12.8 C
17. september 2024
Forside New Deal-politikken i USA Reallity meets the American dream. Queue of black residents of Louisville KY waiting for distribution of relief supplies during the 1937 Ohio River flood. Photo: Margaret Bourke-White, the first female photographer for Life/Time, captured iconic images that painted a vast global political and socioeconomic landscape. Public Domain.

Reallity meets the American dream. Queue of black residents of Louisville KY waiting for distribution of relief supplies during the 1937 Ohio River flood. Photo: Margaret Bourke-White, the first female photographer for Life/Time, captured iconic images that painted a vast global political and socioeconomic landscape. Public Domain.

New Deal Memorial in Washington. Photo: Taken June 22, 2007 by Jim Bowen. (CC BY 2.0).

Reallity meets the American dream. Queue of black residents of Louisville KY waiting for distribution of relief supplies during the 1937 Ohio River flood. Photo: Margaret Bourke-White, the first female photographer for Life/Time, captured iconic images that painted a vast global political and socioeconomic landscape. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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