-0.3 C
12. februar 2025
Forside 1412 Joan of Arc depicted on horseback in an illustration from a 1504 manuscript. Miniature adorning The Lives of Famous Women by Antoine Dufour 1504-1506. Illumination on vellum painted by Jean Pichore (worked from 1502-1521), French manuscript illuminator. Collection: Musée Dobrée, Nantes, France. Public Domain.

Joan of Arc depicted on horseback in an illustration from a 1504 manuscript. Miniature adorning The Lives of Famous Women by Antoine Dufour 1504-1506. Illumination on vellum painted by Jean Pichore (worked from 1502-1521), French manuscript illuminator. Collection: Musée Dobrée, Nantes, France. Public Domain.

Johan of Arc. Oil on parchment and pigment painted between 15th century and 20th century by unknown artist. Collection: Archives nationales, Paris, France. Public Domain.

Joan of Arc depicted on horseback in an illustration from a 1504 manuscript. Miniature adorning The Lives of Famous Women by Antoine Dufour 1504-1506. Illumination on vellum painted by Jean Pichore (worked from 1502-1521), French manuscript illuminator. Collection: Musée Dobrée, Nantes, France. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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