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brief history - Søgeresultat

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...destruction.” What to expect from COP26: climate action, climate justice or greenwashing? By Eve Croeser (International Socialism, Issue 172, Autumn 2021). “This article begins with a brief overview of the severity and urgency of the climate crisis … [and] concludes with a brief overview of Marxist responses to the climate...

Religionskritiske bøger

...briefly reviews the purported philosophical proofs for the existence of God. But all these topics have been widely discussed, and Dennett has little new to say about them; his real contribution is an accessible account of what might be called the natural history of religion.” World Socialist Web Site James...


...of the Indonesian left in 1965–66, backed by Washington, was one of the great crimes of the twentieth century. A new generation of scholars has uncovered its long-suppressed history of slaughter of up to a million people in the name of anti-communism.” Indonesia as testing ground. By Allen Ruff (Against...


...Soviet History) Operation Barbarossa – historiens største tilintetgørelseskrig. Af Leif Hansen (Arbejderen.dk, 21. junu 2021).”Den 22. juni er det 80 år siden, Tyskland angreb Sovjetunionen, i hvad der kan betegnes som begyndelsen til slutningen for Det Tredje Rige.” Operation Barbarossa was a war of racial annihilation. By Jochen Hellbeck (Jacobin,...

The US Presidential Election 2008

...September/October 2008) “Can the United States overcome its history of racial prejudice to elect the first Black president? Race is the elephant in the room, yet few will openly acknowledge its role in this unprecedented presidential race. Code phrases are employed by the media to evade the issue.” – Allen...
Thatchers Gone... - Thatcher Death Celebrations - Trafalgar Square. Photo: Taken on April 13, 2013 by EYE DJ. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

Bye Bye Maggie: Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013)

...to celebrate the life of much-hated former PM Margaret Thatcher, this extract from John Rees’ Timelines looks at the real history of Thatcherism.” The resistible march of Thatcher. By Charlie Kimber (Socialist Review, Issue 380, May 2013). “The death of Margaret Thatcher was greeted by celebrations across the country, while...


...abolition of the slave trade in the British Empire.” App. 15 links to articles etc. Slavery at the heart of Britain’s wealth. By Susan Jappie (A World to Win, March 2007). Review of James Walvin, A Short History of Slavery (Penguin, 2007) Slavery abolished! But 200 years later the struggle...


...studenter- og arbejderdemonstrationer og gadekampe Suhartos styre efter 32 års regime. Se: Indonesien (Leksikon.org). Scroll ned til: 1998 Suharto afsættes. Fall of Suharto (Wikipedia.org). May 1998 riots of Indonesia (Wikipedia.org) The History of Capitalist Development in Indonesia: Part Four – The 1998 Reformasi and the Aftermath. By Ted Sprague (In...


...history.” Battleship Potemkin, Strike, October by Sergei Eisenstein: Appreciation. By Mark Hoskisson (Permanent Revolution, February 2008; online at Internet Archive). “On the free re-release of Sergei Eisentein’s Battleship Potemkin by the Observer, we publish this brief appreciation of Eisenstein’s major films.” When antiwar sailors took over the ship. By Amanda...

Daniel Guérin (1904-1988)

...pioneering advocacy of gay liberation. Guérin’s writings and record should be a touchstone for the modern left.” Revolutionary History Trotsky and the Second World War: An exchange between Lutte Ouvrier and Daniel Guérin (Vol.1, No.3, 1988, p.39-40). Trotsky and the Second World War (Part 2): 1. Daniel Guérin’s Preface (Vol.3,...

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