2.7 C
13. december 2024
Forside Ungarn / Hungary 1956 Hungary, Budapest IX, 1956 Damaged Buildings and a wreck of a Soviet tank at the corner of Berzenczey Street, Tatras (later Balaton) cinema. Photo:FORTEPAN / Nagy Gyula. (CC BY-SA 3.0).

Hungary, Budapest IX, 1956 Damaged Buildings and a wreck of a Soviet tank at the corner of Berzenczey Street, Tatras (later Balaton) cinema. Photo:FORTEPAN / Nagy Gyula. (CC BY-SA 3.0).

Hungary, Budapest IX, 1956 Damaged Buildings and a wreck of a Soviet tank at the corner of Berzenczey Street, Tatras (later Balaton) cinema. Photo:FORTEPAN / Nagy Gyula. (CC BY-SA 3.0).

Hungary, Budapest IX, 1956 Damaged Buildings and a wreck of a Soviet tank at the corner of Berzenczey Street, Tatras (later Balaton) cinema. Photo:FORTEPAN / Nagy Gyula. (CC BY-SA 3.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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