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22. februar 2023
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brief history - Søgeresultat

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...fuldstændig udg.: [History Will Absolve Me (Castro Internet Archive). Attack on the Moncada Army Barracks near Santiago de Cuba, July 26, 1953 (An excerpt from the book: “The Twelve” by Carlos Franqui Random House, New York. From the Introduction by Tana de Gámez (The Timetable History of Cuba). Litteratur: Historien...


...i Algeriet, kort historik (pdf). Av Ian Birchall (Marxistarkiv.se, 2012, 5 sider). Oversættelse fra Revolutionary History (Vol.10, No.4, 2012, p.9-14). Med link til tre svenske bøger online om Algier-krigen. Brödernas kamrater (pdf). Av Sylvain Pattieu (Marxistarkiv.se, 2012, 64 sider). Oversættelse fra Revolutionary History (Vol.10, No.4, 2012, p.15-97: European Revolutionaries and...


...the people’. By Paul Kellogg (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, February 2010). “… Žižek’s treatment of Lenin is completely decontextualised, as if history and economics did not matter. And when he does briefly provide a context, he gets it completely wrong. The Lenin he is reviving is the Lenin...


...History Magazine (mirror), Toward a History of The Fourth International + on international tendensis, Newspapers and Periodicals, Writers Archive, Global Master Index of All Entries… etc. Full 14 volumes of writings of Leon Trotsky 1929-1940 (Ebookcollective, June 27, 2014). Online as pdf-files. See also Leon Trotsky – Collected Writings (1929-1940),...


...general strike in world history, it demonstrated the power of the Indian working class, which is increasingly underpaid, casualized, and unorganized.” The biggest strike in world history? No thanks, we’re focusing on the new iPhone. By Jim Naureckas (FAIR, 8 September 2016). “… there was virtually no coverage of the...


...of 1969?” The Workerists and the unions in Italy’s ‘Hot Autumn’ (Libcom.org, October 31, 2006). Extract from Steve Wright’s book ‘Storming Heaven’ (Pluto Press, 2002). “A brief history of the Italian Workerists in the ‘Hot Autumn’ of 1969, when unions succeeded in recuperating radical working class demands – leaving the...


...of Great Britain and Ireland grundlagt, bl.a. af Robert Owens. Se: Grand National Consolidated Trades Union (Wikipedia.org) The Grand National Consolidated Trade Union: taken from H. Pelling, A History of Trade Unionism (A Web of English History) Schools of War. Chapter three in Rob Sewell: The Cause of Labour: A...


...Hope”) to mark a new chapter in its own history as a military and political power. Yemen’s capital is becoming a ghost town as bombs drive people underground. By Laura Dean (Global Post, May 1, 2015). “The relentless bombardment of the Arab world’s poorest country has created a humanitarian disaster...

The Danish Labour Movement and Marxism 1885-1920

...forfatter: / By the same writer: A brief history of the Danish labour movement Indhold / Content Early Interest Civil War The First Major Effort Social Democrats and Left-Wing Opposition Socialist Principles Social Reforms Mass Organization and Theoretical Basis Newspaper Agitation Health Insurance and Old-Age Relief Internationalism Publishing Marxist literature...

Venstrefløjens George Orwell

...John Newsinger (Revolutionary History, Vol.7, No.3, 2000) + review by David Renton (Revolutionary History, Vol.9, No.2, 2005-06) + Keith O’Regan: Begging the question (pdf) (New Socialist, No.53, September-October 2005, p.40-41). Scroll down. John Newsinger: Orwell’s politics (MacMillan, 1999, 178 p.). Review by Paul Flewers (Revolutionary History, Vol.7, No.3, 2000, p.313-315)...

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