5.1 C
22. december 2024
Forside New Deal-politikken i USA Top left: The Tennessee Valley Authority, part of the New Deal, being signed into law in 1933. Top right: FDR (President Franklin Delano Roosevelt) was responsible for the New Deal. Bottom: A public mural from one of the artists employed by the New Deal's WPA program. Date: 11 January 2008 (original upload date). Collage: LordHarris at English Wikipedia. Public Domain.

Top left: The Tennessee Valley Authority, part of the New Deal, being signed into law in 1933. Top right: FDR (President Franklin Delano Roosevelt) was responsible for the New Deal. Bottom: A public mural from one of the artists employed by the New Deal’s WPA program. Date: 11 January 2008 (original upload date). Collage: LordHarris at English Wikipedia. Public Domain.

New Deal Memorial in Washington. Photo: Taken June 22, 2007 by Jim Bowen. (CC BY 2.0).

Top left: The Tennessee Valley Authority, part of the New Deal, being signed into law in 1933. Top right: FDR (President Franklin Delano Roosevelt) was responsible for the New Deal. Bottom: A public mural from one of the artists employed by the New Deal’s WPA program. Date: 11 January 2008 (original upload date). Collage: LordHarris at English Wikipedia. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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