12.8 C
17. september 2024
Forside Peter (Pete) Seeger 1919-2014: Nekrologer/Obituaries Pete Seeger and Banjo "This machine surrounds hate and forces it to surrender." At Great Hudson River Revival 2011. Photo: Taken on June 19, 2011 by Jim, the Photographer. (CC BY 2.0).

Pete Seeger and Banjo “This machine surrounds hate and forces it to surrender.” At Great Hudson River Revival 2011. Photo: Taken on June 19, 2011 by Jim, the Photographer. (CC BY 2.0).

Pete Seeger sings "Turn, Turn, Turn" at the Great Hudson River Revival 2011. Photo: Jim, the Photographer. (CC BY 2.0).

Pete Seeger and Banjo “This machine surrounds hate and forces it to surrender.” At Great Hudson River Revival 2011. Photo: Taken on June 19, 2011 by Jim, the Photographer. (CC BY 2.0). Source: flickr.com.

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