-1.3 C
15. februar 2025
Forside 1799 The original daguerrotype of Honoré de Balzac, taken in 1842 by Louis-Auguste Bisson (1814–1876), French photographer and chemist. Public Domain.

The original daguerrotype of Honoré de Balzac, taken in 1842 by Louis-Auguste Bisson (1814–1876), French photographer and chemist. Public Domain.

Honoré de Balzac's house, rue Fortunée, 1880. Painted by Paul-Joseph-Victor Dargaud (1873–1921). Public Domain.

The original daguerrotype of Honoré de Balzac, taken in 1842 by Louis-Auguste Bisson (1814–1876), French photographer and chemist. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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