Knowledge is a weapon: Nye links fra Socialistisk Bibliotek
Knowledge is a weapon: Nye links fra Socialistisk Bibliotek.

Nogle af de nyeste links tilføjet på linksamlinger på Socialistisk Biblioteks sider. Some of the latest links, added to the link collections at the Socialist Library’s pages.

Senest opdateret: 2024-07-19 18:45:35

1Jane McAlevey (1964-2024)

Jane McAlevey, amerikansk fagforeningsorganisator og forfatter, dør (født 12. oktober 1964). Se Tidslinjen 7. juli 2024.

2Ghassan Kanafani (1936-1972)

Resistance was Ghassan Kanafani’s only story. By Seraj Assi (Jacobin, July 9, 2024). “Novelist Ghassan Kanafani was assassinated by Mossad agents this week over 50 years ago. Exiled as a child during the Nakba, he would never return to Palestine — except in his fiction.” (på linkboxen PFLP, scroll ned til afsnit “Ghassan Kanafani”).

3Journal: International Socialism

(International Socialism, Issue 183, Summer 2024). British quarterly online with articles about Strategies for a free Palestine, Old and new arguments in the Palestine Left, Egyptian revolutionaries speak out, Portuguese Revolution, Degrowth and Marxism, The culture wars + Book reviews.


The neck and the sword (New Left Review, Issue 147, May-June 2024, p.5-38).”Rashid Khalidi talks to Tariq Ali about the history of the Palestinian national movement, its fraught relations with neighbouring Arab regimes, the realities of the US-run ‘peace process’, Israel’s grip on the Biden Administration and the strategic calculations – or miscalculations – of Hamas.” (på linkboxen Zionisme – Antizionisme).

5Journal: Against the Current

(Against the Current, Issue 231, July-August 2024). American socialist bimonthly online with articles about Solidarity struggle continues, A southern transnational capitalist class, On Imperialism, Lenin & today, Lenin and the meaning of the vote + Book reviews.

6The French Popular Front

The Popular Front then and now – France and the elections (RS21, 29 June 2024). “Ian Birchall looks back at the history of the original Popular Front and outlines what’s at stake in France’s general election.” (på Tidslinjen 4. juni 1936).

7Socialister og religion

Jacobin om religion och socialism (pdf) (, 13. juni 2024). “Vårnumret av Jacobin, nummer 53, ägnas till största delen åt hur socialister och överhuvudtaget progressiva människor kan tänka om religion, och hantera den frågan. Vi har översatt några av tidningens artiklar och publicerar dem här. ” (på linkboxen Socialister om religion).


Hamas: A Marxist appraisal (Marxist Left Review, Issue 27, Autumn 2024). “Omar Hassan critically assesses the Palestinian organisation Hamas, arguing that its politics and strategy offer no possibility of achieving Palestinian liberation.” (på linkboxen Hvad er Hamas?).

9Israel – and South Africa

South Africa’s case against Israel: The struggle against apartheid then and now (Tempest, June 19, 2024). “Helen Scott explains the significance of South Africa’s genocide case against Israel and reflects on the comparison between anti-apartheid struggles in the two countries.” (på linkboxen Zionisme – Antizionisme).

10Journal: Marxist Left Review

(Marxist Left Review, Issue 27, Autumn 2024). Australian half-yearly journal online with articles about Palestine will be free, Understanding Hamas, Palestine and Settler Colonial Theory, The Portugese Revolution and Degrowth Communism.

11Clara Zetkin (1857-1933)

Kampen mod fascismen. Af Clara Zetkin (Magasinet Arbejderen/, 10. juni 2024). “Clara Zetkins tale blev holdt den 20. juni 1923 på et udvidet møde i Kommunistisk Internationales eksekutivkomité. Den bringes her i uddrag.” Se hele talen på svensk:  Kampen mot fascismen (pdf) (, 2. oktober 2019, 21 s.). (på Tidslinjen 5. juli 1857).

12Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919)

Rosa Luxemburg and the democratic road to socialist revolution (Tempest, June 10, 2024). About The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Vol. V: Political Writings 3, On Revolution: 1910-1919. Eds. Paul Le Blanc and Helen C. Scott (Verso, 2024, 512 p.). “John Marot explains how Luxemburg’s ideas of revolutionary democracy developed in light of the German Revolution.” (på linkboxen Rosa Luxemburg).


‘Is the East still red?’ Answering those that deny China is capitalist. By Daniel Morley (In Defence of Marxism,

14South Africa

The beginning of the end of the ANC (Review of African Political Economy, June 6, 2024). “For the first time in South Africa’s 30 years of democracy, the African National Congress (ANC) failed to obtain a majority of votes … Luke Sinwell considers the consequences, and discusses the emergence of a new party [and] looks at what has happened to the left …” (på Tidslinjen 8. januar 1912).

1525 years: The Battle of Seattle (1999)

The legacy of the “Battle of Seattle” (Jacobin, June 5, 2024). Chandler Dandridge interviews D.W. Gibson: “In 1999, 50,000 activists hit the Seattle streets to block a major World Trade Organization conference. The anti-globalization movement petered out shortly thereafter, but the protests set the tone for the mass mobilizations of the 21st century.” (på linkboxen The Battle of Seattle).


Den palæstinensiske modstand er ikke en monolit. Af Bashir Abu-Manneh ( Revy, 11. maj 2024). “Mens palæstinenserne overvejer folkedrabet på dem og deres udsigter til national befrielse, gør man dem en bjørnetjeneste ved at forfladige deres politiske mangfoldighed og igangværende komplekse debatter.” (på linkboxen Hvad er Hamas?).

17Frantz Fanon (1925-1961)

Frantz Fanon and the paradox of anticolonial violence. By Alan Wald (Against the Current, Issue 230, May-June 2024). Review article of two books by Adam Shatz. “His two recent books are testaments to a fierce curiosity that evokes the more perplexing and incongruous aspects of intellectuals and their social responsibility, often with a unique emphasis on anticolonialism.” (på linkboxen Frantz Fanon).

18Sydafrika (1994- )

Sydafrika efter apartheid (, april 2024). “Denne Fokus-serie markerer 30-året for det første frie valg efter apartheid i april 1994 og indeholder bidrag fra forskellige forskere, der beskæftiger sig med landets historie, den nuværende politiske og sociale situation, samt den kulturelle arv fra apartheid.” (på Tidslinjen 27. april 1994).

19Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Einstein’s “Why Socialism?” and ‘Monthly Review’: A historical introduction. By John Bellamy Foster (Monthly Review, Vol.76, No.1, May 2024). “Through historical documents and the famed physicist’s own words, Foster rediscovers Einstein’s commitment to socialism in both word and deed, and his collegial ties to MR‘s founding editors.” (på Tidslinjen 14. marts 1879).

20Journal: Middle East Report

(Middle East Report, Issue 310, Spring 2024). American quarterly with theme: The Struggle for Sudan, “… which chronicles the current counterrevolutionary war from Khartoum to Darfur … Bringing together contributions of scholars, organizers and artists, the issue examines the scale of loss and devastation experienced by entire communities, the popular responses to the war and the longer political and economic dynamics that underpin it.”

21Moshe Machover and Matzpen (1962- )

Revolutionær anti-zionisme: En diskussion med Moshe Machover. Af Vashti Fox (Socialistisk Information, 14. april 2024). “Moshe Machover er det eneste overlevende fra den gruppe, der dannede den revolutionære antizionistiske organisation Matzpen i Israel. Matzpen påvirkede en generation af både israelske og palæstinensiske modstandere af Israel, og efterlader en vigtig teoretisk arv til socialister i dag.” (på Tidslinjen 9. februar 2013; Se også).


Slavery was crucial for the development of Capitalism (Jacobin, April 10, 2024). “Historian Robin Blackburn has completed a trilogy of books that provide a comprehensive Marxist account of slavery in the New World. He spoke to Jacobin about the intimate links between the slave systems in the Americas and the origins of capitalism.” (på Tidslinjen 25. marts  1807).


The persistence of global capitalism’s long depression (Spectre, April 6, 2024). “Ashley Smith interviews Michael Roberts about the state of the US and world economy, the reasons for what he calls the Long Depression, and how it is driving political polarization within countries and imperial rivalries between the globe’s dominant and rising powers.” (på linkboxen Kapitalismen i krise (2) 2009– ).

24David Graeber’s ‘The Dawn of Everything’

How can we be free? A Marxist critique of ‘The Dawn of Everything’ (In Defence of Marxism, Issue 42, Summer 2023; online 15 March 2024). “In this article Joel Bergman subjects this work to a rigorous Marxist critique, and exposes the fatal flaws inherent in the authors’ idealist view of historical development.” (på Tidslinjen 2. september 2020).

25Journal: New Politics

(New Politics: An Independent Socialist Journal, Issue 75, Summer 2023, 166 p.). American half-yearly online with sections about U.S. politics, Israel’s war on Gaza, Decolonial climate justice, International politics/Ukraine, Che Guevara: a debate of interpretation, Political theory + Book reviews (Early criticism of the October Revolution etc.).


Decolonize Palestine
“Decolonize Palestine is an independent, self-funded project founded by two Palestinians living in Ramallah.” With sections Palestine 101, Myths, Rainbow washing, FAQ and Reading list. (på linkboxen Zionisme – Antizionisme: Historien om racisme og etnisk fordrivelse).