Picture from demonstration in Yemen 2011. Sign in right background above reads “Yes for Ending Oppression! (Arhal!) Leave!”. Inset on lower right above is Tawakul Karman, director of Women Journalists Without Chains, who was arrested by al-mukhabarat police, and held for 30 hours on January 23-24). Photo: Masdar Online (Here from: Yemen’s Popular Uprising in Photos, by Stephen Day in Jadaliyya.
Forside Det arabiske forår Picture from demonstration in Yemen 2011. Sign in right background above reads “Yes for Ending Oppression! (Arhal!) Leave!”. Inset on lower right above is Tawakul Karman, director of Women Journalists Without Chains, who was arrested by al-mukhabarat police, and held for 30 hours on January 23-24). Photo: Masdar Online (Here from: Yemen's Popular Uprising in Photos, by Stephen Day