2.7 C
13. december 2024
Forside 1914 Portrait of men, boys, and girls at the UMW camp for coal miners on strike against CF&I in Ludlow, Las Animas County, Colorado; sign on canvas tent behind the crowd reads: "Dispensary and office of Drs. Harvey and Davis Union Doctors." Image from 1914. Photo: Dold, Lewis R. Public Domain.

Portrait of men, boys, and girls at the UMW camp for coal miners on strike against CF&I in Ludlow, Las Animas County, Colorado; sign on canvas tent behind the crowd reads: “Dispensary and office of Drs. Harvey and Davis Union Doctors.” Image from 1914. Photo: Dold, Lewis R. Public Domain.

"Med krigsbegejstring de os fylder/de konger før vi skal i slag" Foto: German soldiers in a railroad car on the way to the front in 1914. It is unknown if the soldiers' enthusiasm is genuine or if the scene was staged for propaganda purposes. Skovturs-stemning ved 1. Verdenskrigs begyndelse: tyske soldater i august 1914 afsted med tekster på vognen som "Udflugt til Paris", "Vi ses på boulevarderne" . Og de blev bildt ind, at de var hjemme til jul!! Foto: ukendt. Public Domain.

Portrait of men, boys, and girls at the UMW camp for coal miners on strike against CF&I in Ludlow, Las Animas County, Colorado; sign on canvas tent behind the crowd reads: “Dispensary and office of Drs. Harvey and Davis Union Doctors.” Image from 1914. Photo: Dold, Lewis R. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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