2 C
6. februar 2025
Forside 1883 Hubert Harrison, seated at left, and International Workers of the World leaders Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and Bill Haywood, seated right, organized the 1913 Paterson Silk Strike. Photo: Unidentified / American Labor Museum. Public domain. Source: American Labor Museum.

Hubert Harrison, seated at left, and International Workers of the World leaders Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and Bill Haywood, seated right, organized the 1913 Paterson Silk Strike. Photo: Unidentified / American Labor Museum. Public domain. Source: American Labor Museum.

Zinovjev in prison, 1935. Date: 1 December 1934. Photo: Unknown author. Public Domain.

Hubert Harrison, seated at left, and International Workers of the World leaders Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and Bill Haywood, seated right, organized the 1913 Paterson Silk Strike. Photo: Unidentified / American Labor Museum. Public domain. Source: American Labor Museum.

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