10.7 C
23. oktober 2024
Forside Bye Bye Maggie: Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) Hurry up and die. Well wishes for margaret thatcher. Taken somewhere in Hackney, London, England. Photo: Uploaded on November 10, 2007 by nemone. (CC BY-NC 2.0).

Hurry up and die. Well wishes for margaret thatcher. Taken somewhere in Hackney, London, England. Photo: Uploaded on November 10, 2007 by nemone. (CC BY-NC 2.0).

Quote Ken Loach: "Lets Privatice her funeral. Put it out to competive tender and accept the cheapest bid. ITS WHAT SHE WOULD HAVE WANTET"

Hurry up and die. Well wishes for margaret thatcher. Taken somewhere in Hackney, London, England. Photo: Uploaded on November 10, 2007 by nemone. (CC BY-NC 2.0). Source: Flickr.com.

Falklands: The Main Enemy is at Home. The Falklands War began with the Argentinean invasion of Falkland Islands in April 1982, and ended with their recapture two and a half months later by British forces.’The main enemy is at home’ is an anti-imperialist slogan of Karl Liebknecht, the German socialist revolutionary. The implication is that opposition to one’s own ruling class is more important than loyalty to the state during wartime. Photo: Danny Birchall. (CC BY 2.0).

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