Operation Protective Edge
Israels seneste forsøg på at forhindre en 2-statsløsning startede, da det Palæstinensiske Selvstyre fandt sammen med Hamas og erklærede sig villig til at forhandle med Israel om en 2-statsløsning. Det er vanskeligt at følge med i nyhedsstrømmen og samle alle de mange gode artikler, der dækker begivenhederne.
Derfor har Modkraft Biblioteket (nu: Socialistisk Bibliotek) samlet nogle gode sites, aviser og blade, der har en stor og god dækning af mange aspekter i konflikten. Dertil kommer nogle interviews og artikler. Endelig linkes til Socialistisk Biblioteks tidligere emnelister om Palæstina, hvor der kan læses mere om den historiske baggrund.
Påbegyndt august 2014.
Se også på Socialistisk bibliotek:
Emneoversigten: Palæstina/Israel
“Balance” in UN Gaza report can’t hide massive Israeli war crimes. By Ali Abunimah (The Electronic Intifada, 22 June 2015)
“There can be no surprise that the UN Human Rights Council’s independent investigation of Israel’s assault on Gaza last summer found evidence of massive and systematic war crimes.” About the “Report of the detailed findings of the Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict” (The United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict, 2015, 183 p.).
This is How We Fought in Gaza: Soldiers׳ testimonies and photographs from Operation ‘Protective Edge’ (2014) (pdf) (Breaking the Silence, May 2015, 237 pages)
“Breaking the Silence, an organization of Israeli soldiers, is releasing testimonies from over 60 officers and soldiers who took part in Operation ‘Protective Edge’ in Gaza during the summer of 2014. These testimonies paint a disturbing picture of the IDF’s policy of indiscriminate fire, which directly resulted in the deaths of hundreds of innocent Palestinian civilians.”
Israel begik krigsforbrydelser i Gaza (Amnesty International, DK, november 2014; online på Internet Archive)
“Amnestys nyeste rapport om Gaza, Families under the Rubble: Israeli attacks on inhabited homes, beskriver i detaljer otte tilfælde, hvor boligområder i Gaza uden advarsel blev angrebet af israelske styrker. Det skete under Operation Protective Edge i juli og august i år.” Link til rapporten (in English).
Gaza Strip: War crimes documented (Alternative Information Center, AIC, 31 October, 2014; online at Internet Archive)
In the wake of the 50-day Israeli assault that devastated the Gaza Strip, reconstruction must not be the only priority, according to the nonprofit organization Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights. All perpetrators of war crimes must be held to account, and Euro-Mid has taken the initial step by completing the first comprehensive investigation into Israeli actions during “Operation Protective Edge.” Links til 2 undersøgelser: Indiscriminate Attacks and Deliberate Killing: Israel Takes Revenge on Gaza by Killing Civilians og Israeli Matrix of Control: Use of Palestinian Civillians as Human Shields.
- +972
- Innovative Minds – Boycott Israel BDS
- Jonathan Cook – The View From Nazareth
- The Electronic Intifada
- Norman G. Finkelstein
- Haaretz
- The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD)
- Jewish Voice for Peace
- MEMO – Middle East Monitor
- Middle East Eye
- Mondoweiss
- Al Monitor
- Occupied Palestine
Interviews og film
Norman Finkelstein on Gaza conflict, Hamas goals and Iron Dome myth
The Political Economy of Israel’s Occupation. Af Shir Hever (Innovative Minds, 23 February 2011)
Straf og ydmygelse som politisk strategi. Af Michael Irving Jensen (Information.dk, 20. juni 2015). Anmeldelse af Norman G. Finkelstein: Method and Madness: The Hidden Story of Israel’s Assaults on Gaza (OR Books, 2015, 215 p.). See also review by Kit Klarenberg: Praying for storms (Counterfire, April 1, 2015)
Israel må gøre op med Iron Wall-doktrinen. Af Charlott Højgaard (Modkraft, 18. August 2014)
Israel’s Real Target is Not Hamas. It’s Any Possibility of Palestinian Statehood. By Dan Glazebrook (Counterpunch, August 15, 2014)
Israel-apologeterne og den forsvundne besættelse. Af Lars Ploug (Modkraft, 13. august 2014)
Folkemordet bliver muligt når vi glemmer at vi alle er mennesker. Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Modkraft, 12. august 2014)
Du kan ikke tweete folkemordet i Gaza væk. Af Erik Storrud (Modkraft, 11. august 2014)
The Greenhouse propaganda—How Gazan history is being rewritten to dehumanize Palestinians. By Justin Schwegel (Mondoweiss, August 10, 2014)
Stop Israels bombninger i Gaza. Af Carl Valentin (Modkraft, 8. august 2014)
On Heroes and Preachers: Gaza’s New Resistance Paradigm. By Ramzy Baroud (Towards Freedom, 6 August 2014)
‘Media support for Israel isn’t about bias. It’s about power structures’. Af Greg Philo (Socialist Worker, 5 Aug. 2014)
USA’s passive rolle i Israels krig mod Gaza. Af Ulla Jessing (Modkraft, 5. august 2014)
The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State. By Jonathan Weiler (Informed Comment, August 4, 2014)
Palestinian militants inflict substantial casualties on Israeli forces in Gaza (IHS Jane’s Terrorism & Insurgency Centre, 1 August 2014)
In France, Progressives Fight a Two-Front Battle Against Israeli Propaganda and Anti-Semitism. By Pierre Guerlain (Truthout, 31 July 2014)
Recruiting to Kill: It is Not Just an Israeli War on Gaza. By Ramzy Baroud (Toward Freedom,30 Jul 2014)
Collective Punishment in Gaza. By Rashid Khalidi (the New Yorker, July 29, 2014)
Tanker fra dagens Gaza-demonstration. Af Matias Jensen (Modkraft, 28. juli 2014)
Israel er angst for fred. Af Birgitte Rahbæk (Politiken, 23. juli 2014)
Palestine: the only solution is now the one-state solution. By John Rees (Counterfire, July 23, 2014)
Her er de døde på Vestbredden. Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Modkraft, 22. juni 2014)
Stop nu med at fremstille Gaza-katastrofen som en konflikt mellem ‘ligeværdige’. Af Charlotte Lund (Modkraft, 21. juli 2014)
Aldrig igen folkemord! – erklæring fra Jøder Mod Folkemord. Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Modkraft, 21. juli 2014)
Vi har væltet apartheid før og vi kan gøre det igen! Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Modkraft, 17. juli 2014)
Israel accepterer Egyptisk forslag om våbenhvile, Hamas afslår. Hvorfor? Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Modkraft, 15. juli 2014)
Palæstinenserne har ikke mere at miste. Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Modkraft, 14. juli 2014)
Bare endnu en død palæstinenser. Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Modkraft, 10. juli 2014)
Rana fortæller om mødet med det israelske retssystem. Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Modkraft, 10. juli 2014)
Når Israel øver sig i etnisk udrensning. Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Modkraft, 8. juli 2014)
Israel student union sets up “war room” to sell Gaza massacre on Facebook. Submitted by Ali Abunimah (Electronic Intifada, 07/14/2014)
Israel’s message to the Palestinians: Submit, leave or die. By Jeff Halper (Monddoweiss, July 11, 2014)
Report: Israeli forces stole USD 3 million in cash, property from Palestinians during West Bank raids. (The Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights, 2014-07-08)
Sorg bliver til had og historien gentager sig. Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Information, 8. juli 2014)
Skudt, sparket og kørt over – ung mand henrettet af israelsk militær. Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Modkraft, 5. juli 2014)
Nazi-metoder. Af Ulla Jessing (Modkraft, 2. juli 2014)
Vi sørgede i Jerusalem. Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Modkraft, 1. juli 2014)
Her er de døde på Vestbredden. Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Modkraft, 22. juni 2014)
Netanyahu udnytter kidnapning på Vestbredden. Af Yonatan Ungermann Goldshtein (Modkraft, 18. juni 2014)
Theses on Zionism. By Joseph Massad (The Electronic Intifada, 9 December 2013)