Emneboks med samling af emnelister, linkboxe, personlister, tidslinje mm. på Socialistisk Bibliotek (+ leksikale) om slaveriet og modstand / Links at Socialistisk Bibliotek – Progressive Online Library – on the history of slavery and rebellions.
Den aktuelle årsag er danske premieren (2014) på filmen “12 Years A Slave”.
The current reason for this collection is the Danish opening of the movie “12 Years A Slave”.
Indhold/ Content:
- Se også links / See also links
- Linkbox
- Tidslinje / Timeline
Se også-links / See also links
På dansk:
In English:
- Slavery (Wikipedia.org)
- History of slavery (Wikipedia.org)
- Atlantic slave trade (Wikipedia.org)
Marxists Internet Archive:
- Slave Society (Glossary of Terms)
- Slavery – North and South (Chapter XIV: History of the United States. Charles Beard, Mary Beard, 1921).
- Negro Slavery in North America. By George E. Novack (The New International, Vol.V, No.10, October 1939).
- Towards a new History of Slavery in the U.S. By George Rawick (Speak Out, January 1967).
- Slavery in the Western Hemisphere (Ch. in: Negro National Colonial Question. By Communist Legauge (1972).
- Writings on the U.S. Civil War. By Marx & Engels. Twenty-nine articles from Die Presse and New-York Daily Tribune, 1861-1862.
- Marx on Slavery and the U.S. Civil War (Internationalist Group Class Readings, February 2008, 23 p.).

Den Amerikanske Borgerkrig og Abraham Lincoln / Links on the American Civil War, the abolishing of slavery and on president Lincoln (& Karl Marx!). Artikler mm. / Articles etc., Emancipationserklæringen / The Emancipation Proclamation + Abraham Lincoln & Steven Spielbergs ‘Lincoln’.
John Brown – guerilla mod slaveriet: om den amerikanske abolitionist og slaverimodstander John Brown. Og om sangen “John Brown’s Body”.
C.L.R. James & “The Black Jacobins”. Biografier, sites, artikler om C.L.R. James og bogen “The Black Jacobins” / Biographies, sites, articles on C.L.R. James and on his book “The Black Jacobins” (on Toussaint L’Ouverture and the slave revolution).
Malcolm X og “House Negro”, incl. tekst/video on “House Negro and Field Negro”.

Tidslinje / Timeline
3. juli 1848 om frigivelse af slaver i Dansk Vestindien / July 3, 1848 on the liberation of slaves at Danish West Indies.
1. juli 1839 om oprøret på slaveskibet ‘Amistad’ / July 1, 1839 on the rebellion on the slave ship ‘Amistad’.
18. august 1823 om slaveoprør i Britisk Guyana.
17. februar 1818 om Frederick Douglass / February 17, 1818 on Frederick Douglass.
25. marts 1807, hvor England vedtager forbud mod slavehandel / March 25, 1807 on the British abolition of slave trade.
1. januar 1804 om slaveoprøret på Haiti / January 1, 1804 on the slave rebellion on Haiti.
9. september 1739 om Stono-opstanden, slave-oprør i South Carolina / September 9, 1739: Stono Rebellion in South Carolina.
August 1619: de første slavegjorte fra Afrika ankommer til Nordamerika.
71 f.v.t. om slaven Spartakus’ oprør mod Romerriget / 71 BC on the Spartacus rebellion against the Roman Impire.
See also Abolition of slavery timeline (Wikipedia.org).