1.8 C
19. januar 2025
Forside 1754 Madame Roland on the scaffold. Manon Roland, on the scaffold, turns to a statue representing liberty and pronounces the famous formula (probably apocryphal): "O Liberty, how many crimes are committed in your name!". Oil on canvas painted by unknown, late 19th century. Collection: Lambinet museum, Versailles, France. Public Domain.

Madame Roland on the scaffold. Manon Roland, on the scaffold, turns to a statue representing liberty and pronounces the famous formula (probably apocryphal): “O Liberty, how many crimes are committed in your name!”. Oil on canvas painted by unknown, late 19th century. Collection: Lambinet museum, Versailles, France. Public Domain.

Ludvig Holberg. Malet af Jørgen Roed (1808-1888) i 1847. Kopi af et maleri af maleri af Johan Roselius (1725-1803) fra 1752. Photo: Robbot, uploaded 22 April 2004. Public Domain.

Madame Roland on the scaffold. Manon Roland, on the scaffold, turns to a statue representing liberty and pronounces the famous formula (probably apocryphal): “O Liberty, how many crimes are committed in your name!”. Oil on canvas painted by unknown, late 19th century. Collection: Lambinet museum, Versailles, France. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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