-6.6 C
16. februar 2025
Forside 1803 Flora Tristan commemorative plaque, rue des Bahutiers in Bordeaux: Here the peregrinations of Flora Tristan (1803-1844), a pioneer of feminism and trade unionism, ended forever. Photo: Taken 3 may 2016 by Als33120. (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Flora Tristan commemorative plaque, rue des Bahutiers in Bordeaux: Here the peregrinations of Flora Tristan (1803-1844), a pioneer of feminism and trade unionism, ended forever. Photo: Taken 3 may 2016 by Als33120. (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Flora Tristan commemorative plaque, rue des Bahutiers in Bordeaux: Here the peregrinations of Flora Tristan (1803-1844), a pioneer of feminism and trade unionism, ended forever. Photo: Taken 3 may 2016 by Als33120. (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Flora Tristan commemorative plaque, rue des Bahutiers in Bordeaux: Here the peregrinations of Flora Tristan (1803-1844), a pioneer of feminism and trade unionism, ended forever. Photo: Taken 3 may 2016 by Als33120. (CC BY-SA 4.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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