20 C
8. september 2024
Forside John M. Keynes og keynesianismen Photograph of the signing of the Anglo-American loan agreement at the State Dept, Washington, on 6 Dec. 1945. Sitted from left to right: John Maynard Keynes, Lord Halifax, James Byrnes, Fred Vinson. Photo: The National Archives UK. Collection: Part of the Colonial Office photographic collection held at The National Archives. Public Domain.

Photograph of the signing of the Anglo-American loan agreement at the State Dept, Washington, on 6 Dec. 1945. Sitted from left to right: John Maynard Keynes, Lord Halifax, James Byrnes, Fred Vinson. Photo: The National Archives UK. Collection: Part of the Colonial Office photographic collection held at The National Archives. Public Domain.

Photograph of the signing of the Anglo-American loan agreement at the State Dept, Washington, on 6 Dec. 1945. Sitted from left to right: John Maynard Keynes, Lord Halifax, James Byrnes, Fred Vinson. Photo: The National Archives UK. Collection: Part of the Colonial Office photographic collection held at The National Archives. Public Domain.

Photograph of the signing of the Anglo-American loan agreement at the State Dept, Washington, on 6 Dec. 1945. Sitted from left to right: John Maynard Keynes, Lord Halifax, James Byrnes, Fred Vinson. Photo: The National Archives UK. Collection: Part of the Colonial Office photographic collection held at The National Archives. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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