Bob Dylan blev født den 24. maj 1941 i Duluth, Minnesota, USA, som Robert Allen Zimmerman. Som sangskriver fik han uvurdelig betydning for 1960’erne og kampen for borgerrettigheder. Tildelt Nobelprisen i litteratur 2016.
Bob Dylan – Nobel Lecture. Recorded 4 June, 2017. Los Angeles, CA. (27:07 min.; online at
Academy secretary Danius commented: “The speech is extraordinary and, as one might expect, eloquent. Now that the lecture has been delivered, the Dylan adventure is coming to a close.” In his essay, Dylan writes about the impact that three important books made on him … He concludes: “Our songs are alive in the land of the living. But songs are unlike literature. They’re meant to be sung, not read. The words in Shakespeare’s plays were meant to be acted on the stage … I return once again to Homer, who says, ‘Sing in me, oh Muse, and through me tell the story’.” Alan Pasqua provided the uncredited piano accompaniment for the recorded speech. (Source:
Patti Smith performs Bob Dylan’s “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall” – Nobel Prize Award Ceremony, 13 dec 2016 (, 8:22 min). Text/Lyrics (
Bob Dylan: A Hard Rain’s A Gonna Fall (Lyrics) (Young Pilgrim Music) ( 6:55 min).
- Leksikalt
- Artikler på dansk
- Sites in English
- Articles in English
- Litteratur på dansk
- Dylan ved rødderne / Dylan at the roots
- Se også / See also
Blowing In The Wind (Live On TV, March 1963).
Bob Dylan – Blowin’ In The Wind Lyrics
- Bob Dylan (
- Bob Dylan (Wikipedia). Længere artikel på norsk bogmål, med link til bl.a. den danske artikel.
- Bob Dylan ( Omfattende engelsksproget leksikonartikel med mange relaterede links.
Bob Dylan – Like A Rolling Stone. Bob Dylan with the Paul Butterfield Blues Band and Al Kooper live at the Newport Folk Festival 25/07/1965 ( 6:12 min.). See Lyrics (
Artikler på dansk (og norsk):
Vinden og vejen hjem: Bob Dylan fylder 80 (, 25. maj 2021). “Den legendariske amerikanske singer-songwriter er efter 60 år i branchen stadig i gang. Victor Ovesen tegner et portræt af den enigmatiske musiker og hans vej til de 80 år.”
Ovenstående artikel på Solidaritet (25.maj 2021) er illustreret med denne historiske video:
I videoen bliver Dylan introduceret som:
“… en ung fyr der hedder Bobby Dylan, der er meget ivrig sangskriver og har skrevet en sang ‘Blowing in the Wind’ … hvis ikke jeg tar fejl … og et antal andre sange … og han spiller på guitar og jeg ved ikke hvad, og han synger til sine sange … sig velkommen til Bobby Dylan.”
“Pawn in Their Game”, ca. 13½ min. Se Tekst (
Billedtekst Solidaritet: “22-årige Bob Dylan optræder i Greenwood, Mississippi. Tre uger forinden var sangens omdrejningspunkt, den sorte borgerrettighedsforkæmper Medgar Evers, blevet skudt 150 kilometer sydpå i delstatens hovedstad, Jackson.”
På er der under videoen i kommentarer flere links til mødet + links to: “more performances/speeches from the event. Other notable figures in attendance include The Freedom Singers, Theodore Bikel, John Lewis and Pete Seeger (som er bag Dylans højre skulder på fotoet) …”
41 år efter ovenstående: Bob Dylan talks about murder of Medgar Evers and ‘Only a Pawn in Their Game‘ (2004, CBS?) (Source:; 1:42 min.)
Fra kommentarsporet nedenunder: “Here is Dylan as usual denying the legacy of his work in the 60s, including what is perhaps his most important song.”
Mellem Shakespeare og countrymusikken – en anmeldelse af Bob Dylans nye album. Af Christian Braad Thomsen (, 18. juli 2020). “Albummet rummer ikke egentlige melodier eller enkeltsange, men snarere kapitler. Dylan reciterer fra sin poesibog, men alligevel emmer hans stemme af musikalitet.”
Bob Dylan har brugt Bibelen som kilde helt fra starten. Af Anne Lise Stranden (, 3. juli 2019). “Den amerikanske sanger og sangskrivers karismatisk-kristne periode har overrasket mange. Men poeten har ladet sig inspirere af kristendommen igennem hele sin karriere; selv i sine protestsange, ifølge norsk professor.”
Bob Dylans radikale politik. Af Frederik B. Ohsten (Socialisten, 11. december 2016). “Da Bob Dylan fik Nobelprisen i litteratur, gik prisen til et livsværk, der er dybt forankret i både den amerikanske tradition for folkemusik og kampen for social retfærdighed.”
En nobelpris som splitter. Av Mari Brenna Vollan, Morten S. Smedsrud og Jonas Brække (, 14. oktober 2016). “Bob Dylan tildeles Nobels litteraturpris for å ha utvidet den store amerikanske sangtradisjonen.”
Bob Dylan som bibellæser og fortolker. Af Jakob Brønnum (Kristeligt Dagblad,12. december 2014). Forfatteren til bogen ”Sange ved himlens port – Bob Dylans bibelske inspirationskilder” har pløjet bibelreferencer frem i Dylans albums.
Gid jeg var på en australsk bjergfarm… Af Elizabeth Japsen (, Blog, 23. maj 2011). “For mig, der voksede op med Dylan fra barnsben var han det største der fandtes.”
Bob-Way Revisited på Statens MK. Af Mikkeline Gudmand-Høyer (Modkraft, 20. september 2010). Anmeldelse af Bob Dylan som billedkunstner, på baggrund af udstilling på Statens Museum for Kunst.
Bob Dylan – den politiske radikalismes supernova! Af Asta Land Olesen (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr. 239, marts 2005). Om Mike Marqusee’s Chimes of Freedom (2003).
Sites in English: COfficial site)
Incl.: News, Tour, Albums, Songs, Media (photos & videos!), Fine ArtFeatures – Bob Dylan: Official site = BobDylanTV – Channel
Expecting Rain: Bob Dylan New
Incl. tour dates, Who’s Who (lists information about people relevant to Bob Dylan’s work), exhibtion, atlas (lists information about places mentioned in Dylan song).
The Bob Dylan Archive: 6,000 items illuminating nearly 60 years of writings, recordings, memorabilia, film and more (Housed at The University of Tulsa’s Helmerich Center for American Research).
Bob Dylan goes electric at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival:
Bob Dylan Live at the Newport Folk Festival Maggie’s Farm (YouTube, 5:09 min.). Lyrics (
See also:
25 July 1965: Dylan goes electric … By Jess Righthand (, July 23, 2010). “… the Newport Folk Festival, was perhaps the single move in his career that catapulted him to the far reaches of rock stardom.”
Electric Dylan controversy (
YouTube video (2:18 min.). “Allen Ginsberg makes a cameo appearance during this episod”.
Subterranean homesick Blues (song & video) ( Lyrics (
Articles in English:
A Complete Unknown: A drama about singer Bob Dylan’s rise to fame. By James Brewer (World Socialist Web Site, 3 January 2025). “The events of James Mangold’s latest film occur in the period between Dylan’s arrival on the New York City folk scene in 1961 and his controversial ‘going electric’ in 1965.”
See also review by Eilen Jones, Timothée Chalamet does Dylan (Jacobin, 1 January 2025) + reviview by January 16, 2025).
Bob Dylan sells his songwriting catalog to Universal for a reported $300 Million. By Matthew Brennan (World Socialist Web Site, 16 December 2020). “Now that he has signed away the ability to use or control his own music as he sees fit, one senses only the formal conclusion to a decades-long process of social and artistic retreat.”
Painting the passports brown: listening to Dylan during COVID-19. By Jordy Cummings (New Politics, Number 69, Summer 2020). “‘They’re painting the passports brown’, sings Bob Dylan in his enigmatic masterpiece ‘Desolation Row’ from Highway 61 Revisited (1965). The brown seems a reference to the color of Nazi shirts.”
Rolling Thunder review: a Bob Dylan story by Martin Scorsese. By Martin Hall (Counterfire, June 14, 2019). “Scorsese’s new documentary shows Dylan grasping at the truth of an America that was figuring out what it wanted to be.”
Does Bob Dylan deserve to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature? By David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, 21 October 2016). “In reality the prize is handed out by affluent 60- and 70-year-olds who, like Dylan himself, have been thoroughly integrated into the establishment … for decades.”
Saint Bob’s bauble. By Harley Filben (Weekly Worker, Issue 1127, 20 October 2016). “Dylan’s Nobel prize has little to do with him, and more to do with the flagging artistic establishment.”
Dylan as Poet. By Bill Crane (Red Wedge, October 17, 2016). “Bob Dylan has won the Nobel Prize for Literature … I think this is a fortunate choice.”
No, Bob Dylan isn’t the first lyricist to win the Nobel. By Alex Lubet (The Conservation, October 14, 2016). “… remembering that he’s not the first can only pave the way for more musicians to win in years to come.”
Dylan, the American Left, and what we have lost. By Juan Cole (Informed Comment), October 14, 2016). “The mass media won’t tell you Dylan was in his youth a leftist …
The legendary Bob Dylan turns 70: Democracy Now! airs rare interviews and songs from Pacifica Radio Archive (Democracy Now, May 24, 2011) + video (59:05 min.).
Section: Bob Dylan. By Humphrey McQueen (Blog: Servethepeople: Marxism-Leninism, blues music, Bob Dylan and more).
He’s like a rolling stone (, June 1, 2011). “Eamonn McCann celebrates the ever-shifting life and music of Bob Dylan, at age 70.”
Bob Dylan and the Communist Party. By Frank Riley (Socialism Today, Issue 144, Dec-Jan 2010). “The role of the ‘Communist’ Party (CP) – in the US and, later, Britain – in, first, building him up, and then trying to knock him down, has not been explained adequately.”
Did Bob Dylan sell out? A talk by Mike Short at the AWL London Forum on 8 December, 2005 (AWL discussion meetings) (Workers’ Liberty, 2007). “Unless you live in the world of pigeon-holes and mass over-simplifications, then the answer has to be no.”
Stalinism, the folk revival and Bob Dylan. By Matt Cooper (Solidarity, 3/94, 1 June 2006). “In the early 1960s, when Dylan came on the folk scene in Greenwich Village, he consciously modelled himself on Woody Guthrie – sang his songs, mimicked his clothes and his political engagement.”
Chimes of Freedom: The politics of Bob Dylan’s art. By Stefan Schindler (Socialism & Democracy, Issue 35, January-February 2004). Review of Mike Marqusee, Chimes of Freedom: The Politics of Bob Dylan’s Art (New Press, 2003, 282 p.).
The politics of Bob Dylan. By Mike Marqusee (Red Pepper, 1 November 2003). “The protest songs for which Bob Dylan is most famous were written in a 20-month burst in the early 1960s. Within a year Dylan had turned his back on them – not in renunciation of politics, but to pursue a deeper kind of radicalism.”
Dylan’s rightful place. By Mike Marqusee (, 9 September 2007; online at Internet Archive). “But Dylan is – or should be – in the curriculum on merit. Whether or not his lyrics work as poetry, in the narrower sense of the term, on the printed page (an old and arid discussion), he remains a great writer.”
Bob Dylan The Times They Are A Changin’ 1964 (Youtube, 2:37 min.).
Lyrics (
Litteratur på dansk:
Bob Dylan: Krøniker. Bind 1 (Gyldendal, 2005, 281 sider). Første bind af Bob Dylans selvbiografi. Anmeldelse af Pat Stack: Dylan’s back pages (International Socialism, Issue 105, Winter 2005, page 173-176). “There has been many biographies.. but the finest has surely come from the horses mounth.”
Bob Dylan: En guide til hans plader. 3. udgave. Af Christian Braad Thomsen og Asger Schnack (Tiderne Skifter, 2008, 400 sider). Se anmeldelse af Bjarne Nielsen: En guide til Bob Dylan (Arbejderen, 6. januar 2009).
Dylan: Myten, mennesket, musikeren. Af John Christensen (Forlaget Emil, 2009, 240 sider). Se anmeldelse af Bjarne Nielsen: Bob Dylan for alle (Arbejderen, 26. september 2009).
Dylan på dansk: femogtres sange. Oversat af Jep Loft (Books On Demand, 2016, 195 sider).
Bob Dylan ved rødderne / Bob Dylan at the roots
Performing Woody Guthrie’s song, Do Re Mi, at the Malibu Performing Arts Center in January 2009 (YouTube, 3:20 min.). Text: “Do Re Mi” lyrics (
Bob Dylans beundring for den sociale folkesanger Woody Guthrie var medvirkende til at han flyttede fra Minnesota til New York.
I forbindelse med Howard Zinn-projektet “The Peoples History” sang Dylan Woody Guthries “Do Re Mi”.
Song for Woody (, 2:41 min. – Lyrics: Song for Woody (
Appears on debut album ‘Bob Dylan’ 1962.
Se også / See also (Socialistisk Bibliotek):
- Emneoversigten Musik / Music
- “This Mashine kills Fascism” – Woody Guthrie 100 år
- Pete Seeger (1919-2014)
- Howard Zinn (1922-2010). Incl. “The Peoples History” project.