-6.6 C
16. februar 2025
Forside 1687 Sir Isaac Newton's own first edition copy of his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica with his handwritten corrections for the second edition. The first edition was published under the imprint of Samuel Pepys who was president of the Royal Society. By the time of the second edition, Newton himself had become president of the Royal Society, as noted in his corrections. Collection: The Wren Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, England. Photo: © Andrew Dunn, 5 November 2004. (CC BY-SA 2.0).

Sir Isaac Newton’s own first edition copy of his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica with his handwritten corrections for the second edition. The first edition was published under the imprint of Samuel Pepys who was president of the Royal Society. By the time of the second edition, Newton himself had become president of the Royal Society, as noted in his corrections. Collection: The Wren Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, England. Photo: © Andrew Dunn, 5 November 2004. (CC BY-SA 2.0).

Sir Isaac Newton's own first edition copy of his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica with his handwritten corrections for the second edition. The first edition was published under the imprint of Samuel Pepys who was president of the Royal Society. By the time of the second edition, Newton himself had become president of the Royal Society, as noted in his corrections. Collection: The Wren Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, England. Photo: © Andrew Dunn, 5 November 2004. (CC BY-SA 2.0).

Sir Isaac Newton’s own first edition copy of his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica with his handwritten corrections for the second edition. The first edition was published under the imprint of Samuel Pepys who was president of the Royal Society. By the time of the second edition, Newton himself had become president of the Royal Society, as noted in his corrections. Collection: The Wren Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, England. Photo: © Andrew Dunn, 5 November 2004. (CC BY-SA 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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