5.1 C
22. december 2024
Forside Defamation – en dokumentarfilm om antisemitisme Schreenshot from the film "Defamation", af Yoav Shamir: The films Israeli schoolchildren with banners visits the KZ-Camp Auschwitz.

Schreenshot from the film “Defamation”, af Yoav Shamir: The films Israeli schoolchildren with banners visits the KZ-Camp Auschwitz.

Schreenshot from the film "Defamation", af Yoav Shamir: The films Israeli schoolchildren with banners visits the KZ-Camp Auschwitz.

Schreenshot from the film “Defamation”, af Yoav Shamir: The films Israeli schoolchildren with banners visits the KZ-Camp Auschwitz. Source: Defamation – the Film.

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