Sungur Savran and E. Ahmet Tonak + 2004 obituries/memorials from CounterPunch, The Guardian, International Development Economics Associates, The New School for Public Research, Monthly Review, New York Times, OPE-L, A Radiant Passage, World Socialist Web Site.

International Socialist Review

Phil Gasper: Radical economist: Paul Sweezy 1910–2004 (No.35, May-June 2004; online at Internet Archive)
“Sweezy viewed Marxism as a living scientific tradition, not an inflexible body of unchanging doctrine … He wanted to preserve the spirit, not necessarily the letter, of Marx’s writings. Even though many of the conclusions Sweezy drew were sharply at odds with the political tradition with which this magazine is associated, one can still admire his non-doctrinaire attitude and his attempts to develop and apply Marxist theory concretely to understand the contemporary world.”


John E. King: Paul Sweezy was one of the 20th century’s great economic thinkers (17 August 2022)
“The Marxist economist Paul Sweezy dedicated his life to understanding how capitalism works, and how it had changed since Karl Marx’s time. The big economic questions that Sweezy addressed are still fundamental for socialists today.”
See also Notes from The Editors: Correction (Monthly Review, Vol.75, No.11, April 2024): “Most of the article was a commendable exposition of Sweezy’s ideas. However, King’s article ended with two major fallacies. He contended that Sweezy at the end of his life ‘gave up his almost lifelong opposition to reformism and ended his life…as a left social democrat’. King’s claim here had us, as Sweezy himself liked to say, rubbing our eyes in disbelief!”

Marxists Internet Archive

Paul Mattick: Monopoly Capital (1966)
A critique of Baran/Sweezy’s influential book.
Se også artiklen på dansk: Marxisme og ‘Monopolkapitalen’ (1974)

Monthly Review

John Bellamy Foster: Monopoly Capital at the half-century mark (Vol.68, No.3, July-August  2016)
“A half-century after its publication, Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy’s Monopoly Capital remains the single most influential work in Marxian political economy to emerge in the United States.”

Prabhat Patnaik: Monopoly Capital then and now (Vol.68, No.3, Juli-August 2016)
Monopoly Capital had an outstanding impact on students of my generation. It was published just as the Vietnam War was heating up …”

Baran and Sweezy’s Monopoly Capital, then and now (Vol.67, No.6, November 2015, p.41-47). John Bellamy Foster interviewed by Benjamin Feldman.
“… the power of their analysis lies in the synthesis that they were able to present. They provided a theory of stagnation and economic waste (necessary for the absorption of surplus), pointing also to the growth of FIRE (finance, insurance, and real estate) …”

Nicholas Baran: The Baran–Sweezy Letters Project (Vol.65, No.10, March 2014)
“The correspondence of Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy in the 1950s and early ”˜60s is one of the great, unknown legacies of Marxian political economy in the United States. Over the past year and a half, I have been transcribing all of these letters …”

Dough Dowd: Some memories of Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy (MR Online, 29 September 2012)
“What follows will be mostly personal memories, intended to acquaint you a bit with their personalities as experienced by me in the years when I was lucky to work with both of them.”

John Bellamy Foster: Sweezy in perspective (Vol.60, No.1, May 2008)
“This is the foreword to a collection of Paul Sweezy’s essays translated into Bengla.”

Harry Magdoff: Farewell, comrade Paul (Vol.56, No.5, October 2004, p.1-3)
“This eulogy was read by Robert W. McChesney at a memorial meeting for Paul M. Sweezy.”

John Bellamy Foster: The commitment of an intellectual: Paul M. Sweezy, 1910-2004 (Vol.56, No.5, October 2004, p.4-39)
“The following brief intellectual biography of Paul Sweezy was drafted in September 2003 shortly before I saw Paul for the last time. It conveys many of the basic facts of his life. But as with all biographies of leading intellectuals it fails to capture the brilliance of his work, which must be experienced directly through his own writings.”

Michael A. Lebowitz: Paul M. Sweezy (Vol.56, No.5, October 2004, p.40-68)
“This essay was adapted from one appearing in Maxine Berg, ed., Political Economy in the Twentieth Century (Oxford, Philip Allan, 1990). The author has added a postscript for 2004.”

John Bellamy Foster: Monopoly Capital at the turn of the millenium (Vol.51, No.11, April 2000, p.1-18)
“This article is dedicated to Paul Sweezy on his 90th birthday. It is also meant as a personal expression of my conviction that Monopoly Capital (1966) by Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy, which provided a rich analysis of capital accumulation and crisis rooted in insights from Marx, Keynes, Kalecki, and Schumpeter, is still the most useful starting point from which to view the historical evolution of the United States and other advanced capitalist economies.”

Happy Birthday, Paul! By The Editors (Vol.51, No.11, April 2000, p.42-60)
“In honor of Paul’s 90th birthday, we asked a number of people from different walks of life – trade unionists, radical activists, academics, and longtime friends – to write short tributes to Paul.”

Røde Fane

Dr. Gupta: Til Paul M. Sweezys minne (nr.3, 2004)
“Sweezys skrifter om politisk økonomi gjenspeiler at han ikke bare behersket marxistisk økonomi, men også andre økonomiske tankeretninger … Det er levert fornuftig kritikk av Sweezys økonomiske analyser, men det undergraver på ingen måte hans rolle som en av verdens ledende radikale økonomiske og politiske analytikere.”.

Socialist Review

Arrested development (No.284, 6 April 2004)
“Tom Hickey examines the key works of veteran left wing economist Paul Sweezy.”

World Socialist Web Site

Nick Beams: Marxism and the political economy of Paul Sweezy, Part 1-7 (6-14 April 2004)
Part 1: Early influences
Part 2: The theory of capitalist development
Part 3: The breakdown theory
Part 4: Monopoly Capital
Part 5: ‘The tendency of the surplus to rise’
Part 6: Writing off the working class
Part 7: The socialist revolution
“In reviewing Sweezy’s life and work, one must have regard for the complex interaction between his theoretical positions and the development of the social and political environment in which he worked. Sweezy’s biography cannot be written simply from the standpoint of the unfolding of his views on Marxist political economy and, what were in my view, his significant differences with Marx’s analysis of capitalism. Sweezy’s theoretical positions were, themselves, the outcome of a definite political orientation.”