16.2 C
27. juli 2024
Forside 1959 "Barbie adventures in the tundra". Photo: Taken 28 November 2012 by Igor V. Korneluk, YNAO, Salehard. (CC BY 3.0).

“Barbie adventures in the tundra”. Photo: Taken 28 November 2012 by Igor V. Korneluk, YNAO, Salehard. (CC BY 3.0).

George Grosz, Berlin, 1930. Dedication: 1930-11-03, published: 1930-12-18. Photo: Anonymous. Public Domain.

“Barbie adventures in the tundra”. Photo: Taken 28 November 2012 by Igor V. Korneluk, YNAO, Salehard. (CC BY 3.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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