-6.6 C
16. februar 2025
Forside 1946 The atomic cloud during the "Baker" nuclear test at the Bikini atoll. 25 July 1946. Photo: U.S. Navy (photo 80-G-396231) Public Domain.

The atomic cloud during the “Baker” nuclear test at the Bikini atoll. 25 July 1946. Photo: U.S. Navy (photo 80-G-396231) Public Domain.

The atomic cloud during the "Baker" nuclear test at the Bikini atoll. 25 July 1946. Photo: U.S. Navy (photo 80-G-396231) Public Domain.

The atomic cloud during the “Baker” nuclear test at the Bikini atoll. 25 July 1946. Photo: U.S. Navy (photo 80-G-396231) Public Domain.

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