-1.3 C
15. februar 2025
Forside 1942 A bust shot by Chen Duxiu after his arrest on October 4, 1921 by the French Concession Patrol. Author: Conseil D'Administration Municipale de la Concession Française de Changhai/Shanghai Archives Authority. Public Domain.

A bust shot by Chen Duxiu after his arrest on October 4, 1921 by the French Concession Patrol. Author: Conseil D’Administration Municipale de la Concession Française de Changhai/Shanghai Archives Authority. Public Domain.


A bust shot by Chen Duxiu after his arrest on October 4, 1921 by the French Concession Patrol. Author: Conseil D’Administration Municipale de la Concession Française de Changhai/Shanghai Archives Authority. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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