1.8 C
13. marts 2025
Forside 1658 Cromwell and the corpse of Charles I. Oil on canvas painted 1831 by Paul Delaroche (1797–1856), French painter, artist and photographer. Collection: Kunsthalle Hamburg, Germany. Public Domain.

Cromwell and the corpse of Charles I. Oil on canvas painted 1831 by Paul Delaroche (1797–1856), French painter, artist and photographer. Collection: Kunsthalle Hamburg, Germany. Public Domain.

Museet for den kongelige danske Livgarde i København. Vagtuniformer fra første del af det 18. århundrede. Foto taget 12. oktober 2019 af Leif Jørgensen. (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Cromwell and the corpse of Charles I. Oil on canvas painted 1831 by Paul Delaroche (1797–1856), French painter, artist and photographer. Collection: Kunsthalle Hamburg, Germany. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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