2.6 C
16. marts 2025
Forside 1804 Painting oil on canvas of Frédéric Chopin and George Sand based on the circa 1837 preliminary sketch of Eugene Delacroix's joint portrait of Frédéric Chopin and George Sand by Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863). 2008. Current location: Louvre Museum. Public Domain.

Painting oil on canvas of Frédéric Chopin and George Sand based on the circa 1837 preliminary sketch of Eugene Delacroix’s joint portrait of Frédéric Chopin and George Sand by Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863). 2008. Current location: Louvre Museum. Public Domain.

"Revenge taken by the Black Army for the Cruelties practised on them by the French". Illustration by British soldier and self-admitted "admirer of Toussaint L'Ouverture" (chapt.5) Marcus Rainsford from his 1805 book "An historical account of the black empire of Hayti". 1805. Source: https://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2006685880/. Author: Marcus Rainsford (19th century). Public Domain.

Painting oil on canvas of Frédéric Chopin and George Sand based on the circa 1837 preliminary sketch of Eugene Delacroix’s joint portrait of Frédéric Chopin and George Sand by Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863). 2008. Current location: Louvre Museum. Public Domain.

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