Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1942.
Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.
17. januar 1942
Muhammad Ali fødes (i Louisville, Kentucky, USA) som Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.). Verdensmester i professionel sværvægtsboksning 1964-1967 + 1974-1979. Blev frataget titlen i 1967, da han nægtede at gøre militærtjeneste i Vietnam. Dør 3. juni 2016.
- Muhammad Ali (Denstoredanske)
- Muhammad Ali ( Længere engelsk artikel. Med link til danske, norske osv. artikler.
Ali smed sin OL-medalje i floden og nægtede at drage i krig: Da han kom ud af eksil, var han blevet et ikon. Af Niklas Brandt Pedersen (, 28. oktober 2020). “Muhammad Ali blev frataget sit VM-bælte og idømt fængselsstraf, da han ikke ville kæmpe i Vietnamkrigen. I denne uge er det 50 år siden, han gjorde comeback i bokseringen.”
Muhammad Ali – en folkets kæmper. By Brian Richardson (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr.352, 7. juni 2016; kun online). “Muhammad Ali fascinerede verden, da han blev verdensmester i sværvægtsboksning i 1964. Han kombinerede ekstraordinær ynde og hurtighed i ringen med en stor personlighed udenfor.”
When Malcolm met Ali. By Eileen Jones (Jacobin, September 30, 2021). “A new Netflix documentary, Blood Brothers, offers a moving look at the friendship between Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali, two of the 20th century’s most dynamic figures. When black-and-white photos of the pair grace the screen, it practically vibrates with energy.”
Ken Burns talks to Jacobin about the revolutionary Muhammad Ali (Jacobin, September 16, 2021). “The new four-part PBS documentary Muhammad Ali, codirected by Ken Burns, examines the life of the legendary boxer and antiwar radical. Burns talks to Jacobin about how a kid from Kentucky named Cassius Clay became ‘the spirit of the 20th century’.”
See review by Mark D Smith: Ken Burns’ Muhammad Ali: the warrior who would not fight (Counterfire, April 20, 2022).
Cassius X. By Phil Rowan (Socialist Review, Issue 463, December 2020). Review of Stuart Cosgrove, Cassius X: A Legend in the Making (Birlinn, 2020, 288 p.). “Cassius X is a superb piece of writing documenting a time when Cassius Clay got politicised by Nation of Islam and in particular Malcolm X.”
Muhammad Ali: Free Black Man. By Malik Miah (Against the Current, Issue 183, July-August 2016). “Black pride and determination was his biggest impact for people of African descent …”
A threat laid low (Weekly Worker, Issue , 9 June 2016). “Once considered a dangerous radical and traitor, Muhammad Ali died an establishment hero. Paul Demarty wonders what this says about our era.”
Continues to rise: Muhammad Ali (1942-2016). By Lewis R. Gordon (Viewpoint Magazine, June 7, 2016). “As a professional pugilist, he inspired millions. As a political radical, he carried this conviction beyond the ring, fiercely denouncing racism and imperialism.”
“The Greatest”: Ishmael Reed on the untold history of Muhammad Ali (Democracy Now!, June 06, 2016). “We talk about the life and legacy of boxing champion and activist Muhammad Ali with educator and writer Ishmael Reed, author of the book, “The Complete Muhammad Ali”.
Who will follow the example of Muhammad Ali’s principled stand in our day? By David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, 6 June 2016). “A product of rebellious times, Ali earned the admiration and respect of tens of millions around the globe for his act of protest.”
Boomayiye – he shook up the world. By Graham Campbell (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, June 6, 2016). “Who can ever forget the Rumble in the Jungle making the Lingala chant of ‘Ali-Boomayiye’ (Ali – kill him!) an international slogan of major Black liberation …”
‘I don’t have to be what you want me to be’. By Kenan Malik (Pandaemonium, June 5, 2016). “… it is difficult properly to comprehend the hatred and revulsion that once greeted him, or the radicalism and hope that he embodied.”
What made Muhammad Ali the greatests. By John Molyneux (Socialist Worker, Ireland, 4 June 2016; online at United Against Racism). “And let’s remember also that precisely what made him so great actually made him hated by the establishment and the media at the time.”
‘I just wanted to be free’: The radical reverberations of Muhammad Ali. By Dave Zirin (The Nation, June 4, 2016). “Ali was shaped by his times. But his death should remind us that he also shaped them.”
The hidden history of Muhammad Ali. By Dave Zirin (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 4 June 2016). “Muhammad Ali’s resistance to racism and war belongs not only to the 1960s, but the common future of humanity.”
Muhammad Ali and the Black Panthers. By Dave Zirin (The Nation, February 18, 2016). “Muhammad Ali wasn’t the ‘civil rights saint’ that he is sometimes portrayed as today.”
This film is a knockout. By Dave Zirin (, August 21, 2013). Review of the documentary The Trials of Muhammad Ali (2013). “The best documentary ever made about the most famous draft resister in human history …”
Greater than the Cassius of old (, June 6, 2016; reprint from September 2008). An excerpt from Dave Zirin’s book, A People’s History of Sports in the United States (The New Press; 2008), in which he explained how Ali’s impact on sports and American society continues to this day.
The hidden history of Muhammad Ali: revolt of the black athlete. By David Zirin (International Socialist Review, Issue 33, January-February 2004). “The hidden history of Muhammad Ali and the revolt of the Black athlete in the 1960s is a living history. By reclaiming it from the powers that be, we can understand more than the struggles of the 1960s.”
Ali & the black struggles of the 1960s. By Hugo Pierre (Socialism Today, Issue 72, February 2003). “One individual who bridged the 1960s anti-war and black liberation movements was the world champion boxer, Muhammad Ali.”
Muhammad Ali: a hero of the twentieth century. By Mike Marqusee (Workers Liberty, Issue 62, April 2000). “We must re-insert Ali in his historical context, and that means principally his relationship to the great social movements of the 1960s.”
The time of his life. By Brian Richardson (Socialist Review, Issue 232, July/August 1999; online at Internet Archive). Review of Mike Marqusee, Redemption Song: Muhammad Ali and the Spirit of the Sixties (Verso, 1999). “Mike Marqusee has written a splendid book. He reclaims the legend of Muhammad Ali from corporate America and places the man back where he belongs.” See excerpt from the book: The baby figure of the giant mass: Mike Marqusee on Ali vs. Liston and its prehistory (Verso, Blog, 8 June 2016)
The Trials of Muhammad Ali Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Documentary Movie HD (YouTube; 2:30 min)
Se også / See also:
- Muhammad Ali Center – Muhammad Ali Museum and Education Center, Louisville, Kentucky (site). Incl. photo galleries, interactive museum, etc.
Om Michael Manns film “Ali” (2001):
- Ali (film) (
- Muhammad Ali: 1942-2016. By Joe Auciello (Socialist Action, 4 June 2016; reprint from January 2002)
- Jab in the right direction. By Mike Marqusee (Socialist Review, Issue 260, 16 February 2002). “Michael Mann’s film meticulously recreates major episodes from Ali’s heyday …”
- Ali: Why Muhammad Ali still packs a punch. By Weyman Bennett (Socialist Worker, Issue 1787, 16 February 2002)
- A life is more than the sum total of its details. By David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, 30 January 2002)
Om dokumentarfilmen “Da vi var konger” (1996):
- When We Were Kings (
- More than a match. By Dean Ryan (Socialist Review, Issue 208, May 1997)
- Rumble in the Jungle revisited. By Norm Dixon (Green Left Weekly, Issue 269, 9 April 1997)
Se også / See also; Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Black Power: historie og personer – Linkbox med samling af links om den afro-amerikanske kamp i USA + materiale fra Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje.
Malcolm X (1925-1965) – Personliste om den militante sorte muslimske leder Malcolm X.
The Rematch between Muhammad Ali and Sonny Liston: “The ending of the second fight remains one of the most controversial in boxing history. Midway through the first round, Liston fell to the canvas, in what many have argued was not a legitimate knockdown. Referee Jersey Joe Walcott, a former world heavyweight champion himself, appeared confused after Ali refused to retreat to a neutral corner. Instead, Ali stood over his fallen opponent, gesturing and yelling at him, “Get up and fight, sucker!” The moment was captured by ringside photographer Neil Leifer, and has become one of the iconic images of sport. The photograph of the knockdown of this fight is one of the most heavily promoted photos in the history of the media” (Citat: Muhammad Ali vs Sonny Liston (25. May 1965).
20. januar 1942
På konference i villakvarteret Wannsee i bydelen Steglitz-Zehlendorf i Berlin, tilrettelægger ledende embedsmænd og SS-officerer den “endelige løsning på jødespørgsmålet”, dvs. organiseringen af folkemordet på jøder i de tyskbesatte dele af Europa.
- Wannseekonferencen (Denstoredanske)
- Wannsee-konferencen (Danske Center for Holocaust og Folkemord; Holocaust Uddannelse). Med links og litteratur.
- Wannsee Conference (
- Wannsee Conference (Spartacus Educational)
- Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz – Gedenk- und Bildungsstätte (site).
For 80 år siden: Nazisterne indleder systematisk massemord på jøderne. Af Larissa Peiffer-Rüssmann (Socialistisk Information, 16. januar 2022). “Den 20. januar 1942 samledes i en villa i berlinerforstaden Wannsee højtstående medlemmer af det nazistiske bureaukrati, SS, Gestapo og efterretningstjenesten, for at koordinere den endelige udryddelse af Europas jøder.”
Da nazisterne besluttede at udrydde Europas jøder. Af Michael Müller (Kristeligt Dagblad, 16. januar 2017). “For 75 år siden gik holocaust ind i sin afgørende og mest grufulde periode, da nazistiske topledere den 20. januar 1942 mødtes til den historiske Wannsee-konference. Her blev den totale jødeudryddelse besluttet.”
20. januar 1942: Wannsee-Konferencen (, 20. januar 2012). “Under pres af Den Røde Hærs modoffensiv mødes topfolk fra nazistpartiet og SS for at virkeliggøre Adolf Hitlers vision om et racerent Stortyskland.”
Seventy-five years since the Wannsee Conference. By Clara Weiss (World Socialist Web Site, 25 January 2017). “The Wannsee Conference marked the beginning of a concerted effort of the German state, the army and big business to exterminate European Jews.”
- Die Wannseekonferenz (2022 film) (
- Conspiracy (2001 film) (
- Wannsee Conference (YouTube, 34 videoer)
The Conference: A haunting, disturbingly topical film about the Nazis’ “Final Solution to the Jewish Question”. By Clara Weiss (World Socialist Web Site, 25 January 2022). “The film marks the 80th anniversary of the infamous Wannsee conference of January 20, 1942, at which leading Nazis and ministers planned the extermination of Europe’s Jewish population.”
- Wannsee konferencen: beretningen om det 20. århundredes mest skamfulde dokument. Af Mark Roseman (Broe, 2009, 190 sider). Se anmeldelse af Henning Lyngsbo (, 2009)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Emnelisten: Auschwitz og holocaust
- Tidslinjen: 19. april 1943, om oprøret i Warszawa-ghettoen.
- Tidslinjen: 27. januar 1945, om Auschwitz-Birkenau.
- Tidslinjen: 11. maj 1969, om Eichmann-retssagen.
8. februar 1942
Den engelske teoretiske fysiker Stephen Hawkin fødes Oxford. (Dør i Cambridge 14 marts 2018, se denne dato).
2. marts 1942
Den amerikanske rockmusiker Lou Reed fødes i Brooklyn, New York (Dør i Southampton, New York 27. oktober 2013, se denne dato)
7. marts 1942
Gøgler, skuespiller, maler og filminstruktør Erik Clausen fødes i København. Debutfilm: “Cirkus Casablanca” (1980).
- Erik Clausen (Denstoredanske)
- Erik Clausen (
Erik Clausen: Slip kunsten løs – og slå hovedet af mismodet. Af Jette Warrer Knudsen (Helse, nr. 6-7, juni-juli 2022, side 10-13). “Erik Clausen har siden han bragede frem i 1960erne kæmpet mod intolerance, ufrihed, bornerthed og polerede overflader. Det gør han stadig som 80-årig. Helse har mødt Clausen for at tale om den tid, vi lever i lige nu.”
Dansk filmveteran Erik Clausen fylder 80. Af Lars Movin, Prami Larsen og Rasmus Brendstrup (, 6. marts 2022). “Filminstruktør og skuespiller Erik Clausen fylder rundt den 7. marts 2022. Det fejrer Cinemateket i København med en filmserie.”
Erik Clausen 70 år. Af Kim Ingeman (, 7. marts 2012). “Erik Clausen er ikke bare en antiborgerlig og flabet kunstner. Han er også en venstrefløjens enfant terrible, der ikke ligger under for diverse former for politisk korrekthed. Heldigvis.”
Clausen. Af Erik Clausen og Kirsten Jacobsen (Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2009, 322 sider). Med værkfortegnelse, side 320-323.
Se anmeldelse af Jens Fransen: Erik Clausen – Et liv i solidaritet med arbejderklassen (, 3. december 2009). “Erik Clausen har til Kirsten Jacobsen fortalt historien om, hvordan han er blevet den han er. Det er blevet til en bog om gøgl, solidaritet og kritik på venstrefløjen.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen 14. maj 1978 (Mors dag!) om kunstnerkollektivet Røde Mor.
7. marts 1942
Arbejderaktivisten Lucy (Eldine) Parsons dør. (Født som slave i Waco, Texas, ca. 1853)
“… a rich and vibrant history of anarchist, labor and racial and gender struggles for social change which have been systematically ignored by conventional histories of the United States.”
Gift med Albert Parsons, som blev henrettet ifm. Haymarket-opstanden, se Tidslinjen 4. maj 1886 – og Lucy Parson var meget aktiv i den internationale solidaritets-kampagne for “The Haymarket Martyrs”, og retssagen og kampagnen radikalisere Parsons yderligere og markerede for alvor begyndelsen på hendes eget virke som taler og agitator.
- Lucy Parsons (
- Lucy Parsons Center. Se om centret (
- Lucy Parsons (Spartacus Educational)
- Lucy Parsons: Woman of Will (Industrial Workers of the World, IWW)
Lucy Parsons on Women and Revolutionary Socialism (1905) (The American YAWP Reader)
- Lucy Gonzales Parsons (Zinn Education Project)
- Lucy Parsons ( Articles by/about Lucy Parsons.
- Lucy Parsons Archive (Anarchy Archives). Biography – Bibliography – Collected Works – Graphics.
- Lucy Parsons (1853-1942): the life of an Anarchist labor organizer. By Joe Lowndes (Free Society, Vol.2, No.4, 1995)
Farligere end 1000 oprørere. Af Juli Ane (, 13. december 2021). Anmeldelse af Lucy Parsons’ bog (Hydra, 2021, 88 sider). “[Med] ti af Lucy Parsons mange tekster på dansk. Man kan læse mere om Lucy Parsons bemærkelsesværdige liv i antologiens forord.” Se bogen online på Hydra (pdf).
Et juleeventyr (1885) af Lucy Parsons (, 13. december 2020). “Oprindelig bragt 26. december 1885 i den anarkistiske avis ‘The Alarm’, der udkom i Chicago i 1880’erne.”
The enigmatic anarchist (Jacobin, January 16, 2018). Arvind Dilawar interviews Jacqueline Jones: “Lucy Parsons’s life was rife with contradictions. But her commitment to workers’ emancipation was never in doubt.”
Lucy Parsons, American revolutionary. By Norman Markowitz (Communist Party USA, May 17, 2018). “She would write, speak and organize against racist atrocities for the rest of her life … In the anarchist movement and in the IWW, she was one of the view activists who focused extensively on what was then called ‘the Negro question’.”
Time to honor Lucy Parsons for Black History Month. By A.D. Hemmings (, 19 February, 2018). “Why was Lucy Eldina Gonzales Parsons whitewashed, and that’s the right word for it, for so long out of US history and black history as well with all her high profile activism across a whole range of issues …”
Goddess of Anarchy: The Life and Times of Lucy Parsons. By Eric Foner (New York Review of Books, December 21, 2017; online at Review of Jacqueline Jones’ book (Basic Books, 2017, 480 p.). “Thanks toJacqueline Jones’s new biography, readers finally have a penetrating account of Parsons’s long, remarkable life.
A pioneer for women’s rights. By Keith Rosenthal (International Socialist Review, Issue 89, May 2013). Review of Carolyn Ashbaugh, Lucy Parsons: An American Revolutionary (Haymarket Books, 2013, 282 p.). “With the re-publication of this long out-of-print 1976 work Haymarket Books has provided a major boon for a new generation of radical and progressive activists. Lucy Parsons might very well be the most unsung hero in the pantheon of major American labor revolutionaries.”
See also review by Randi Hensley: Her faith in workers’ power (, April 3, 2013).
More dangerous than a thousand rioters (, September 22, 2011). “Keith Rosenthal tells the story of a revolutionary who contributed enormously to the struggles of U.S. workers on both sides of the turn of the 20th century.”
25. marts 1942
Den amerikanske soulsanger og borgerrettighedsaktivist Aretha Franklin fødes i Memphis, Tennessee. (Dør i Detroit 16. august 2018, se denne dato.)
12. april 1942
Den amerikanske socialist, økonom og redaktør Ellen Meiksins Wood (af Bl.a. New Left Review og Monthly Review) fødes i New York. (Dør 14. januar 2016).
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Personlisten: Ellen Maiksins Wood (1942-2016)
3. maj 1942
Den danske statsminister, socialdemokraten Thorvald Stauning, dør. (født 26. oktober 1873, se denne)
27. maj 1942
En af stifterne af Kinas Kommunistiske Parti (KKP), Chen Duxiu (Chen Tu-Hsiu), generalsekretær 1921-27, dør i Chongqing /Sichuan. (Født 8. oktober 1879 i Anqing).
Tilsluttede sig efter nederlaget i 1927 Venstreoppositionens kritik af Stalins politik.
- Wikipedia: English article + Norske
- MIA: People: Chen Duxiu, scroll down + Chen Duxiu (1879-1942) (Marxists Internet Archive). Two articles by Chen Duxiu.
Chen Duxiu: Trotskyist critic of Stalinism. By Micheál MacEoin (Solidarity, Issue 285, 8 May 2013). “Chen Duxiu (1879-1942) was a founder of Chinese Communism and, later, a Trotskyist critic of Stalinism and Maoism.”
The birth of the Chinese Left Opposition. By Damien Durand (Revolutionary History, Vol.2, No.4, Spring 1990, p.7-15; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “Three essential dates mark the beginnings of the Trotskyist Opposition in China; the two successive returns of the groups of students who had been won in Moscow, and the declaration by Chen Duxiu of support for the Opposition in December 1929.”
Chen Duxiu and the Fourth International, 1937-1942. By Pierre Broué (Revolutionary History, Vol.2, No.4, Spring 1990, p.16-21; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “Chen Duxiu was not only a historic personage, a scholar, the creator of the modern Chinese language, a writer and a militant who had nourished with his ideas the uprising of the intellectual youth in China, but, even more, he was the founder and the first leader of the Communist Party in his country.”
Chen Duxiu and the Trotskyists (1945). By Zheng Chaolin (Marxists Internet Archive). Appendix in: China’s Urban Revolutionaries: Explorations in the History of Chinese Trotskyism, 1921-1952. Edited by Gregor Benton (Humanities Press, 1996, p.124-202 + 250-257). “Zheng’s knowledge of the pre-revolutionary history of the CCP and in particular of the thought and life of its founder Chen Duxiu is second to none.”
See also Paul Hampton: Zheng Chaolin, great Chinese revolutionary socialist (Workers’ Liberty, 11 April 2023). Review of Zheng Chaolin, Selected Writings, 1942–1998 (Brill, 2022, 443 p./Haymarket, 2023, 432 p.).
Chen Duxiu’s last articles and letters, 1937-1942. Edited by Gregor Benton (University of Hawaii Press, 1998). See foreword, chronology and extraxt from the introduction at Google Books.
China’s Urban Revolutionaries: Explorations in the History of Chinese Trotskyism, 1921-1952. Edited by Gregor Benton (Humanities Press, 1996). Chapter 6: ‘Chinese Trotskyism and Chen Duxiu’ (p.41-51 + 235-237). See the book online in Swedish (without appendixes): Revolutionärerna i Kinas städer (pdf) (, 95 s.) + Gregor Benton (ed.): Prophets Unarmed: Chinese Trotskyists in Revolution, War, Jail, and the Return from Limbo (Brill, 2015/Haymarket Books, 2017, 1269 p.).
Se også:
- China / Chinese Trotskyism (Marxists Internet Archive)
- Leon Trotsky’s collected writings on China (Marxists Internet Archive)
Se også på socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Tidslinjen 1. juli 1921 om Kinas Kommunistiske Partis stiftelse.
- Tidslinjen 12. april 1927 om kommunisternes nederlag.
10. juni 1942
Tyske SS-tropper udsletter den tjekkiske landsby Lidice som repressalie for mordet på den tyske rigsprotektor 4. juni 1942.
Lidice (
Reinhard Heydrich (
4. september 1942
Forfatteren John Max Pedersen fødes i Nyborg (død 10. september 1992).
John Max Pedersen 1942-1992. Af Klaus Riis (Kommunistisk Politik, nr. 17,
Den røde tråd – det var kampen for et marxistisk-leninistisk parti: B.C. Andersen om John Max Pedersen (, 2002). “Han fortæller her om John Max Pedersens forfatterskab og kamp for et politisk parti der bygger på marxismen-leninismen. Det er baseret på en længere samtale med Kommunistisk Politik i anledning af, at John Max Pedersen den 4. september 2002 ville være fyldt 60 år.” Plus bogliste.
At leve er at kæmpe. Af Birthe Sørensen (, 4. september 2002). “I dag ville arbejderen, kommunisten og forfatteren John Max Pedersen være fyldt 60 år. Hans liv var kort men intens og han efterlod sig meget. En ny samling fortællingerer på vej.” Med bibliografi.
Se også:
Kommunistisk Arbejderforbund (
Iskolde hjerner bag marcipanbrødsfascismens stormtropper (1976). Af John Max Pedersen (, 4. september 2002). “Nedenstående tekst af John Max Pedersen blev trykt i Aktuelt den 3. november 1976. Det er en besk kommentar om Fremskridtspartiet. I dag spiller partiet ingen rolle, men det gør til gengæld Dansk Folkeparti. Læst i det lys er den utrolig aktuel.”
De 4 store: Klassiske strofer. Af John Max Pedersen (Kommunistisk Politik, nr.11, 2007). Digte om Marx, Engels, Lenin & Stalin.
1. oktober 1942
Den tyske samfundskritiske forfatter og dokumentarist Günter Wallraff fødes i Ford ved Kölln.
- Wallraff, Günter (
- Günter Wallraff (eget site)
- Günter Wallraff ( Kort intro.
- Günter Wallraff ( Længere tysk linket leksikon-artikel.
The Man Inside (IMDB). Film om Wallraff.
8. november 1942
Den britiske marxist Chris Harman fødes. (Dør 7. november 2009)
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Personlisten: Chris Harman (1942-2009)
2. december 1942
Den norske forfatter Nordahl Grieg dør i allieret bombetogt over Berlin. (Født i Bergen, Norge, den 1. november 1902, se denne).