-1.6 C
15. februar 2025
Forside 1783 George Washington leading the Continental Army to Valley Forge in 1777. Oil on canvas painted in 1883 by William B. T. Trego (1858-1909), US painter. Collection: Museum of the American Revolution, Philadelphia, USA. Public Domain.

George Washington leading the Continental Army to Valley Forge in 1777. Oil on canvas painted in 1883 by William B. T. Trego (1858-1909), US painter. Collection: Museum of the American Revolution, Philadelphia, USA. Public Domain.

Grundvig Minde Kirke i København set forfra (fra vest) 10 January 2013. Photo: The woocash. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

George Washington leading the Continental Army to Valley Forge in 1777. Oil on canvas painted in 1883 by William B. T. Trego (1858-1909), US painter. Collection: Museum of the American Revolution, Philadelphia, USA. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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