0.8 C
18. marts 2025
Forside “This Machine kills fascists” – Woody Guthrie – 100 år Woody Guthrie playing a guitar that has a sticker attached reading: This Machine Kills Fascists. Photo: Taken 8 March 1943 by Al Aumuller. Collection: New York World-Telegram and the Sun, Library of Congress. Public Domain.

Woody Guthrie playing a guitar that has a sticker attached reading: This Machine Kills Fascists. Photo: Taken 8 March 1943 by Al Aumuller. Collection: New York World-Telegram and the Sun, Library of Congress. Public Domain.

Woody Guthrie playing a guitar that has a sticker attached reading: This Machine Kills Fascists. Photo: Taken 8 March 1943 by Al Aumuller. Collection: New York World-Telegram and the Sun, Library of Congress. Public Domain.

Woody Guthrie playing a guitar that has a sticker attached reading: This Machine Kills Fascists. Photo: Taken 8 March 1943 by Al Aumuller. Collection: New York World-Telegram and the Sun, Library of Congress. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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