20 C
8. september 2024
Forside 1789 Women's march on Versailles October 5, 1789, An Attack on Versailles performed by the rioting women of Paris due to high prices on bread. A contemporary illustration of the Women's March on Versailles. October 5 or 6, 1789. Artist: Unknown. Collection: Gallica Digital Library. Public Domain.

Women’s march on Versailles October 5, 1789, An Attack on Versailles performed by the rioting women of Paris due to high prices on bread. A contemporary illustration of the Women’s March on Versailles. October 5 or 6, 1789. Artist: Unknown. Collection: Gallica Digital Library. Public Domain.

The Mutineers turning Lt Bligh and part of the Officers and Crew adrift from His Majesty's Ship the Bounty, 29th April 1789. Hand-colored aquatint made by Robert Dodd (1748–1815), British marine painter and engraver. Published by B B Evans on 2 October 1790. Collection: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. Public Domain. See below 28 April 1789.

Women’s march on Versailles October 5, 1789, An Attack on Versailles performed by the rioting women of Paris due to high prices on bread. A contemporary illustration of the Women’s March on Versailles. October 5 or 6, 1789. Artist: Unknown. Collection: Gallica Digital Library. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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