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14. marts 2025
Forside 1789 Réveil du Tiers état. Awakening of the Third Estate: my sham, it was about time I woke up, for the oppression of my irons gave me the cochemar a little too strong, 1789. From the National Library of France. Artist: Anonymous. Public Domain.

Réveil du Tiers état. Awakening of the Third Estate: my sham, it was about time I woke up, for the oppression of my irons gave me the cochemar a little too strong, 1789. From the National Library of France. Artist: Anonymous. Public Domain.

The Mutineers turning Lt Bligh and part of the Officers and Crew adrift from His Majesty's Ship the Bounty, 29th April 1789. Hand-colored aquatint made by Robert Dodd (1748–1815), British marine painter and engraver. Published by B B Evans on 2 October 1790. Collection: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. Public Domain. See below 28 April 1789.

Réveil du Tiers état. Awakening of the Third Estate: my sham, it was about time I woke up, for the oppression of my irons gave me the cochemar a little too strong, 1789. From the National Library of France. Artist: Anonymous. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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