The servant goes above the master: satire from the Reformation of Christ on a donkey and the pope on horseback. Oil on panel. Insribed: Hier bij so schijnttet dat in staet. den knecht booven de meester gaet. Date: from 1600 until 1624. Collection: Museum Catharijneconvent, Utrecht, NL. Artist: Anonymous. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Forside Socialists on Religion The servant goes above the master: satire from the Reformation of Christ on a donkey and the pope on horseback. Oil on panel. Insribed: Hier bij so schijnttet dat in staet. den knecht booven de meester gaet. Date: from 1600 until 1624. Collection: Museum Catharijneconvent, Utrecht, NL. Artist: Anonymous. Public Domain.