2.5 C
7. marts 2025
Forside 1452 Leonardo_da_Vinci_(1452-1519)_-_The Last Supper. Tempera on gesso, pitch and mastic, painted from 1495 until 1498 by Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519). Collection: Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy. Source/Photographer: Unknown. Public Domain.

Leonardo_da_Vinci_(1452-1519)_-_The Last Supper. Tempera on gesso, pitch and mastic, painted from 1495 until 1498 by Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519). Collection: Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy. Source/Photographer: Unknown. Public Domain.

Leonardo_da_Vinci_(1452-1519)_-_The Last Supper. Tempera on gesso, pitch and mastic, painted from 1495 until 1498 by Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519). Collection: Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy. Source/Photographer: Unknown. Public Domain.

The Last Supper. Tempera on gesso, pitch and mastic, painted from 1495 until 1498 by Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519). Collection: Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy. Source/Photographer: Unknown. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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