1.1 C
8. februar 2025
Forside 1818 Photographic portrait of Karl Marx seated with a thumb in his lapel and his hand on his thigh, 1875. From: Reminiscences of Carl Schurz, Vol. I, New York: McClure Publ. Co., 1907, Chap. 4, facing p. 170. (This is the source of the first version only. Photo: John Jabez Edwin Mayal (1813–1901). Public Domain.

Photographic portrait of Karl Marx seated with a thumb in his lapel and his hand on his thigh, 1875. From: Reminiscences of Carl Schurz, Vol. I, New York: McClure Publ. Co., 1907, Chap. 4, facing p. 170. (This is the source of the first version only. Photo: John Jabez Edwin Mayal (1813–1901). Public Domain.


Photographic portrait of Karl Marx seated with a thumb in his lapel and his hand on his thigh, 1875. From: Reminiscences of Carl Schurz, Vol. I, New York: McClure Publ. Co., 1907, Chap. 4, facing p. 170. (This is the source of the first version only. Photo: John Jabez Edwin Mayal (1813–1901). Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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