Caricature of Anatole France. Caption read “The Greatest Living Frenchman”. Accompanying biography in Vanity Fair read “His French was at once acknowledged to be finer than Renan’s; as easy and as polished as the elder master; even more rhythmic and shot through with delicious irony…. and curiously perfect literary treatment…. Anatole France is the greatest of living Frenchmen – the greatest writer in Christendom today”. Original pastel, watercolour and bodycolour. Published in Vanity Fair, 11 August 1909. Downloaded from Christie’s. Artist: Jean Baptiste Guth (1855–1922). Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Forside 1844 Caricature of Anatole France. Caption read "The Greatest Living Frenchman". Accompanying biography in Vanity Fair read "His French was at once acknowledged to be finer than Renan's; as easy and as polished as the elder master; even more rhythmic and shot through with delicious irony.... and curiously perfect literary treatment.... Anatole France is the greatest of living Frenchmen - the greatest writer in Christendom today". Original pastel, watercolour and bodycolour. Published in Vanity Fair, 11 August 1909. Downloaded from Christie's. Artist: Jean Baptiste Guth (1855–1922). Public Domain.