1.8 C
10. februar 2025
Forside 1925 1925sun


Strejkende arbejdere stimler sammen på Sankt Annæ Plads ved den aflukkede Larsens Plads, under storkonflikten i 1925. Foto: Ukendt. Kilde: ABA

Sun Yat-Sen, initial arrival photograph, April 1904. American Originals is a changing exhibition of some of the National Archives most compelling and historically significant documents. Among the items currently featured are documents from the immigration case file of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, towering figure of the Chinese Revolution. In 1904 while the Chinese Exclusion Laws were in effect, Dr. Sun gained entry to the United States through the use of documents falsely attesting to his status as a U.S. citizen. Photo: National Archives and Records Administration–Pacific Region-San Francisco, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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