Political cartoon which shows a policeman during the Lawrence Strike of 1912 striking down on women and children, who the parents are trying send from Lawrence to other cities which have offered to provide them food and shelter. The caption below the cartoon stated “On February 24 and 25, soldiers and policemen forcibly prevented parents from sending their children away from Lawrence to cities which offered food and shelter.” Date: 9 March 1912. Cartoonist: Art Young (1866–1943). Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Forside 1912 Political cartoon which shows a policeman during the Lawrence Strike of 1912 striking down on women and children, who the parents are trying send from Lawrence to other cities which have offered to provide them food and shelter. The caption below the cartoon stated "On February 24 and 25, soldiers and policemen forcibly prevented parents from sending their children away from Lawrence to cities which offered food and shelter." Date: 9 March 1912. Cartoonist: Art Young (1866–1943). Public Domain.
Political cartoon which shows a policeman during the Lawrence Strike of 1912 striking down on women and children, who the parents are trying send from Lawrence to other cities which have offered to provide them food and shelter. The caption below the cartoon stated “On February 24 and 25, soldiers and policemen forcibly prevented parents from sending their children away from Lawrence to cities which offered food and shelter.” Date: 9 March 1912. Cartoonist: Art Young (1866–1943). Public Domain.