-6.6 C
16. februar 2025
Forside 1885 Closeup of bumper sticker with famous Sinclair Lewis line "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross" This quote is often attributed to Sinclair Lewis but has not been verified. The Sinclair Lewis Society notes the following: This quote sounds like something Sinclair Lewis might have said or written, but we've never been able to find this exact quote. Date: 27 November 2008. Photo: Robert F. W. Whitlock from Olympia, Washington. (CC BY 2.0).

Closeup of bumper sticker with famous Sinclair Lewis line “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross” This quote is often attributed to Sinclair Lewis but has not been verified. The Sinclair Lewis Society notes the following: This quote sounds like something Sinclair Lewis might have said or written, but we’ve never been able to find this exact quote. Date: 27 November 2008. Photo: Robert F. W. Whitlock from Olympia, Washington. (CC BY 2.0).

1935 Press Photo Sinclair Lewis with his wife Dorothy Thompson and son. Photo: Unknown. Public Domain.

Closeup of bumper sticker with famous Sinclair Lewis line “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross” This quote is often attributed to Sinclair Lewis but has not been verified. The Sinclair Lewis Society notes the following: This quote sounds like something Sinclair Lewis might have said or written, but we’ve never been able to find this exact quote. Date: 27 November 2008. Photo: Robert F. W. Whitlock from Olympia, Washington. (CC BY 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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