Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 2022-23.
Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.
Året 2022- / The year 2022-
Popular music and jazz in 2022, a selection. By Matt Brennan and Erik Schreiber (World Socialist Web Site, 30 December 2022).
Films and television in 2022. By David Walsh and Joanne Laurier (World Socialist Web Site, 29 December 2022).
Forecast 2023: the impending slump (Michael Roberts Blog, 29 December 2022). “At the end of every year, I attempt to make a forecast on what will happen in the world economy in the next year … and how did the predictions I made last year for 2022 work out?”
Books of the year (Michael Roberts Blog, 22 December 2022). “Every year at this time, I look back at any books that I have reviewed.” + Top ten posts of 2022: Ukraine, profits and inflation (Ibid., 23 December 2022).
Bogbasar – historier fra neden (Autonom Infoservice, 20. december 2022). “Vianmelder her en række nyere bøger, der har det til fælles, at de beretter om opstande og modstand mod de herskende samfundsforhold.”
Counterfire’s Christmas books (Counterfire, 12 December 2022). “Counterfire writers offer a range of the best books they have read this year.”
Forecast for 2022 (Michael Roberts Blog, 1 January 2022). “At the beginning of each year, I make an attempt to forecast what will happen in the world economy for the year ahead.”
28. januar 2022

Idehistorikeren Hans-Jørgen Schanz dør i Århus. Født 21. januar 1948 i Sønderborg.
- Hans-Jørgen Schanz (Denstoredanske). Med link til opslag af Morten Thing om kapitallogik.
- Hans-Jørgen Schanz (Wikipedia.dk).
- Hans-Jørgen Schanz (Leksikon.org). Med link til opslag af Hans-Jørgen Schanz om Kapitallogik.
Med en uophørlig energi bevægede Hans-Jørgen Schanz sig omkring i tankens grænseland (Information.dk, 9. februar 2022). “Hans-Jørgen Schanz bisættes i dag. Allerede i sine studieår skrev han sin første bog om Marx’ ’Kapitalen’ – en bog, der opnåede kultstatus og etablerede kapitallogikken. Schanz var medrivende tænksom og havde fandenivoldsk humor, skriver tidligere forstander på Testrup Højskole Jørgen Carlsen i denne personlige nekrolog.”
Med Hans-Jørgen Schanz’ død har vanetænkningen mistet en værdig modstander. Af Mikkel Thorup (Information.dk, 1. februar 2022). “Hans-Jørgen Schanz er død. Med ham dør en original stemme, der i seks årtier har udfordret de lette meninger og hurtige læsningers tyranni og presset os til at tænke selv. Med hans død har vanetænkning mistet en vigtig opponent, offentligheden en vigtig stemme og universitetet en indre kritiker.” Under betalingsmur.
Dødsfald: Markant Aarhus-professor er død. Af Kirstine Lefevre Sckerl (Århus Stiftstidende, 29. januar 2022). “Idéhistoriker, forfatter og professor emeritus ved Aarhus Universitet Hans-Jørgen Schanz er død, 74 år gammel.”
Hans-Jørgen Schanz er død. Læs eller genlæs interview med professoren, som tog et livsopgør med systemer. Af Bjørg Tulinius (Kristeligt Dagblad, 29. januar 2022). “Professor Hans-Jørgen Schanz var i 1970’erne og 1980’erne kendt som den bedste Marx-fortolker herhjemme. Nu er han død, 74 år. Kristeligt Dagblad har genudgivet dette interview med professoren fra 2015.”
Om ånd og socialisme. Af Hans-Jørgen Schanz (Solidaritet.dk, 16. januar 2021). “‘Verden er ved at blive så gennemsyret endimensionelt kræmmeragtig, at der ikke er nogen som helst grund til, at venstreorienterede bringer brænde til dette bål ved at understøtte åndsløsheden’. Idéhistorie-professor Hans-Jørgen Schanz skriver i dagens kronik om behovet for at tilføre ånd til socialistisk tænkning.”

Man tager fejl, hvis man tror, han har udskiftet hele sin dagsorden. Af Malin Schmidt (Information.dk, 2. februar 2008). “Forandring var drivkraften, da idéhistorikeren Hans-Jørgen Schanz i 1970’erne blev marxisternes teoretiske kultfigur. Senere blev han optaget af det liv, det moderne kan byde på. Altid med blik for det, der ikke kan forklares udtømmende af tidens skiftende teorier – om marxisme, modernitet, globalisering …”
- Hans-Jørgen Schanz (Wikipedia.dk). Med hovedværker.
- Hans-Jørgen Schanz (Aarhus Universitetsforlag)
- Tankens glæde: efterskrift til Hans-Jørgen Schanz. Red. Peter Aaboe Sørensen, Mikkel Thorup og Carsten Andersen (Klim, 2022, 400 s.)
- Til rekonstruktionen af kritikken af den politiske økonomis omfangslogiske status (pdf). Af Hans-Jørgen Schanz (Modtryk, 1973, 243 s.; online på Google.com) (Til kritikken af den politiske økonomi, 1)
4. februar 2022

Den britiske marxistiske arkæolog, historiker og politiske aktivist Neil Faulkner, dør af blodkræft (født 22. januar 1958).
- Neil Faulkner (archaeologist) (Wikipedia.org)
- Neil Faulkner (Marxists Internet Archive). Texts 1994-2015.
Neil Faulkner – charismatic revolutionary (Anticapitalist Resistance, 11 February 2022). “Phil Hearse remembers our friend and comrade Neil Faulkner.”
Neil Faulkner, 1958–2022 (Another Europe is Possible, 14 February 2022). “Neil Faulkner was close to a number of people in the Another Europe Is Possible family and held in high regard by all. Here Luke Cooper pays tribute to his intellectual legacy.”
Neil Faulkner: obituary. By Nadia Durrani (Archaelogy Worldwide, February 8, 2022; online at Internet Archive). “Neil was well-known as a fieldwork archaeologist, historian, magazine editor, author, lecturer, broadcaster, and political activist. A Hegelian Marxist, his politics infused everything he did.”
Neil Faulkner, historian, archaeologist and revolutionary (1958-2022) (The Left Berlin, 7 February, 2022). “Marxist historian Neil Faulkner remembered by John Mullen, who knew him, on and off, since the 1970s.”
Neil Faulkner (Anticapitalist Resistance, 4 February 2022). “Neil Faulkner, a well-known Marxist historian, archaeologist and leader of Anti-Capitalist Resistance (ACR), has died in London at the age of 64.”
Videos: The History Fix: A Radical History of the World (YouTube, 19 November 2018). 26 lectures by Neil Faulkner. From Ep1: Who are we and what makes us human? to Ep26: What is Class?
A Marxist History of the World – from Neanderthals to Neoliberals. Lectures by Neil Faulkner, (45 min. + discussion) (YouTube, April/May 2013, 1:49 hour). “The lesson of history is that human beings make their own history.”
A Marxist History of the World (Counterfire, 2010-2013). With 111 articles.
Book edition: A Marxist History of the World: From Neanderthals to Neoliberals (Pluto Press, 2013, 342 p.) + new revised edition: A Radical History of the World (Pluto Press, 2018, 580 p.).
Also online at Marxists Internet Archive, October 2010/December 2012: A Marxist History of the World (incomplete).
See reviews:
A history of struggle. By Andrew Stone (International Socialism, Issue 141, Winter 2014).
A Marxist History of the World. By Sean Ledwith (Marx & Philosophy Review of Books, 24 August 2014).
24. februar 2022
Kl. 3:50 bebuder Ruslands præsident Putin i tv militær angreb på Ukraine: “… en særlig militær operation … vi stræber efter en af-militarisering og af-nazificering af Ukraine.”
Se også Tidslinjen 21. november 2013 om “Euromaidan”-opstanden + 27. februar 2014 om den russiske besættelse af Krim-halvøen + 19. august 1991 om Sovjetunionens opløsning + 31. december 1932 om hungersnøden i Ukraine (Holodomor).

- Ruslands invasion af Ukraine 2022 (Wikipedia.dk)
- 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia.org)
- Konflikten om Ukraine (Faktalink.dk, januar 2019/februar 2022- ). Kræver login via lokale bibliotek.
- Hvorfor siger Putin, at han vil “afnazificere” Ukraine? (TjekDet.dk, 26. februar 2022)
- Her er centrale uddrag fra Putins krigserklæring mod Ukraine (Information.dk, 25. februar 2022)
- Ny krig i Europa (Information.dk, 10. januar 2022- ). “I denne serie giver vi overblikket over den komplekse konflikt.” P.t. uden betalingsmur.
- Rusland, Ukraine, Hviderusland (Socialistisk Information)
- Krig i Ukraine (Solidaritet.dk, 17. januar 2022- )
- Ukraine (Arbejderen.dk)
- Artiklar om utvecklingen i Ukraina (Marxistarkiv.se)
- Vänsterpress om Ukraina (Marxistarkiv.se)
- Russia-Ukraine war (Libcom.org)
Special coverage: Understanding Putin’s war on Ukraine (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal)
Understanding Putin’s war on Ukraine (Links: International Jounal of Socialist Renewal, February 2022- ). “Below is a regularly updated compilation of links to articles we have published, ordered into categories and listed from most recent to oldest.”

Compilation of statements on the Ukraine crisis (New Politics, March 21, 2022). “Here we collect statements from Ukrainian, Russian, and other grassroots organizations on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.”
Antifascist resources on Ukraine (ThreeWayFight, March 2, 2022). Voices from Ukraine – Solidarity and critique – Analysis of far rigth forces.
Ukraine Solidarity Campaign (site). “… seeks to organise solidarity and provide information in support of Ukrainian socialists and trade unionists.”
På dansk (+ svensk):
Böcker m m om kriget i Ukraina (pdf). Av Martin Fahlgren (Marxistarkiv.se, 16. august 2023). “Här redovisas och kommenteras litteraturen som finns på svenska.”
Se også Putins Ryssland (Ibid.). Texter om utvecklingen i Ryssland under Putin.
Fred i Ukraine – Hvornår og hvordan? Af Mikael Hertoft (Solidaritet.dk, 2. august 2024). “I denne artikel ser vi nærmere på, hvilke udspil der har været for at afslutte krigen i Ukraine – og hvor de er i modstrid med hinanden.”
For to år siden invaderede Rusland Ukraine. Her er status i dag (Solidaritet.dk, 21. februar 2024). “For to år siden blev Ukraine overfaldet af Rusland. Krigen fortsætter med enorme tabstal på begge sider. Efter en fejlslagen sommeroffensiv har Ukraine nu store problemer på slagmarken. Mikael Hertoft og Andrii Isjenko analyserer situationen og opfordrer venstrefløjen til at bevare støtten til Ukraine.”
Til mine progressive venner i Vesten: Jeres forsonende og tvetydige retorik hjælper kun Putin. Jeg bønfalder jer om at stoppe! (Verdenspressen.com, 29. november 2023). “Den russiske systemkritiker og socialist Boris Kagarlitsky blev anholdt i sommeren 2023. Læs hans brev til velmenende fredsaktivister i Vesten, der blev udgivet kort før regimet satte ham bag tremmer.”
“Krigen har revolutioneret politik i Ukraine” (Solidaritet.dk, 24. august 2023). “Vladyslav Starodubtsev er aktivist i den ukrainske venstrefløjsorganisation Sotsialnyi Rukh (Den Sociale Bevægelse red.) og er her interviewet af australske Federico Fuentes om sit syn på fredsforhandlinger, NATO, EU og genopbygningen af Ukraine – samt hvad krigen har betydet for progressive kræfter i landet.”
10 forfærdelige venstreorienterede argumenter mod ukrainsk modstand. Af Oksana Dutchak, Solidaritet.dk, 13. maj 2023). “Der er efter min mening bestemte holdninger, som ligger langt fra venstrefløjens principper. Disse kommer ikke altid direkte til udtryk, så jeg vil kort grave mig ned i nogle skjulte budskaber, der ligger til grund for holdninger, som mange på venstrefløjen har.”
Svæver krig og fred frit ovenover historien? Af Peer Møller Christensen og Niels Frølich (Solidaritet.dk/Kritisk Revy, nr.14, 15. marts 2023). “Når fredsbevægelser her tages under kritisk behandling, skyldes det de problemer, bevægelserne løber ind i, når det drejer sig om Ukraine-krigen …”
Vilka lärdomar från Vietnam är giltiga för Ukraina idag? Av Stephen R. Shalom og Dan La Botz (Marxistarkiv.se, 16. februar 2023). “Artikelförfattarna argumenterar för att vänstern, som för 50 år sedan stödde vietnamesernas kamp mot USA, nu bör stödja Ukraina mot Ryssland.”
Hvilken fred i Ukraine? Af Mikael Hertoft (Solidaritet.dk/Kritisk Revy, nr. 13, januar 2023). “Fremtrædende personligheder på venstrefløjen har fremsat en fredsplan, men der er en stor fare for at en sådan plan kan blive en plan for, at Putin kan vinde en sejr – en sejr, hvor Rusland kan beholde og russificere besatte områder og fastholde Ukraine som et forkrøblet land, som ligger neutralt, svagt og ødelagt overfor et Rusland, der er sluppet godt fra sit krigseventyr.” Hør også podcast med Mikael Hertoft: Vejen til fred, frihed og retfærdighed i Ukraine (Solidaritet.dk/Radioaktiv, 24. februar 2023, 70 min.).
Spørgsmål og svar: Find rundt i venstrefløjens debat om Ukraine. Af Bill Fletcher Jr. og Elly Leary (Socialistisk Information, 11. januar 2023). “Suverænitet og selvbestemmelse er vigtige begreber i centrum for venstrefløjens analyse – og kan hjælpe os med at orientere os i den forvirring og misinformation, der omgiver Ruslands krig mod Ukraine.” Også online på Solidaritet.dk/Kritisk Revy, nr.13, januar 2023).
Mod den russiske aggressionskrig. Af Catherine Samary (Solidaritet.dk/Kritisk Revy, nr.13, januar 2023). “Denne artikel diskuterer de fortolkninger af et NATO, der entydigt og uforanderligt opfattes som fjendtlig over for Rusland og en russisk krig, som en reaktion på denne fjendtlighed. Samtidig fremhæver artiklen den negative arv, som venstrefløjen skal overvinde i det nationale spørgsmål …” Også online på Socialistisk Information: Et år med den russiske aggressionskrig (23. februar 2023).
Jeg er ukrainsk socialist. Her er grunden til, at jeg har meldt mig til at kæmpe imod Ruslands invasion. Af Taras Bilous (Solidaritet.dk, 10. august 2022). “Som socialist og internationalist afskyr jeg krig. Men den grundlæggende ret til selvbestemmelse retfærdiggør, at almindelige ukrainere går til modstand mod Vladimir Putins brutale invasion af vores land.”
Selvbestemmelse og krig i Ukraine: Derfor skal den europæiske venstrefløj støtte os! (Solidaritet.dk, 18. maj 2022). “Vi kan ikke vide, hvordan Ukraine vil udvikle sig efter krigen. Men vi ved, at det vil få forfærdelige konsekvenser, hvis Rusland vinder. Den ukrainske socialist Taras Bilous gør status to måneder efter hans første ‘brev til den vestlige venstrefløj’.”
New Left Review om kriget i Ukraina (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 28. april 2022, 14 s.). “Tre artiklar ur senaste numret av New Left Review som på ett genomgripande sätt behandlar bakgrunden till kriget i Ukraina, och bl a tar upp NATO’s roll.” Se Tony Wood på dansk: Krigens matrix (Solidaritet.dk/Kritisk Revy, 15. juni 2022).
Mod den russiske imperialisme. Af Ruslands Socialistiske Bevægelse (RSD) og Sotsialnyi Rukh (Socialistisk Information, 19. april 2022). “Den internationale venstrefløj må gøre sig det klart, at det er Putin, der fører krig i Ukraine. Ruslands Socialistiske Bevægelse opfordrer derfor til at flytte fokus fra den vestlige imperialisme til Putins aggressive imperialisme.”
Brev fra Kyiv til venstrefløjen i Vesten. Af Taras Bilous (Solidaritet.dk/Kritisk Revy, 28. marts 2022). “Hvorfor vendte så mange venstreorienterede det blinde øje til den russiske aggression?”
Almindelige russere støtter heller ikke Putins krig! Af Ilya Budraitskis og Ilya Matveev (Solidaritet.dk, 25. februar 2025). “Vladimir Putin har indledt en invasion af Ukraine, og regner tilsyneladende med hurtigt at kunne knække den ukrainske modstand. Men angrebet kan destabilisere hans regime, og russerne viser allerede tegn på ikke at støtte krigen.”
Ukraine – Rusland: Krise, krig og protester (Autonom Infoservice, 25. februar 2022). “Ruslands magtelites bestræbelser på at opretholde landets stormagtsstatus – Erklæring fra russiske anarkister – Antikrigsprotester i Rusland og internationalt.”
Putins opgør med Ruslands kommunistiske arv (Socialistisk Information, 25. februar 2022). “Bag angrebet på Ukraine ligger Putins ønske om yderligere centralisering af magten, nationalt som globalt. Fremover må de tidligere Sovjetrepublikker frygte for, hvornår det bliver deres tur, fortæller den russiske politiske forsker og aktivist, Ilya Budraitskis.”
“Krigsforbrydere ryger direkte i helvede”: sådan har verden reageret på Putins invasion af Ukraine. Af Morten Hammeken (Solidaritet.dk, 24. februar 2022). “Ukraine har nu kappet alle diplomatiske bånd til Rusland … Vesten har lovet sanktioner og mere oprustning, mens Kina holder sig neutral. Imens forsøger Putin at overbevise den russiske befolkning om, at hans invasion i Ukraine i virkeligheden er fredsbevarende.”
In English:
Ukraine’s fight for freedom: A socialist case for solidarity and self-determination (AntiCapitalist Resistance, 7 May 2024). “Historian and activist Paul Le Blanc offers an essential socialist perspective on the Russia-Ukraine war, arguing for solidarity with Ukraine’s fight for self-determination while opposing the imperialist agendas of both Russia and Western powers.”
In Swedish at Marxistarkiv.se (28. maj 2024).
Ukraine – two years on, no end in sight (Michael Roberts Blog, February 22, 2024). “After almost two full years of war, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused staggering losses to Ukraine’s people and economy.”
Perspectives on Russian imperialism (Tempest, January 14, 2024). “Ilya Budraitskis offers an update and perspective on the current political situation in Russia and its ongoing imperialist war in Ukraine.”
Making sense of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. By Paul Le Blanc (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, 6 October 2023). “In this article, I will attempt to do three things: Review what some on the left assert either in favour of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine or against the Ukrainian response; review Russian and Ukrainian realities and views on the war; and touch on essential aspects of Ukrainian resistance to Russia’s invasion (including where the weapons come from).”
See also Paul Le Blanc: Comprehending the Russian-Ukrainian War: Making use of Marxist history and theory (Tempest, October 29, 2023). “Paul Le Blanc reviews Marxist theory and history and concludes that revolutionaries today need to defend the current resistance to the Russian invasion including its right to seek arms.”
The Left and Ukraine: Anti-Imperialism or Alter-Imperialism? By Rafael Bernabe (New Politics, September 20, 2023). “Seeking to navigate in an increasingly unstable and complex international situation, the left should keep three fundamental principles in mind: Consistent anti-imperialism – Recognition of the right of peoples to self-determination – Support of the struggles of the exploited and the oppressed in all states and nations.”
Russia’s war economy (Michael Roberts Blog, August 17, 2023). “The economics suggest that Putin can continue the war against Ukraine for several years to come, even taking into account the collapse in the currency and rising inflation and interest rates. Of course, that does not take into account political developments …”
The Left and Ukraine: two pitfalls to avoid. By Gilbert Achcar (New Politics, Juli 1, 2023). “The left must avoid the pitfalls represented by those symmetrical campist and neo-campist attitudes.” See debate:
Tom Dale: Ukraine and the violence of abstraction (Ibid., July 10, 2023)
Gilbert Achcar: Ukraine and the abstraction of violence: my reply to Tom Dale (Ibid., July 17, 2023)
Tom Dale: Ukraine: arms, alliances, and the logic of internationalism: Further reply to Gilbert Achcar (Ibid., October 1, 2023).
Russia’s war on Ukraine and the European lefts. By Murray Smith (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, 16 July 2023). “The war in Ukraine has cast a harsh light on the radical left in Europe, revealing the best and the worst. On the one hand, an internationalist response of solidarity with Ukraine. On the other, a ‘peace camp’ where you find pacifists, but especially sectarians, for whom the main enemy is always US imperialism. Rather than a movement for peace, it is above all a movement of non-solidarity with Ukraine.”
Voices of the Ukrainian resistance. By Dan Davison (New Politics, February 25, 2023). Review of Fred Leplat and Chris Ford (eds.), Ukraine: Voices of Resistance and Solidarity (Resistance Books and Ukraine Solidarity Campaign, 2022, 172 p.). “[The book] is a highly commendable work that gives a needed platform to Ukrainian socialists and trade unionists.”
Russia-Ukraine: one year of war – the economics (Michael Roberts Blog, February 22, 2023). “It’s just a year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I am not going to discuss the politics of this war in this post. There are plenty of sources for debate on this. Instead, I want to look at the economic consequences of the war for both Ukraine and Russia.”
No arms to Ukraine? (Tempest, February 9, 2023). “Nate Moore explains why U.S. based socialists should not be opposing arms to Ukraine despite the inter-imperialist dynamics unleashed by the Russian invasion.”
Making sense of the Ukraine war. By Eric Draitser (Tempest, January 27, 2023). Review of Medea Benjamin and Nicholas Davies, Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict (OR Books, 2023, 198 p.). “In fact, Benjamin and Davies ignore all the critical elements of this ghastly and criminal war apart from the wrongs of the United States and NATO. And even with respect to NATO, the authors fail to capture the complexity of its role since the end of the Soviet Union, carefully sidestepping the inconvenient examples of NATO-Russia collaboration.”
What are the lessons of Vietnam for Ukraine today? By Stephen R. Shalom and Dan La Botz (Foreign Policy in Focus, January 23, 2023). “As the left did in nearly all earlier cases of struggles for colonial liberation, so in this one too it should stand with the liberation movement.” In swedish: Vilka lärdomar från Vietnam är giltiga för Ukraina idag? (Marxistarkiv.se, 16. februar 2023).
Ukraine: “Which peace are we talking about?” An interview with Gilbert Achcar. By Stephen R. Shalom (New Politics, December 10, 2022). “Achcar clarifies and expands his argument on the position the left should take on peace in Ukraine.”
The war on Ukraine, international security, and the Left (New Politics, Issue 73, Summer 2022). “A Ukrainian socialist activist discusses the Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion and the situation of the Ukrainian left.” Update: The 2024 Daniel Singer Prize has been awarded to Taras Bilous for this essay. New Politics is proud to have been one of the original publishers.
Ukraine and the peace movements. By Stephen R. Shalom and Dan La Botz (Foreign Policy in Focus, July 19, 2022). “It is urgent to end the war in Ukraine. But to achieve this goal, ‘Russia Out Now’ is a better slogan than ‘Diplomacy Now’.”
Solidarity with the Ukrainian resistance! (Tempest, June 3, 2022). “Ashley Smith reviews the ongoing Left debates about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the continuing need to defend Ukrainian resistance as the starting point for rebuilding international solidarity from below.”
The Left and military aid to Ukraine (Jacobin, April 2, 2022). “Jacobin contributor Gilbert Achar and staff writer Branko Marcetic debate whether the Left should support sending military aid to Ukraine.”
See also Stephen R. Shalom’s response to Branko Marcetic: Why the Left must support arms for Ukraine! (New Politics, April 20, 2022).
The devastation of Ukraine: NATO, Russia and imperialism. By Joseph Choonara (International Socialism, Issue 174, Spring 2022). “This analysis will briefly outline how the imperialist system has evolved over time, locate the development of Ukraine … and argue for a response from the left that both condemns the invasion and the role the Western powers have played in provoking and escalating conflict in the region.”
See also Ukraine debate (Ibid.; online only):
Stathis Kouvelakis: The war in Ukraine and anti-imperialism today: a reply to Gilbert Achcar (March 31, 2022)
Gilbert Achcar: Anti-imperialism today and the war in Ukraine: a reply to Stathis Kouvelakis (April 6, 2022)
Harsh critique of Chomsky on Ukraine. By Stanley Heller (New Politics, April 18, 2022). “A discussion with Noam Chomsky was called ‘A Left response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine’. It wouldn’t be far wrong to say Chomsky placed all of the blame for Russia’s attack on the U.S. government. The title of the event should have been ‘Chomsky calls for realpolitik for the 21st century’.”
New Left Review (Issue 133/134, January-April 2022). “A special double number of the Review addresses the causes of the war for Ukraine and the world situation in which it unfolds.” With 3 articles free online (Susan Watkins, Tony Wood + interview with Volodymyr Ishchenko, p.5-64). Se svensk oversættelse: New Left Review om kriget i Ukraina (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 28. april 2022, 14 s.) + Tony Wood på dansk: Krigens matrix (Solidaritet.dk/Kritisk Revy, 15. juni 2022).
Can the God of global fascists and Nazis “de-Nazify” a country? By Michael Karadjis (New Politics, April 9, 2022). “Virtually the entirety of fascist, Nazi, white-supremacist and ultra-rightist forces everywhere in the world have been strongly aligned to the Putin regime.”
Ukraine-Russia: like an earthquake (Michael Roberts Blog, March 20, 2022). “Nobody can be sure the magnitude of this quake but even on the most optimistic view, it is going to damage significantly the economies and livelihoods of not just the people of Ukraine and Russia, but also the rest of the 7bn people globally.”
Ukraine neo-Nazis pictured with UK-made rocket launchers. By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis (Declassified UK, 10 March 2022). “Amid ongoing atrocities by Russian forces in Ukraine, far-right resistance groups appear to be in possession of UK-made anti-tank weapons. Neo-Nazi parties have failed at the ballot box. But the far-right plays a disproportionate role in the country’s security forces and its members are regarded as some of Ukraine’s most effective fighters.”
The war in Ukraine: no choice but to resist (ROAR Magazine, March 8, 2022). Interview with Oksana Dutchak: “For many Ukrainians, Russia’s invasion has made talks of neutrality and negotiations redundant. Right now, their focus is on survival and resistance.”
Navigating our humanity: Ilan Pappé on the four lessons from Ukraine (Palestine Chronicle, March 4, 2022). “The four lessons: White refugees are welcome – others less so; You can invade Iraq but not the Ukraine; Sometimes neo-nazism can be tolerated; Hitting high-rises is only a war crime in Europe.” På dansk: Fire lærdomme fra Ukraine (KPnet, 10. marts 2022).
A memorandum on the radical anti-imperialist position regarding the war in Ukraine. By Gilbert Achcar (New Politics, February 27, 2022). “Beyond general condemnation of the Russian invasion, there has also been some confusion in the ranks of the true anti-imperialists about the specific position to take on issues related to the ongoing war. It is important to clarify these issues.”
See also:
The war in Ukraine and anti-imperialism today: a reply to Gilbert Achcar. By Stathis Kouvelakis (International Socialism, Issue 174, Spring 2022).
Anti-imperialism today and the war in Ukraine–a reply to Stathis Kouvelakis. By Gilbert Achcar (International Socialism, Issue 174, Spring 2022).
Contemptuous denial of agency in the name of geopolitics and/or peace. By Gilbert Achcar (New Politics, April 13, 2022). “Internationalists must listen to the voice of Ukrainians.”
Coherence and incoherence about the war in Ukraine. By Gilbert Achcar (New Politics, April 4, 2022). “What should our attitude be towards arms to Ukraine?”
Six FAQs on anti-imperialism today and the war in Ukraine. By Gilbert Achcar (New Politics, March 19, 2022). “The following are related to the position stated in my ‘Memorandum …'”
Ukraine and anti-imperialism (Socialist Worker, 30 March 2022). “Gilbert Achcar and Alex Callinicos debates.”
Russia: from sanctions to slump? (Michael Roberts Blog, February 27, 2022). “All in all, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a huge gamble which if it does not succeed in ‘neutralising’ Ukraine and forcing NATO into an international agreement, will seriously weaken the Russian economy.”
Ukraine: trapped in a war zone (Michael Roberts Blog, February 14, 2022). “As the drums of war sound for Ukraine, what will be the impact on Ukraine’s economy and the living standards of its 44m population, whether war is avoided or not?”

Se også:
Putins Ryssland (Marxistarkiv.se). Texter om utvecklingen i Ryssland under Putin.
Socialister och nationella frågan: Kamp mot nationellt förtryck och nationalism (pdf). Av Per-Åke Westerlund (Offensiv, 11 februar 2024/Marxistarkiv.se, 11 september 2024). “Om bolsjevikernas principiella syn på nationella frågan och nationellt självbestämmande på Lenins tid (gäller t ex Ukraina).”
Oppositionslederen er blevet skudt (Verdenspressen, 20. oktober 2023). Uddrag fra John Sweeney: Morderen bag Kremls mure (Kle-art, 2023, 288 s.). “En gribende og sprængfarlig fortælling om Vladimir Putins tyranni, hans vej til magten fra spion til zar og de begivenheder, der førte til invasionen af Ukraine og hans angreb på Europa.” Se anmeldelse af Søren Riishøj (Solidaritet.dk, 3. november 2023).
Annekteringen av Krim och upproret i östra Ukraina 2014 (pdf). Af Martin Fahlgren (Marxistarkiv.se, 9. august 2023, 9 s.). “Dessa händelser är fortfarande en stridsfråga inom vänstern, där det på sina håll råder en skrämmande okunskap och faktaresistens. Denna artikel tittar närmare på detta.”
För ett fritt oberoende Sovjetukraina (pdf). Av Leo Trotskij (Marxistarkiv.se, 19. juli 2023, 14 s.). 4 Trotskij-artiklar om Ukrainas självbestämmande (1934-1939).
Lenin on Serbia’s role in World War I: A useful analogy for the current Ukraine war? (Links: International Journal of Socialist Theory, 16 August 2024). “Michael Pröbsting looks at Lenin’s actual position on the defence of Serbia in World War I and why it is wrong to apply it to the Ukraine War today.”
Comprehending the Russian-Ukrainian War: Making use of Marxist history and theory (Tempest, October 29, 2023). “Paul Le Blanc reviews Marxist theory and history and concludes that revolutionaries today need to defend the current resistance to the Russian invasion including its right to seek arms.”
Marxism and Ukraine’s struggle for independence and self-determination. By Jerry Harris (Links: International Journal for Socialist Renewal, 5 September 2023). “Independence and self-determination have been a guiding socialist principle for more than 100 years. It marks a fundamental dividing line between Marxism and various schools of imperialist thought, including the realist, neoconservatives, and liberal interventionists.”
Commons: A Ukrainian left-wing collective intellectual. By Patrick Le Tréhondat (New Politics, May 17, 2023). “An interview with the editorial board of Ukraine’s leading left journal.” See the website of Commons.
Yes, Ukraine is a “real country”. By Owen Hatherly (Jacobin, February 17, 2023). “The borders of Ukraine are no more arbitrary than those of Poland, Greece, Italy, or Germany.”
Trapped in the crossfire: a Marxist history of 20th century Ukraine. By Klaus Henning (International Socialism, Issue 176, Autumn 2022, p.117-147). “It is frequently overlooked that the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was one of the states that founded the Soviet Union and that the revolution brought wide-ranging national, linguistic and social rights for the Ukrainian people.”
Did Lenin create Ukraine? On the right of nations to self‑determination and Marxism (Tempest, October 4, 2022). “Grusha Gilaeva analyzes the positions of Marx and Lenin on the national question and explains why the left movement must support the anti-colonial struggle of Ukraine.”
A Russian sociologist explains why Putin’s war is going even worse than it looks (Jacobin, July 22, 2022). Interview with Boris Kagarlitsky: “The Russian public response to the invasion of Ukraine has been muted with antiwar protests quickly repressed. But the slow progress of the war is feeding a series of other crises, leaving Vladimir Putin’s inner circle increasingly isolated.”
Dissidents Among Dissidents (Tempest, April 11, 2022). “Kit Wainer reviews Ilya Budraitskis’ recent book … a must read for the left.” (Dissidents Among Dissidents: Ideology, Politics and the Left in Post-Soviet Russia, Verso, 2022, 224 p.).
Ukraines komplicerede fortid, nutid og fremtid. Af Karen Helveg Petersen (Solidaritet.dk, 15. maj 2022). “Ukraine har historisk set været hårdt prøvet, men har efter selvstændigheden genopbygget sine økonomiske styrkepositioner. Det er blandt andet sket med udviklingsorganisationer og udenlandske investeringers hjælp …”
‘Den Sorte Jord’: En vigtig film med en vildledende dansk titel (Solidaritet.dk, 15. maj 2022). “Karen Helveg Petersen analyserer filmen ‘Den Sorte Jords’ troværdighed og bidrag til nutidens viden om Sovjet-historien.”
Ukraines traumatiske historie: Den sorte jords løfter og forbandelse. Af Karen Helveg Petersen (Solidaritet.dk, 8. december 2020). “Det moderne Ukraine blev til gennem blodig krig, industrialisering og tvangskollektivisering.”
Hungersnød-katastrofen Holodomor viser Ukraines splittede erindring. Af Claus Bryld (Solidaritet.dk, 1. november 2020). “I Ukraine viser de forskellige udlægninger af Holodomor-katastrofen, hvordan landet stadig er splittet i forståelsen af sin fortid.”
Putin-narrativer (pdf). Af Kim Frederichsen (Arbejderhistorie, nr.1, 2017, s.132-142). “Vi skal i nærværende temaanmeldelse se nærmere på en række biografier, dels oversatte, dels skrevet af repræsentanter fra den snævre klub af russisktalende danske ruslandseksperter.”
The conquest of Ukraine and the history of Russian Imperialism. By Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski (New Politics, June 12, 2022). “Historically, Russian imperialism has been based on the ideas of ‘amassing Russian lands’ and building a ‘unique and indivisible’ Russian state.”
How the Ukrainian working class was born. By David Broder (Jacobin, March 26, 2022). An interview with Marko Bojcun: “At the turn of the last century, Ukraine’s labor movement was subject to tsarist domination and divided along linguistic lines. The revolutions of 1917 inspired calls for self-determination and the formation of a common Ukrainian identity.” See also the Introduction from Marko Bojcun’s book: The Workers Movement and the National Question in Ukraine, 1897-1918 (Haymarket Books, 2022, 414 p.) + Dick Nichols: Marko Bojcun (1951-2023): Et liv for socialismen og Ukraines nationale rettigheder (Socialistisk Information, 18. april 2023).
When the Bolsheviks created a Soviet Republic in the Donbas. By Hanna Perekhoda (Jacobin, March 22, 2022). “The Donbas is at the heart of Vladimir Putin’s claim that Lenin divided Russia to create Ukraine. Yet the region’s real history shows how much the Bolsheviks struggled with demands for national autonomy amid the collapse of the tsarist empire.”
The historical background to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. By Rohini Hensman (New Politics, March 2, 2022). “It is impossible to understand what is happening in Ukraine today without some knowledge of its past.”
Ukraine — a history of war and repression (Socialist Worker, 26 February 2022). “Ukraine’s history is scarred by repression, with imperialist powers using the country for their own gain. As the Russian invasion grabs more territory, Isabel Ringrose and Yuri Prasad look at the roots of this conflict.”
Ukraine, imperialism and the national question (Counterfire, February 25, 2022). “As crisis in Ukraine escalates, Chris Bambery examines the complex and bloody history of nationalism, revolution and imperial competition in the region.”
Ukraine’s taste of freedom. By Ken Olende (Socialist Worker, Issue 2394, 11 March 2014). “Ukraine has been a pawn in the imperial games of more powerful nations for centuries—but the 1917 Russian revolution offered a glimpse of hope.”
The Ukrainian Revolution 1917-1921: Deciding the fate of European socialist revolution. By Chris Ford (Solidarity, Issue 122, 22 November 2007). “To mark the anniversary of the proclamation of the Ukrainian Peoples Republic ninety years ago on November 22, 1917 this article examines the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-21, which was pivotal in deciding the fate not only of the Russian Revolution but the entire European socialist Revolution.”
For the independence of Soviet Ukraine. By Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski (Life on the Left, March 6, 2022). “Originally published in the International Marxist Review, in 1989, while Ukraine was still part of the Soviet Union … The text explains the reasoning behind the demand as it was developed in the complex experience of the early Soviet government grappling with the Great Russian prejudices and practices inherited from the Tsarist regime.”
Problem of the Ukraine. By Leon Trotsky (Socialist Appeal, May 1939; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “The Bolshevik party, not without difficulty arid only gradually under the constant pressure of Lenin, was able to acquire a correct approach to the Ukrainian question. The right to self-determination, that is, to separation, was extended by Lenin equally to the Poles and to the Ukrainians.”
12. marts 2022

Den franske venstrefløjspolitiker Alain Krivine dør i Paris. Født samme sted 10. juli 1941.
Maj-68-leder og ledende medlem af Fjerde internationale, medlem af Europa-Parlamentet 1999-2005.
Ledende i det franske venstrefløjsparti Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA).
- Alain Krivine (International Viewpoint). Articles 2001-2022.
- Alain Krivine (Marxists Internet Archive). Articles 1956 + 2018.
- Alain Krivine (Marxists Internet Archive; The Trotsky Encyclopedia). Articles 1941-2015.
En stor fransk revolutionär har lämnat oss: Alain Krivine 1941–2022 (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 18 mars 2022). “Den första av de två artiklarna är från den franska tidningen Mediapart [av Edwy Plenel], den andra från svenska Internationalen [av Göte Kildén].”
Alain Krivine, 1941-2022. By John Barzman (Against the Current, Issue 220, September 2022). “Alain Krivine’s legacy: Over 60 years of activism for socialism on a global scale.”
‘He never gave up the fight’ – remembering Alain Krivine (RS21, Alain Krivine (1941-2022) was a life long revolutionary socialist known for his activism since the May 1968 student revolt and general strike in France. Manus McGroganrecounts Krivine’s life and activism.”
Alain Krivine was an authentic internationalist revolutionary. By Éric Toussaint (International Viewpoint, 21 March 2022). “lain Krivine was an exceptional militant, totally committed to the revolutionary struggle in his country and on the international level. He had many qualities, including an unshakeable will to fight against injustice, for social emancipation and for the end of all forms of oppression.”
The integrity of a revolutionary: Alain Krivine, 1941-2022. By Edwy Plenel (International Viewpoint, 16 March 2022). “The death of Alain Krivine on 12 March, aged eighty, saw the passing of the last of the leading ‘68ers who had remained faithful to the revolts of his youth, mixing anti-imperialism, anti-Stalinism and anti-capitalism.”
Alain Krivine: 1941-2022 (Counterfire, March 14, 2022). “Chris Bambery remembers the life of French revolutionary, Alain Krivine … he remained a revolutionary socialist and upheld the possibility of revolution he had seen in May ’68. He was a comrade and a giant figure in the revolutionary movement.”
Alain Krivine — a resolute revolutionary: A veteran of 1968. By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Worker, 14 March 2022). “Even at this tragic historical moment, I was saddened to learn of the death at the age of 80 of the French revolutionary leader Alain Krivine. For me he always represented the indomitable spirit of the great revolt by French workers and students in May 1968.”
Alain Krivine (1941-2022). By Darren Roso (Red Flag, 14 March 2022). “Krivine’s death marks the symbolic end of a generation of French Trotskyism. With his death, we not only lose one of the key student leaders of the ‘68 events, but also a revolutionary without whom the old heritage and tradition of the earliest anti-Stalinism may not have survived into a new generation.”

Alain Krivine: French revolutionary socialist – 1941-2022. By Dan La Botz (New Politics, March 12, 2022). “A leader in the student and anti-imperialist movements of the 1960s, an important figure in the May 1968 upheaval in France, he was for many years one of the best-known figures of the French left.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Om maj 68 i Frankrig, se Tidslinjen 22. marts 1968.
Om Fjerde Internationale, se Tidslinjen 3. september 1938.
9. april 2022

Mangeårig socialist (VS, Kommunistisk Forbund (KF) og Enhedslisten), fagforeningsmand og tidligere formand i HRF (Hotel- og Restaurationspersonalets Forbund) Bent Moos dør. (Født 15. februar 1945 i Sønderborg).
- Bent Moos (Leksikon.org)
Mindeord: Bent Moos var strategisk tænker og pragmatisk fagforeningsmand. Af Ole Wugge Christiansen (Solidaritet.dk, 19. april 2022). “Bent Moos var i 1970’erne en markant figur i VS-udbrydergruppen Kommunistisk Forbund, men skiftede politisk bane, da gruppen vendte tilbage til partiet. Han kastede sig over det faglige arbejde, hvor han dygtigt balancerede mellem sin egen radikale baggrund og medlemmernes interesser.”
Bent Moos bisættes i dag (Facebook, 20. april 2022). Konstitueret gruppeformand for 3F PSHR, John Frederiksen: “Du vil for mig altid stå som en af de største – også som en læremester man bare aldrig blev træt af, fyldt med energi og gåpåmod, altid klar på, at der findes en løsning derude, et eller andet sted.”
Mit faglige idol – Bent Moos er gået bort. Af Sinem Demir (Facebook, 10. april 2022). “Bent Moos er årsagen til, at jeg endte med at blive tillidsrepræsentant, og blive aktivt medlem i 3F … Bent er et kæmpe tab for 3F, for Enhedslisten og for alle os tjenere der jo ikke rigtigt har andre faglige idoler fra egen branche.”
Tanker fra Bent Moos: OK 20 (Arbejdereibevaegelse, 2020). Om mæglingsforslaget + diverse forlig.
Podcast: Bent Moos om Kommunistisk Forbund (Solidaritet.dk, 28. november 2018). “Radioaktivs Vand Under Broen har denne gang besøg af Bent Moos, der livet igennem har været fagligt og politisk aktiv på den danske venstrefløj.”
Defensiv forsvarskamp skal vendes til kamp for systemforandring. Af Jeppe Rohde (Modkraft.dk, 6. marts 2014). “Enhedslisten tilhører en udogmatisk og mangfoldig venstresocialistisk tradition i arbejderbevægelsen, der adskiller sig fra både reformisme og stalinisme. Det skal et nyt program fastholde, mener Bent Moos, veteran på venstrefløjen.”
Almengørelse af overenskomster. Af Bent Moos (Modkraft.dk, 4. juli 2011). “En lovsikret mulighed for almengørelse af overenskomster er et nødvendigt supplement i kampen for overenskomstdækning. Da det er et kontroversielt synspunkt på den faglige venstrefløj har det været nødvendigt med en grundig gennemgang af forslaget og en grundig tilbagevisning af de normale modargumenter.” Udvidet udgave i Tidsskrift for arbejdsliv (pdf) (nr.2, 2012, s.105-116).
Samling på venstrefløjen (Forbundetkf.dk). “Præsentation af KF forud for tilbagevenden til VS i 1980 med syn på strategi, socialismeopfattelse, Socialdemokratiet og fagbevægelsen, kvindekampen, boligkampen, klasseanalyse mv. i hæftet Samling på venstrefløjen [Kommunistisk Forbund, oktober 1979, 47 s.].”
Se Bent Moos om Kommunistisk Forbund (KF) (Leksikon.org) + uddrag (s.31-37) af hans strategi-artikel “Vejen til socialisme i Danmark” (Vejen til socialisme, nr.3, juni 1977, s.5-37 + 57) på svenske Marxistarkiv.se: “Förbundet Kommunist: Revolutionär strategi – exemplet Danmark” (s.2-12, pdf).

Se også:
Forslag til et nyt og demokratisk forhandlingssystem: debatoplæg fra Enhedslistens Faglige Landsudvalg (pdf) (Enhedslisten, april 2017, 8 s.). Bent Moos i redaktionsgruppen/ hovedforfatter. P.t. ikke online.
Enhedslistens faglige program: vedtaget af Faglig Landskonferance oktober 2015 (Enhedslisten, 21 s.). Bent Moos i redaktionsgruppen/hovedforfatter. P.t. ikke online.
Boykot McDonalds-kampagnen. Af Hans Uwe Petersen (Arbejdermuseet). “Da McDonalds kom til Danmark søgte man – i modsætning til konkurrenten BurgerKing – at knæsætte en ideologisk betinget fagforeningsfjendsk grundholdning.” Med link til en rækkke artikler, bl.a. disse to med billeder af Bent Moos:
McDonald’s i defensiven (pdf) (3 Kuverter, 1989).
McDonald’s konflikt slut (pdf) (Ibid.).
Organisering af filippinske stuepiger på københavnske hoteller 1980’erne til 2000’erne (pdf). Af Nina Trige Andersen (Arbejderhistorie, nr.2, 2018, s.5-36). “Det høje aktivitetsniveau var resultatet af et sammenfald mellem filippinske stuepigers eget initiativ til at forbedre deres vilkår, valget af ny ledelse i det daværende hotel- og restaurationspersonalets forbund (HRF, senere RBF, i dag en del af 3F), som satte organisering i højsædet …”
25. april 2022
Bente Hansen: forfatter, venstrefløjsdebatør, rødstrømpe, ex-redaktør (Politisk Revy 1966-72, dagbladet Information 1976-78 m.m.) dør 25. april 2022.
Født 4. marts 1940 – se denne dato for fotos, links til nekrologer, biografi, værker etc.
25. oktober 2022
Den amerikanske socialist, historiker, politisk aktivist og forfatter Mike Davis dør (født 10. marts 1946.

- Mike Davis (scholar) (Wikipedia.org). With a list of his books.
- Mike Davis (Jacobin). 11 articles online.
- Mike Davis on becoming a Marxist (Verso, Blog, 26 October 2022). Excerpt from Mike Davis’ book Old Gods, New Enigmas: Marx’s lost Theory (Verso, 2020). See also his article: Old Gods, New Enigmas: notes on historical agency (Catalyst, Vol.1, No.2, Summer 2017, p.7-40).
Radical memory and Mike Davis’ final work. By Alexander Billet (Against the Current, Issue 223, March-April 2023). Review of Mike Davis and Jon Wiener, Set the Night on Fire: L.A. in the Sixties (Verso Books, 2021, 800 p.). “As a literary swan song, one could do a lot worse than this thorough, 800-page magnum opus on how the revolutionary period of the 1960s wound through the sprawling mutant city that is Los Angeles.”
A hero from capitalism’s hell. By Bryan D. Palmer (Against the Current, Issue 222, January-February 2023). “He left us as his legacy a library of thought, reflection and resolute dedication. Militants and mavericks, radicals, rebels, and revolutionaries, will be reading Mike Davis for decades to come.”
A tribute to Mike Davis. By Alex Callinicos (International Socialism, Issue 177, Winter 2023). “The death of Mike Davis on 25 October 2022 at the age of 76 has deprived us of perhaps the outstanding Marxist writer of my generation.”
Two great losses. By Perry Anderson (New Left Review, Issue 139, January-February 2023). “With the deaths of Mike Davis and Tom Nairn, the international left has lost two of its most original and far-sighted thinkers—and NLR, two outstanding contributors, whose signature theses profoundly enriched the thought-worlds of the journal.”
Mike Davis, 1946-2022. By Bryan D. Palmer (Against the Curret, Issue 222, January-February 2023). “He left us as his legacy a library of thought, reflection and resolute dedication. Militants and mavericks, radicals, rebels, and revolutionaries, will be reading Mike Davis for decades to come.”
The legacy of Mike Davis’s Late Victorian Holocausts. By Jon Masin-Peters (Jacobin, November 26, 2022). “In Late Victorian Holocausts, Mike Davis showed how late 19th-century state violence and neglect created colonial markets and infrastructures, which, combined with shifting weather patterns, led to astonishingly brutal famines across the Global South.”
The radical imagination of Mike Davis (Jacobin, November 2, 2022). “There was nothing mechanical or deterministic about the Marxism of Mike Davis, writes labor historian Nelson Lichtenstein.”
Mike Davis revisits his 1986 labor history classic, Prisoners of the American Dream (Jacobin, October 31, 2022). “The late socialist writer Mike Davis’s first book was Prisoners of the American Dream, a deep exploration of how the US labor movement became so weakened. Nearly four decades later Davis revisited the book in an interview with Jacobin [2021].”
The political importance of Mike Davis. By Phil Hearse (Anti-Capitalist Resistance, 29 October 2022). “From the 1980s until his death in California in 2022, Mike Davis was among the most influential Marxist theorists writing in the English language.”
Mike Davis’s many contributions to building a better world will live on. By Barry Eidlin (Jacobin, October 29, 2022). “No leftist writer can compare to Mike Davis — not in clarity, breadth, generosity, or ironclad commitment to the working class. Davis has died, but his ideas will continue to find life in generations of leftist activists and thinkers to come.”
Mike Davis 1946-2022—we’ve lost a superb Marxist when we needed him most. By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Worker, Issue 2829, 27 October 2022). “Mike Davis gave us lucid insights into capitalism’s catastrophes—and hope for a way out.”
Mike Davis was the best socialist writer of the last half century. By Owen Hatherly (Jacobin, October 27, 2022). “Mike Davis forced himself to look at the very worst of our society and world. What he found wasn’t pretty. Yet he never abandoned the search for seeds of positive change — and for socialism.”
Mike Davis (1946-2022): Miscellaneous encounters with ‘a real Marxist’. By Dan La Botz (New Politics, October 26, 2022). “… he spent his entire life as a socialist activist, generously supporting every social and labor movement on the left. Toward the end of his life, concerned about what capitalism was doing to the planet, he had taken up the issue of climate change.”
Mike Davis (1946 – 2022): A class fighter (Counterfire, October 26, 2022). “Chris Bambery remembers Mike Davis in a moving tribute to a class fighter.”
¡Mike Davis, presente! (Tempest, October 26, 2022). “Anthony Arnove honors Mike Davis (1946-2022) by remembering him as a comrade, fighter, and friend.”
Mike Davis showed us what ‘old-school socialism’ looked like. By Micah Uetricht (Jacobin, October 26, 2022). “The Marxist writer and activist Mike Davis died yesterday at the age of 76. His astonishing body of work will be impossible for anyone to replicate – but all of us can emulate his example of how to live and fight as an ‘old-school socialist’.”
Fire in the belly: Mike Davis (1946-2022) (Verso, Blog, 26 October 2022). “Ciarán O’Rourke remembers the work of Mike Davis.”
Mike Davis: 1946–2022. By Jon Wiener (The Nation, 25 October 2022). “A brilliant radical reporter with a novelist’s eye and a historian’s memory.”
Mike Davis, ‘City of Quartz’ author who chronicled the forces that shaped L.A., dies. By Carolina A. Miranda (Los Angeles Times, October 25, 2022). “If City of Quartz was an unlikely bestseller, then Davis was an unlikely intellectual star.”
11. december 2022
- John Molyneux (academic) (Wikipedia.org)
- John Molyneux (Johnmolyneux.blogspot.com). Articles (2006-2022).
- John Molyneux (Marxists Internet Archive). Articles, pamphlets and books (1973-2022).
- John Molyneux (Marxisme Online). Seks danske og en engelsk artikel.
Remembering John Molyneux (site)
John Molyneux, 1948-2022. Af Alex Callinicos (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr.397, 14. december 2022). “John Molyneux, var en stålsat revolutionær, der smeltede teori og praksis sammen til at forme en socialistisk politik for hele verden.”
In English: John Molyneux, 1948-2022 (Socialist Worker, Issue 2835, 12 December 2022). “John Molyneux, a stalwart revolutionary who fused theory and practice to shape socialist politics around the world.”
See also: Remembering John Molyneux 1948-2022 (Ibid.). “Here we publish our readers’ memories of John Molyneux.”
Against fatalism: John Molyneux, 1948-2022. By Joseph Choonara (International Socialism, Issue 178, Spring 2023). “His commitment, during a revolutionary career lasting over half a century, to winning people to these politics, through patient explanation and tireless activity, is apparent from the tributes that have appeared in print and online since his death.”
John Molyneux: Marxist in theory and practice (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, 21 December 2022). “Ian Birchall and Pat Stack pay tribute to John Molyneux, one of the IS tradition’s most original thinkers and writers, who died suddenly last week.”
John Molyneux (1948-2022) (The Left Berlin, 15 December 2022). “Einde O’Callaghan from the Marxists International Archive remembers the British-Irish socialist who died this week.”
In Memoriam: John Molyneux (Tempest, December 14, 2022). “Phil Gasper discusses the work and politics of the prominent and dedicated British Marxist John Molyneux.”
Marxism with modesty – John Molyneux 1948-2022. By Seán Mitchell (Rebel, December 14, 2022). “… he crafted more than a dozen books and pamphlets, published hundreds of articles on a staggering range and array of topics, and helped educate and orientate a whole generation of activists across the globe.”
Memories of John Molyneux. By Paul Murphy (Rupture, 14 December 2022). “The news that John Molyneux has died is devastating. The loss of John to the socialist movement is incalculable.”
John Molyneux 1948-2022. By Kieran Allen (Rebel, December 12, 2022). “John had a particular talent for putting complex ideas in more simple terms, without ever patronising his readership. He took arguments seriously, getting at their internal logic and was a brilliant polemicist.”
Tributes paid following death of Irish Marxist activist John Molyneux. By Matthew Roscoe (EuroWeekly News, 12 December 2022). “Tributes flooded social media after news that John Molyneux, the popular Irish Marxist activist, had died at the age of 74.”
6. januar 2023
Poul Mikael Allarp, mangeårigt redaktionsmedlem på Tidsskriftcentret, Modkraft Biblioteket og Socialistisk Bibliotek, dør. Født i Varde 24. januar 1951.
My deep condolences on the death of comrade Poul.
Please extend my condolences to his family and to all the comrades.
Let his soul rest in peace.
Much love Leila Khaled (e-mail 11.1.2023).
- Om os (Socialistisk Bibliotek). Scroll ned til Poul Mikael Allarp.
- Pmanet.dk: Realitet & Sandkasse (eget site; online på Internet Archive). “[Mit] personlige projekt. Samtidig er dette site også en legeplads – sandkasse – for min indre webdesigner. Derfor kan der ske uventede ting.”
- Snylterstaten.dk: Antiimperialisme & klassekamp i en global verden (eget site). “Dette site samler historisk materiale om Kommunistisk Arbejdskreds KAK, Kommunistisk Ungdomsforbund KUF & Manifest – Kommunistisk Arbejdsgruppe M-KA. Desuden bringer siden nyere artikler og bøger om imperialisme.”
Poul Mikael Allarp (1951-2023) – en kammerat er død. Mindeord af Jørgen Lund og Bjarne A. Frandsen (Autonom Infoservice, 10. januar 2023). “Anti-imperialist, klunser, kommunist, bibliotekar, SOSU og net-redaktør. Nogenlunde sådan er den faglige ‘karriere’ for Poul Mikael, der døde fredag 6. januar, 71 år gammel.”
En god og trofast Palæstina ven er gået bort. Af Fathi El-Abed (Facebook, 24. januar 2023). “Poul var en stor Palæstina ven og blandede sig ALTID sagligt og med stor viden i debatten om Palæstina – ikke mindst på min FB side ifm. mine daglige opdateringer om palæstinensernes retfærdig kamp for frihed og selvstændighed.”
Blekingegade-sagen (Socialistisk Bibliotek). Linkbox af Poul Mikael Allarp. “Links til bøger og artikler, film og andre materialer om Blekingegade-gruppens udvikling gennem 3 årtier, samt en Tidslinje 1963-1991.”
9th June – Den glemte krig i Oman / The forgotten war in Oman (Socialistisk Bibliotek). Linkbox af Poul Mikael Allarp. “Materialet i denne linksamling behandler situationen dengang, og hvordan det lykkedes Vesten at skabe en alliance med reaktionære monarkier og mobilisere det konservative islam imod sekulær marxisme, men forsøger også at vise den nuværende situation.”
PFLP – “Mod imperialisme, zionisme og arabiske reaktionære” (Socialistisk Bibliotek). Linkbox af Poul Mikael Allarp. “[PFLP] så både kampen mod imperialismen og de arabiske reaktionære magter, som en forudsætning for en sejr i Palæstina. De ønsker en demokratisk sekulær stat, med plads til både muslimer, jøder og kristne, og har altid arbejdet tæt sammen med israelere og folk med jødisk baggrund i andre lande.”
Zionisme – Antizionisme: Historien om racisme og etnisk fordrivelse (Socialistisk Bibliotek). Linkbox af Poul Mikael Allarp og Bjarne A. Frandsen. “[Om] den socialistiske traditions kritik af zionismen, den israelske debat om staten Israels historie og den nutidige kritik omkring zionismen og statens Israels historie, set fra danske og internationale venstrefløjs- og solidaritetssynspunkter.”
21. januar 2023
Den tidligere overborgmester i København, EU-kommissær 1994-99 + tidl. undervisnings-, socialminister, fødevareminister, gruppeformand, EU-miljøkommissær, fødevareminister, og overborgmester Ritt Bjerregard dør i sit hjem på Østerbro, 81 år gammel.
- Ritt Bjerregaard (Wikipedia.dk)
- Bjerregaard, Jytte Ritt (Leksikon.org)
- Ritt Bjerregaard. Af Birgitte Possing (Lex.dk/Dansk Kvindebiografisk Leksikon)
- Ritt Bjerregaard. Af Merete Harding og Vagn Dybdahl (Lex.dk/Dansk Biografisk Leksikon)
Ritt: erindringer. Bind 1. Af Ritt Bjerregaard (Politiken, 2015, 339 sider) + Bind 2: Valgt (Politiken, 2017, 557 sider) + Bind 3: Udenfor (2019, 335 sider) + Bind 4: Ovenpå (Politiken, 2021, 382 sider)
Niels Finn Christiansen, socialist og arbejderhistoriker, dør (født 22. juli 1937).
- Niels Finn Christiansen (Lex.dk)
- Niels Finn Christiansen (Leksikon.org)
- Niels Finn Christiansen (Wikipedia.dk). Inklusiv litteraturliste med bøger af NFC.
Niels Finn Christiansen var en pioner for arbejderhistorie i Danmark. Af Kenn Schoop og Mads Bruun Pedersen (Solidaritet.dk, 16. oktober 2023). “Socialist, historiker og medstifter af Selskabet for Arbejderhistorie Niels Finn Christiansen (22. juli 1937 – 9. oktober 2023) var tillidsvækkende, grundig og udogmatisk. Mindeord fra bestyrelsen i Selskabet for Arbejderhistorie.” Også online på SFAH.
Fagbevægelsens historie (pdf). Af Niels Finn Christiansen (Fagbevægelsens Interne Uddannelser, FIU, 2012, 89 sider; online på Fagbevægelsens Hovedorganisation). Rigt illustreret og med Litteratur om fagbevægelsens historie (side 88-89). Tidligere udgave på Leksikon.org: Fagbevægelsen i Danmark.
Den socialistiske internationales konjunkturer (pdf). Af Niels Finn Christiansen (Arbejderhistorie, nr.4, 1998, s.50-60). “Om socialismen og kommunismen
som global antikapitalistisk bevægelse.”
Fagbevægelsen som demokratisk folkebevægelse (pdf). Af Niels Finn Christiansen og Morten Thing (Arbejderhistorie, nr.4, 1997, s.7-12). “Hvilken rolle har fagbevægelsen
spillet i opbygningen og udbygningen af det politiske demokrati? Kan den på dette område bringes på linje med de andre store folkelige bevægelser, bonde- og husmandsbevægelsen?”
Klassesamfundet organiseres: 1900-1925. Af Niels Finn Christiansen (Gyldendal og Politikens Danmarkshistorie, bind 12, 2004, 388 s.)
1920-1929: Fra Påskekrise til verdenskrise. Af Niels Finn Christiansen (Gyldendal, Danmarks historie, bind 7, s.139-225)
Hartvig Frisch: mennesket og politikeren: en biografi. Af Niels Finn Christiansen (Christians Ejlers’ Forlag, 1993, 255 s.)
Fra kapitalismens gennembrud til 1. verdenskrig. Af Niels Finn Christiansen (Carit Andersens Forlag/Suenson, 1976, 199 s.) (Socialismens historie, 1)
9. november 2023
Gerd Callesen, arbejderhistoriker, dør (født 10. november 1940). Tidligere forskningsbibliotekar på Arbejderbevægelsens Bibliotek og Arkiv (ABA). Forfatter/redaktør på en række bøger om arbejderbevægelsens historie og i redaktionen af SFAH‘s Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie mfl. Og skrev talrige artikler om arbejderbevægelsen og socialismens historie.
- Nekrolog: Arbejderhistorikeren Gerd Callesen, 1940-2023. Af Jesper Jørgensen (Solidaritet.dk, 14. november 2023 + fotos). “Natten til torsdag 9. november – dagen inden hans 83. fødselsdag – døde tidligere forskningsbibliotekar ved Arbejderbevægelsens Bibliotek og Arkiv (ABA), dr. phil. Gerd Callesen … Marxismen og internationalismens betydning for dansk arbejderbevægelse var for Gerd Callesen essentielt.”
- Arbejderhistoriker Gerd Callesen er død. Af Birthe Sørensen (Arbejderen.dk, 19. november 2023 + foto). “Den 9. november døde Gerd Callesen. Han brændte for arbejderbevægelsens historie og har gennem årene skrevet talrige artikler til Arbejderen.”
- Marxismen er det bedste redskab til at forstå verden (Arbejderen.dk, 20. marts 2012). Interview med Gerd Callesen (+ foto). “Det, der mere end noget andet har interesseret mig, er den organiserede internationale arbejderbevægelses historie. Og det er både af faglige og politiske grunde.”
- Gerd Callesen (Leksikon.org). Med 65 artikler af Gerd Callesen online.
Arven fra Engels: Rosa Luxemburg. Af Gerd Callesen (Arbejderen.dk, 4. marts 2021). “Rosa Luxemburg tog den marxistiske teori til sig langt klarere end så mange andre, som ikke forstod, at marxismen var en levende teori. Den skulle anvendes på forholdene, som de eksisterede, ikke som de engang havde været. I år er det 150 år siden, hun blev født.”
En tidlig diskussion om borgfred og klassekamp. Af Gerd Callesen (Arbejderen.dk, 18. september 2020). “Fra 1887 til 1893 foregik en diskussion i den tidlige danske arbejderbevægelse om vejen frem. Hvor meget skulle der satses på reformer, og hvad var målet? En ny afhandling samler en række historiske kilder om emnet.”
Friedrich Engels og dansk arbejderbevægelse. Af Gerd Callesen (Arbejderen.dk, 27. november 2020). “I 1872 overtog Engels hvervet som kontaktperson til Den Internationale Arbejderforening for Danmark. Han havde den fordel at kunne læse og til en vis grad også skrive på dansk.”
The International Socialist Women’s Conference. By Gerd Callesen (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Sources on the Development of the Socialist International, 1907-1919). “At the International Socialist Congress held in Paris in July 1889, Clara Zetkin gave a much acclaimed speech in which she demanded the integration of women workers into the Labour Movement.”
Arbejderbevægelsen i Danmark og marxismen: 1885-1920. Af Gerd Callesen (Arbejderen.dk, 5. maj 2018). “Den første store indsats for med oversættelser at fremme forståelsen af marxismen i den danske arbejderbevægelse blev gjort først i 1880’erne.”
The Danish Labour Movement and Marxism 1885-1920. By Gerd Callesen (Socialistisk Bibliotek, 12. januar 2022). An unpublished article from 2018: “… the Danish labor movement was socialist from the outset.”
Da Marx-Engels arkivet blev reddet via Danmark. Af Gerd Callesen (Arbejderen.dk, 29. juni 2017). “Da nazisterne overtog magten i Tyskland i 1933 gik socialdemokraterne straks i gang med at sikre Marx’ og Engels’ efterladte papirer.”
Udvidet udgave: Marx-Engels arkivets redning fra Nazisterne 1933 – med danske socialdemokrater som hjælpere (pdf) (Arbejderhistorie, nr.2, 2016, s.130-141).
Kapitalen i den danske arbejderbevægelse (pdf). Af Gerd Callesen (Dkp.dk, Marxismekonferencen 2017, 12 s.). “Den første store indsats for med oversættelser at fremme forståelsen af marxismen blev dog først gjort i 1880’erne.”
Hvad er MEGA? Af Gerd Callesen (Arbejderen.dk, 5. juli 2015). “I 1960’erne begyndte forarbejderne til en ny Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe, det vil sige en samlet og altomfattende udgave på et højt videnskabeligt niveau. De første bind udkom i 1975.” + Nyt MEGA-bind om den europæiske revolution 1848 (Arbejderen.dk, 31. december 2016) + Nyt bind i MEGA-serien: Karl Marx og verdenskrisen i 1857 (25. februar 2018) + Interessant og grundigt MEGA-bind om borgerkrigen i Europa (17. februar 2021).
Eleanor Marx – socialistisk agitator, organisator og forfatter. Af Gerd Callesen (Arbejderen.dk, 27. marts 2012). “Karl Marx’ yngste datter, Eleanor, brugte mange år af sit liv på at støtte faderens teoretiske arbejde. Men hun var også aktivt engageret i flere strejker og opbygningen af den engelske fagbevægelse.”
Arbejdere i alle lande. Af Gerd Callesen (Arbejderen.dk, 26. august 2010). “Anden Internationales kongres i 1900 besluttede at styrke organisationen. Men det varede endnu fire år, før Internationalen kan anses for en organisation, der koordinerede medlemmernes aktiviteter.”
Clara Zetkin – revolutionær kvindeforkæmper. Af Gerd Callesen (Arbejderen.dk, 6. marts 2010). “Hun så kvindekampen i en bred sammenhæng, så dens mange muligheder og dens betydning for en revolutionær ændring af samfundet.”
A brief history of the Danish labour movement. By Gerd Callesen. Revised edition (2009) of “English summary: The struggle for a better life”. I Knud Knudsen, Hanne Caspersen og Vagn Oluf Nielsen: Kampen for en bedre tilværelse: arbejdernes historie i Danmark fra 1800-tallet til 1990 (Selskabet til Forskning i Arbejderbevægelsens Historie, 1991, p. 359-372; online på Socialistisk Bibliotek). “The aim of this text is to give a non-Danish audience a brief introduction to the history of the Danish working class and the labour movement.”
Allerede i 1887 kom Kapitalen på dansk. Af Gerd Callesen (Arbejderen.dk, 23. december 2008). “Det danske Socialdemokrati var en af de første arbejderorganisationer i verden, der oversatte de dengang foreliggende to bind af Kapitalen.”
Aspects of Internationalism at the turn of the 19th/20th century (pdf). By Gerd Callesen (Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek, 2002, 13 p.). “To an influential segment of
workers in the 19th century, international experience became essential for their perception of society.”
Friedrich Engels’ rolle i den internationale arbejderbevægelse. Af Gerd Callesen (Solidaritet, nr.2, juni 2000, s.30-39; online på Internet Archive). “I det årti, der lå mellem Marx’ og Engels’død, bestræbte Engels sig, med et vist held, på at overvinde de forskellige ikke-marxistiske tendenser i arbejderbevægelsen.” Noter/litteratur mangler i online-udgave. Find nr./artikel under “Tidligere numre” (menu tv.).
Arbejderhistorie – en forudsætning. Af Gerd Callesen (Solidaritet, nr.3, december 1998; online på Internet Archive). “Uden teori/historie forstår vi ikke samfundet og kan ikke ændre det, i det mindste ikke gribe ind der, hvor det er nødvendigt.”
Socialdemokratiet i Danmark 1871 – ca. 1990: resultater og problemer. Del 1 (s.3-12) + Del 2 (s. 12-21) + Del 3 (s. 21-29). Af [Gerd Callesen og Vagn Oluf Nielsen] (Socialdemokratiet, [1993], 29 s.; online på Fyenshistorie.dk). Med litteraturfortegnelse.
Nina Bang, 1866-1928 (pdf). Af Gerd Callesen (Arbejderhistorie, nr.37, 1991, s.2-13). “I denne artikel undersøges, hvorfor netop Nina bang fik den stilling i Socialdemokratiet, der gjorde det naturligt, at hun blev udnævnt i 1924.” Scroll ned.
Om revolutionær taktik: korrespondancen mellem Friedrich Engels, Gerson Trier og Nikolaj Petersen, 1885-1893 (pdf). Af Gert Callesen (Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie, nr.3, 1973, s.109-141).
29. november 2023
Henry Kissinger, amerikansk krigsforbryder, tidligere udenrigsminister og national sikkerhedsrådgiver, dør (født 27. maj 1923).
- Henry Kissinger (Wikipedia.dk) + Henry Kissinger (Wikipedia.org)
The verdict on Henry Kissinger. By René Rojas, Bhaskar Sunkara and Jonah Walters (Jacobin, November 29, 2023). “In the United States, one of the twentieth century’s most prolific butchers died as he lived — beloved by the rich and powerful, regardless of their partisan affiliation.” Also online with the title: Finally (Tribune, 30 November 2023)
See also:
Greg Grandin: Henry Kissinger: To die at the right time (Jacobin, November 29, 2023)
Brett S. Morris: Kissinger in Cambodia (ibid.)
Mukthar Mirjan: Kissinger in Bangladesh (ibid.)
Carol Eisenberg: Kissinger in Vietnam and China (ibid.)
Alex De Jong: Kissinger in East Timor (ibid.)
Leandros Fischer: Kissinger in Cypros (ibid.)
Chip Gibbons: Kissinger in the Golf (ibid.)
Piero Gleijeses: Kissinger in Angola (ibid.)
Aubrey Bloomfield: Kissinger in Western Sahara (ibid.)
Gerald Horne: Kissinger in South Africa (ibid.)
Hilary Goodfreind: Kissinger in Central America (ibid.)
René Rojas: Kissinger in Chile (ibid.)
Aldo Morchesi: Kissinger and the South American Revolutions (ibid.)
Leandro Morgenfeld: Kissinger in Argentina (ibid.)
Christy Thornton: From the war room to Wall Street (ibid.)
Persona Grata. By Thomas Meaney (New Left Review/Sidecar, 8 December 2023). “It may be a while before Kissinger is seen in proportion: an unusually good student of the moods, and faithful servant of the interests, of his country’s elite.”
The world’s oppressed will shed no tears for Henry Kissinger. By Tom Trottier (Socialist Revolution, November 30, 2023). “The red thread running through his blood-soaked career is the killing of masses of people to maintain the US Empire. It would take a book, maybe many books, to go through the despicable role that Kissinger played. Right now, we can only focus on some highlights.”
Henry Kissinger 1923-2023: war criminal loved by imperialism dies. By Isabel Ringrose (Socialist Worker, Issue 2856, 30 November 2023). “From Vietnam and the war in South East Asia to Latin America and beyond, Henry Kissinger was knee-deep in blood.”
Henry Kissinger, war criminal beloved by America’s ruling class, finally dies. By Spencer Ackerman (Roling Stone, November 29, 2023). “The infamy of Nixon’s foreign-policy architect sits, eternally, beside that of history’s worst mass murderers. A deeper shame attaches to the country that celebrates him.”
Henry Kissinger and the crimes of American imperialism. By Patrick Martin (World Socialist Web Site, 28 May 2023). “The former secretary of state is identified with an endless list of atrocities perpetrated by American imperialism.”
Henry Kissinger is a disgusting war criminal. And the rot goes deeper than him. By Ben Burgis (Jacobin, May 27, 2023). “It’s Henry Kissinger’s 100th birthday today. The fact that this monster is celebrated instead of in jail tells you that he’s part of a much bigger problem — and that problem is America’s global empire.”
War criminal lives long and prospers: Henry Kissinger at 100 (Counterfire, 25 May 2023). “As the imperialist elite celebrates his birthday, John Clarke outlines the sheer scale of Kissinger’s crimes from Vietnam to Chile, committed in order to preserve the system.”
How Kissinger won. By Jelle Bruinsma (Jacobin, December 2, 2016). Review of Greg Grandin, Kissinger’s Shadow: The Long Reach of America’s Most Controversial Statesman (Henry Holt, 2016, 270 p.). “No matter which party has held office over the last fifty years, Henry Kissinger has been in power.”
The Trial of Henry Kissinger (Wikipedia.org). About Christopher Hitchens book (Verso, 2001). “Acting in the role of prosecutor, Hitchens presents Kissinger’s involvement in a series of alleged war crimes in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Bangladesh, Chile, Cyprus and East Timor.”
16. december 2023
Den italienske “autonome” filosof og politiske aktivist Antonio Negri dør (født 1.8.1933).
- Antonio Negri (Wikipedia.org)
Filosoffen og samfundskritikeren Antonio Negri er død (Autonom Infoservice, 17. december 2023). “Han var siden 1960’erne den italienske autonome bevægelses fremtrædende teoretiker, agitator og organisator.”
A Communist life. By Alberto Toscano (New Left Review/Sidecar, 21 December 2023). “This passion for a common freedom, lived through suffering but oriented towards a joy defying death, is the point where communism and philosophy, liberation, and ethics, met for Negri – in his writing as in his life.”
Remembering Toni Negri, 1933-2023. By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Worker, 18 December 2023). “Toni Negri’s ideas came out of workers’ and students’ struggles in the 1960s and 70s—and their failure to break through.” (på linkboxen Antonio Negri og “Imperiet”).
Linkboxen Antonio Negri og “Imperiet” (Socialistisk Bibliotek). “Med omtaler, interviews, anmelderartikler, tekster af og om Antonio Negri og baggrundsmateriale om den italienske venstrefløj i 1970’erne.”
30. december 2023
John Pilger, australsk journalist, forfatter og dokumentar-filminstruktør, dør (født 9. oktober 1939).
Se personlisten John Pilger (Socialistisk Bibliotek)
7. juli 2024
Jane McAlevey, amerikansk fagforeningsorganisator, dør (født 12. oktober 1964). Forfatter til bøgerne Raising Expectations and Raising Hell (2012), No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age (2016), A Collective Bargain: Unions, Organizing, and the Fight for Democracy (2020).
- Jane McAlevey (Wikipedia.org)
- Jane McAlevey (site)
- Jane McAlevey (Jacobin). Articles by Jane McAlevey (2015-2023).
Jane McAlevey, Los Angeles teachers, and fighting to win. By Alex Caputo-Pearl (Jacobin, July 12, 2024). “The Los Angeles teachers’ union was profoundly influenced by Jane McAlevey, writes former president Alex Caputo-Pearl. If the loving and assertive push was her trademark, then thinking audaciously big was its complement.”
Jane McAlevey, 1964-2024: A thinker and fighter for union renewal (Tempest, July 11, 2024). “Paul K.D. pays tribute to labor organizer and scholar, Jane McAlevey.”
Organize, teach, fight: Jane McAlevey, 1964-2024. By Eric Blanc (Labor Notes, July 8, 2024). “I think it was Jane’s role as a teacher that made her unique. Of course, she was also a brilliant organizer and strategist; there’s no one else in the world you would rather have on your side in a hard battle.”
Jane McAlevey demanded we go beyond speaking truth to power. By Partick Dedauw (Jacobin, July 9, 2024). “No protest to simply register discontent, no preaching to the choir, no fool’s errand organizing campaigns: Jane McAlevey was deadly serious about smart, effective strategy for the working class, and demanded organizers around her be the same.”
Remembering Jane McAlevey (1964–2024). By Ethan Earle (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, July 8, 2024). “The ground-breaking labour organizer and internationalist leaves behind a powerful legacy.”
We’re in a class war. Jane McAlevey actually acted like it. By Alex N. Press (Jacobin, July 8, 2024). “No one believed in and embodied the labor movement’s transformative power more than organizer, strategist, and writer Jane McAlevey.”
Jane McAlevey knew we could win. By Ethan Earle (Jacobin, July 8, 2024). “Among Jane McAlevey’s many audacious projects in the labor movement, her organizer training program, Organizing for Power, is one of her most innovative. Reaching tens of thousands of workers worldwide, her ideas and commitment will live on through it.”
Jane McAlevey’s plan for how to build a fighting Labor movement. By Micah Uetricht (Jacobin, May 7, 2023). “As a longtime labor organizer, scholar, and writer, Jane McAlevey has repeatedly articulated how mass numbers of workers can organize, negotiate, strike, and change the world. In an extended interview with Jacobin, McAlevey reflects on her life and work.”
Jane McAlevey’s organising model: is it a rank and file strategy? By Paul Brook (International Socialism, Issue 174, Spring 2022). “McAlevey’s ideas and activism make an important contribution, popularising debates on the politics of union organising and class struggle among thousands of activists. Crucially, she advocates a central role for rank and file workplace organisation and mass strikes. However, McAlevey’s model should be treated with caution for several interconnected reasons.”
Lowering expectations: misrepresentations of McAlevey. By Ian Allinson (RS21, 6 May 2022). “US author and activist Jane McAlevey has become one of the most influential voices in Britain on the question of how to organise at work. Her online training events attract thousands. Many activists have been inspired and guided by her books. But sections of the union bureaucracy are now co-opting her terminology to justify inaction and anti-democratic methods. Ian Allinson looks at her work and how it is being misrepresented.”
Organizing for power – the limits of the McAlevey model for new trade unionism. By Peter Votsch (International Socialists, May 20, 2022). “Her ideas for union organizing have been welcomed by left activists in the labour movement … Unfortunately, her organizing model falls short of the examples she sites and limits the role of the rank and file when they should be leading the struggle.”
What method of organizing? By Marian Sverdlow (Against the Current, Issue 212, May-June 2021). Review of Jane McAlevey, No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age (Oxford University Press, 2018/2016, 272 p.). “McAlevey claims this method was the one used by organizers in the 1930s to build the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), citing William Z. Foster’s pamphlet [1936] … Therefore, this article will discuss the Foster text and then look at first-person accounts by other organizers of that era.”
“Unions are a pain in the ass. Yet we have no choice but to build good unions” (Jacobin, May 22, 2024). Samuel Fleischman and Gwen Zi interviews Jane McAlevey: “Union organizer Jane McAlevey on labor’s loss at Amazon in Alabama, what the future of labor organizing success depends on, and how organizers can win.”
No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age. By Tony Wilsdon (Socialist Alternatives, May 28, 2020). Review of Jane McAlevey’s book. “This review will focus firstly on the important contribution she has made to help arm labor activists today with successful union organizing methods on the job. These are her strengths. During the review I will also discuss how she has only brought forward one part of the solution.”
The power of deep organizing. By Sam Gindin (Jacobin, December 8, 2016). Review of Jane McAlevey, No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age (Oxford University Press, 2016, 272 p.). “Jane McAlevey’s No Shortcuts provides a dynamic framework for building union power.”
Raising Hell for Labor. By Steve Downs (Against the Current, Issue 181, March-April 2016). Review of Jane McAlevey, Raising Expectations (And Raising Hell): My Decade Fighting for the Labor Movement (Verso Books, 2014, 332 p.). “Raising Expectations shows the potential that exists to bring thousands and thousands of workers into unions, not just as passive dues-payers, but as active participants and leaders. It also shows how quickly that can all be lost.”
Se også:
Linkboxen Faglig på Nettet (Socialistisk Bibliotek)