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Forside 1648 Treaty of Westphalia 1648.

Treaty of Westphalia 1648.

The Ratification of the Spanish-Dutch Treaty of Münster, by swearing an oath (with two fingers raised), 15 May 1648 - The painting is not about the more famous Treaty of Münster signed by France, the Holy Roman Emperor and their respective allies on 24 October 1648. Among the depicted people: Gaspar de Bracamonte, 3rd Count of Peñaranda (1595–1676), Spanish diplomat and statesman and Antoine Brun (1599–1654), baron d'Aspremont, Burgundian diplomat in the service of Philip IV of Spain. Oil on copper by Gerard ter Borch (1617–1681), Dutch painter, draughtsman and miniaturist. Collection: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Nederlands. Public Domain.

Treaty of Westphalia 1648.

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