Linkbox med et udvalg af informations- og solidaritetssites om Gaza, samt nogle internationale kommentarer med baggrundsstof om Gaza og den israelske krigspropaganda.
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Emneoversigt Palæstina / Israel
- Emnelisten Israelsk massakre på nødhjælpskonvoj til Gaza (2010)
- Emnelisten Om Palæstina/Israel, med oversigt over alle linksamlingerne i emnebox
Et udvalg af informations- og aktivist-sites med materiale om Gaza
- Boykot Israel (Boykot Israel-kampagnen)
- Breaking the Silence (Site)
Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories. - Dansk Palæstinensisk Venskabsforening
- The Electronic Intifada
- Free Gaza Movement
- BDS Movement
Boycott, Divestment and Sanction for Palestine. - Goldstone Facts: The real story behind Israel’s invasion of Gaza (; online at Internet Archive). In defence of the U.N. report on war crimes in Gaza 2008/2009.
See also:
United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (UN Human Rights Council, September 2009)
Goldstone’s shameful U-turn. By Ilan Pappe (The Electronic Intifada, 4 April 2011)
Judge Goldstone revisited. By Uri Avnery (CounterPunch, April 12, 2011; online at Internet Archive) - Human Rights in Gaza and Israel during the Hostilities
Reports from Israeli Human Rights Groups - In Gaza (Blog)
- International Solidarity movement, ISM
- Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA): Gaza
- The Palestine Chronicle
- Palestine Think Tank
Free Minds for Free Palestine. - Gaza War
Internationale kommentarer med baggrunds- og aktiviststof om Gaza og den israelske propaganda. For helt aktuelle artikler se ovenstående sites.
Straf og ydmygelse som politisk strategi. Af Michael Irving Jensen (, 20. juni 2015). Anmeldelse af Norman G. Finkelstein: Method and Madness: The Hidden Story of Israel’s Assaults on Gaza (OR Books, 2015, 215 p.)
“Historien om Israels systematiske angreb på Gazastriben kommer under lup i ny velskrevet bog af den jødisk-amerikanske forsker Norman Finkelstein, der igen viser, at den kritik, Israel frygter mest, er den fra egne rækker.”
Gaza – 5 år efter. Af Tue Magnussen (Modkraft, blog, 28. december 2013)
“Nøden i Gaza er ikke en naturkatastrofe. Det er en menneskeskabt katastrofe forårsaget af Israels blokade.”
Gaza: From colony, to open air prison, to killing field. Part 1-2. By Jean Shaoul (World Socialist Web Site, 2-4 November 2023)
“This genocidal war against civilians in Gaza is an escalation of policies pursued by the Israeli bourgeoisie for decades, aimed at dispossessing the Palestinian people of their lands, property and homes, about which the ruling elite assumes a collective historical amnesia.”
Operation Cast Lead: the 22 day massacre in Gaza (Counterfire, December 28, 2018)
“Ten years on since the massacre of Operation Cast Lead, conditions in Gaza are worse than ever.”
A milestone on the timeline of Israeli brutality. By Belen Fernandez (Jacobin, 27 December 2018)
“A decade ago today, Israel launched ‘Operation Cast Lead’ against the Gaza Strip. The military campaign took the lives of some 1,400 Palestinians, including more than three hundred children.”
Cast Lead—Murder in Palestine. By Nick Clark (Socialist Worker, Issue 2634, 11 December 2018)
“Ten years ago Israel launched an assault on the Gaza Strip. It left 1,400 people dead and left Gazans with a broken infrastructure that makes life a misery.”
Norman Finkelstein’s new book on Gaza is a meticulous account of Israel’s crimes. By James North (Mondoweiss, January 25, 2018)
Review of Norman Finkelstein, Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom (University of California Press, 2018, 440 p.; online at
Israel’s Illegal Use of White Phosphorus During ‘Operation Cast Lead’. By Jeremy R. Hammond (Foreign Policy Journal, May 3, 2013)
“And How the U.S. Media Tries to Cover Up Israeli War Crimes.”
Gaza’s nightmare shows the truth about Israel. By Hadas Thier (International Socialist Review, Issue 76, March–April 2011)
Review of Moustafa Bayoumi (ed.), Midnight on the Mavi Marmara: The Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and How It Changed the Course of the Israeli/Palestine Conflict (Haymarket Books, 2010) + Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé, Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel’s War Against the Palestinians (Haymarket Books, 2010)
Truth and consequences in the Gaza invasion. By Norman Finkelstein (CounterPunch, March 3, 2010)
“This article is excerpted from Norman Finkelstein’s important new book about the Gaza conflict, This Time We Went Too Far, published this month by OR Books.” See review by Alistair Cartwright (Counterfire, September 3, 2010)
Failing Gaza: No rebuilding, no recovery, no more excuses : A report one year after Operation Cast Lead (pdf) (Amnesty International et al., December 2009, 18 p.)
“This paper sets out [the] evidence of the blockade’s continuing and devastating impact, based on the experience of the authoring agencies and data from the UN.”
United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (UN Human Rights Council, September 2009)
“Head of the UN Fact Finding Mission Justice Richard Goldstone presented the report of the Mission to the Human Rights Council in Geneva on 29 September 2009.”
See also:
Interview with Norman Finkelstein about the report (Democracy Now! September 16, 2009)
Goldstone Facts: The real story behind Israel’s invasion of Gaza (
Goldstone’s shameful U-turn. By Ilan Pappe (The Electronic Intifada, 4 April 2011)
Judge Goldstone revisited. By Uri Avnery (CounterPunch, April 12, 2011)
The lessons of Gaza 2009. By Bashir Abu-Manneh (Against the Current, No.140, May/June 2009)
“What lessons should we draw from this? The first crucial conclusion that should be drawn and internalized is the following one: Israel doesn’t want peace.”
Har Israel tapt legitimitetskrigen? Av Richard Falk (Le Monde Diplomatique, 03.04.09)
“Det kommer stadig flere vitnesbyrd om krigsforbrytelser begått av den israelske hæren under det nylige angrepet på Gaza. Og påstandene kommer ikke bare fra sivile palestinere og hjelpearbeider, men også fra soldater som deltok i offensiven.” Se også Richard Falk’s Report at UN Human Rights Council in Geneva (18 February 2009)
Breaking the Silence (Site)
“Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories.”
Section: Gaza war crimes investigation (The Guardian, 2009)
“Civilians, medics and investigators talk to the Guardian about allegations of war crimes during Israel’s 23-day campaign in Gaza.”
The road to Gaza’s killing fields (International Socialist Review, Issue 64, March-April 2009)
“Toufic Haddad draws a balance sheet on Israel’s offensive in Gaza.”
A camp follower who aims to please: How Anthony Cordesman proved that Israel fought a clean war. By Norman Finkelstein (MR Zine, 19 February 2009)
“… this preposterous, barely literate ‘analysis’ Cordesman cobbled together after his junket is unlikely to fool anyone, although in fairness to camp follower Cordesman it must be said that he plainly did his best to please and the American Jewish Committee plainly got its money’s worth from him.”
Foiling another Palestinian ‘Peace Offensive’: Behind the Bloodbath in Gaza. By Norman Finkelstein (CounterPunch, January 28, 2009)
“Israel needed to provoke Hamas into breaking the truce, and then radicalize or destroy it, thereby eliminating it as a legitimate negotiating partner.”
‘Exterminate all the brutes’: Gaza 2009. By Noam Chomsky (, January 19, 2009 (revised June 6, 2009))
“The new crimes that the US and Israel have been committing in Gaza in the past weeks do not fit easily into any standard category … Literally, the crimes fall under the official US government definition of ‘terrorism’, but that designation does not capture their enormity.”
Bag krisen i Gaza (Socialistisk Information, 19. januar 2009)
“Mellemøst-eksperten Gilbert Achcar analyserer i dette interview fra Irish Left Review motiverne bag det israelske angreb på Gaza og fremtidsudsigterne for den palæstinensiske befrielseskamp.”
Se også 2. del: Brug for et alternativ til Hamas og Fatah (4. januar 2009)
Question and Answer on Gaza. By Stephen Shalom (Israeli Occupation Archive, 16 January 2009; online at Internet Archive)
“On December 27, 2008, Israel launched its brutal assault on Gaza, Operation Cast Lead. The aim here has been to collect in one place the most frequently-asked questions and to offer answers and sources.”
Responces to war in Gaza (London Review of Books, 15 January 2009)
Among others Tariq Ali, Eric Hobsbawm, Rashid Khalidi, Ilan Pappe and Gabriel Piterberg.
‘Why the West wants to destroy Hamas’ (Socialist Worker, Issue 2134, 17 January 2009)
“The writer and activist Tariq Ali spoke at a Stop the War ‘Israel out of Gaza’ rally in London on Thursday of last week. Here are edited extracts of his speech.” See the whole speach on YouTube: Tariq Ali | Stop the Gaza Massacre Rally in London, 8 January 2009 (21:24 min.)
How many divisions? By Uri Avnery (Gush Shalom, 10 January 2009)
“In this war, as in any modern war, propaganda plays a major role. The disparity between the forces, between the Israeli army – with its airplanes, gunships, drones, warships, artillery and tanks – and the few thousand lightly armed Hamas fighters, is one to a thousand, perhaps one to a million. In the political arena the gap between them is even wider. But in the propaganda war, the gap is almost infinite.”
Hell for Palestinians (Weekly Worker, Issue 751, January 8, 2009)
Interview with veteran Israeli socialist Moshé Machover.
“The long-term strategy that is shared by all the major Israeli parties is – if possible – to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from where they can be found in any concentrations. Short of that, the medium-term intention is to fragment them into disconnected ghettos. The worst of these is the Gaza Strip – it has been described as the biggest open prison in the world.”
How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of disaster. By Avi Shlaim (The Guardian, 7 January 2009)
Why do they hate the West so much, we will ask. By Robert Fisk (The Independent, 7 January 2009)
På dansk: ‘Og vi spørger os selv, hvorfor de hader Vesten’ (Information, 8. januar 2009)
Birth pangs of a new Palestine. By Mouin Rabbani (Middle East Report Online, January 7, 2009)
“Fresh memories of Israel’s failed 2006 war on Lebanon have meant that — across the political spectrum – the last war is the standard against which virtually every aspect of the current one is being measured. Yet closer examination suggests that the more apt comparisons are with Israel’s 2002 invasion of West Bank cities and the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. These operations may also provide better indicators of what is to come in Gaza.”
Israel and the media – twisted by propaganda. By Richard Seymour (Socialist Worker, Issue 2133, 6 January 2009)
“If truth were told, the media would report that the peaceniks are almost all on the Palestinian side. If truth were told, we would know that the Palestinians just don’t have a partner for peace.”
Israel collaborator recruiter punked (The Electronic Intifada, 4 January 2009)
“Israel has dropped millions of flyers on the occupied, besieged Gaza Strip.
One such flyer,…seeks to recruit Palestinian collaborators…It invites Palestinians to call or email the Israeli army to inform us about the location of rocket launching sites and the terrorist gangs that made you hostages of their actions.” Here is a trancript of a conversation, where a ‘collaborator’ is naming some real terrorist.
Stop the massacre of Gaza – Twenty-six things to do to bring peace with justice (Gazareport’s Blog, January 3, 2009)
Molten Lead. By Uri Avnery (Gush-shalom, 3 January 2009)
“Some time ago I wrote that the Gaza blockade was a scientific experiment designed to find out how much one can starve a population and turn its life into hell before they break. This experiment was conducted with the generous help of Europe and the US.”
Is the UN complicit in Israel’s massacre in Gaza? By Omar Barghouti (The Electronic Intifada, 1 January 2009)
På dansk: Er FN medskyldig i Israels massakre i Gaza? (; online på Internet Archive)
De israelske luftangreb udgør massive brud på international lov. Af Richard Falk ( January 6, 2009; online på Internet Archive)
“Richard Falk is FN’s særlige rapportør for menneskerettigheder i de besatte palæstinensiske områder”
The real goal of the slaughter in Gaza. By Jonathan Cook (The Electronic Intifada, 1 January 2009)
På dansk: Gazaslagteriets virkelige mål (; online på Internet Archive)
Palestine’s Guernica and the myths of Israeli victimhood. By Mustafa Barghouti (HuffPost, 29 January 2009)
“What has and is occurring is nothing short of a war crime, yet the Israeli public relations machine is in full-swing, churning out lies by the minute. Once and for all it is time to expose the myths that they have created.”
The Gaza Crisis: Time for BDS. By Phyllis Bennis (Global BDS Movement, 28 December 2008; online at Internet Archive)
“[We have] to analyze, to figure out what caused this most recent massacre, how to stop it, and then how to continue our work to end the occupation, end Israel’s apartheid policies …”