1.1 C
11. februar 2025
Forside Proletariatets demokratiske revolution i Finland The victory parade of the White Army of Finland was held on Pohjoisesplanadi on 16.5.1918. Here, General Mannerheim and his staff ride to the statue of Runeberg to review the parade troops as they march past. Photograph by Gunnar Lönnqvist. Collection the Helsinki City Museum. (CC BY 4.0).

The victory parade of the White Army of Finland was held on Pohjoisesplanadi on 16.5.1918. Here, General Mannerheim and his staff ride to the statue of Runeberg to review the parade troops as they march past. Photograph by Gunnar Lönnqvist. Collection the Helsinki City Museum. (CC BY 4.0).

10.000 tilfangetagne rødgardister i Tampere 6. april 1918. Det italienske flag flyver på taget af Selins hus til højre og det svenske flag i Sumelius hus i baggrunden. Fotograf E. A. Bergius. Museum Center Vapriikki fotoarkiv. (CC BY 2.0).

The victory parade of the White Army of Finland was held on Pohjoisesplanadi on 16.5.1918. Here, General Mannerheim and his staff ride to the statue of Runeberg to review the parade troops as they march past. Photograph by Gunnar Lönnqvist. Collection the Helsinki City Museum. (CC BY 4.0). Source: Europeana.eu.

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