• Forord (in Danish)
  • Sites
  • Bibliografier / Bibliographies
  • Af Daniel Guérin / By … (works in Danish & English online)
  • Biografier / Biographies (incl. nekrologer / obituaries)
  • Se også / See also


Franskmanden Daniel Guérin (19. maj 1904 – 13. april 1988) er på dansk kendt for sin bog om anarkismen (se nedenfor: Værker). En del vil også kende hans historiske bøger i engelske oversættelser: om fascismens historie, om den franske revolution og om den amerikanske arbejderbevægelse.
Der er flere sider af Daniel Guérins værker, der ikke er formidlet på andre sprog end fransk. Det gælder både historiske emner, antikolonialisten, den politiske og faglige aktivist og bøsseaktivisten Daniel Guerin.
Denne samling prioriterer skandinaviske og online engelsk-sprogede tekster.
Forslag til links til online tekster om eller af Daniel Guerin er velkomne. Og vi er meget intresserede i at få links til fransksproget materiale.

Jørgen Lund og Bjarne A. Frandsen.

Påbegyndt 19. maj 2004


The Anarchist Library

Daniel Guérin
Book and articles by Guerin.

Anarchy Archive

Biography – Bibliography – Collected Works – Commentary.


This site is dedicated to the life and works of Daniel Guerin (French and English).


Daniel Guerin
By/about Guerin.


Texter av Daniel Guérin
Bl.a. bøgerne Fascism och storfinans + Anarkismen: Från lära till handling. + forord og enkelte artikler.

Marxists Internet Archive

Daniel Guérin Archive
11 articles by Guerin (1938-1964), biography, letter + book Anarchism : From theory to practice (1970), 176 sider.

Bibliografier mv. / Biographies etc.

Bibliography: Works By Daniel Guérin in French, English, Italian, Spanish & Swedish (Anarchy Archive).

Af Daniel Guérin/By …

På dansk

Anarkismen – dens teori og dens praksis. Af Daniel Guérin (Kbh., Borgen, 1979, 177 sider).
Litteraturfortegnelse: side 169-177
Oversættelse: Michael Helm, fra fransk til dansk.
(“Mye lest standardfremstilling av anarkismen i teori og historisk praksis…” if. norsk anarkistisk site)
(Online på svensk: Anarkismen: Från lära till handling (pdf) (Pan/Norstedts, 1970, 87 sider; Marxistarkiv.se)
(Online på engelsk, Anarchism: From theory to Practice; se nedenfor)

Er Gud til? Nej svarer Pascal Anquetil, Raymond Aron, Roger Garaudy, Daniel Guérin, Eugene Ionesco, Francois Jacob, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Edgar Morin. Af Christian Chabanis (Gyldendal, 1975, 187 sider). Side 88-107: En anarkist: Daniel Guérin.

På engelsk
(Online only, or see the bibliographies)

Anarchism: From theory to Practice (Libcom.org).
Introduction: Notes on Anarchism by Noam Chomsky.
Preface – 1. The Basic Ideas of Anarchism – 2. In Search of a New Society – 3. Anarchism in Revolutionary Practice: 1880-1914, Anarchism in the Russian Revolution, Anarchism in the Italian Factory Councils, Anarchism in the Spanish Revolution – By Way of Conclusion.

Fascism and Big Business
(New York, Monad Press, 318 p.; online at Libcom)
Online på svensk: Fascism och storfinans (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se).
Uddrag fra bogen mv:

Excerpt from the book (New International, Vol.4, No.10, October 1938, p.297-300) Online på svensk: Fascism och storfinans (Oktober 1939)

Fascism and Socialism (Fourth International, Vol.6 No.9, September 1945, p.269-273). Daniel Guerin’s preface to the French edition of the book. Online på svensk: Fascism och socialism (September 1945) (Marxistarkiv.se)

Friends at the top. Review by Lindsey German (Socialist Review, Issue 174, April 1994)


Daniel Guérin showed us what a socialist writer should be. By Ian Birchall (August 6, 2022). “French socialist thinker Daniel Guérin lived a life of extraordinary political commitment, from anti-fascist and anti-colonial struggles to his pioneering advocacy of gay liberation. Guérin’s writings and record should be a touchstone for the modern left.”

Revolutionary History

Trotsky and the Second World War: An exchange between Lutte Ouvrier and Daniel Guérin (Vol.1, No.3, 1988, p.39-40).

Trotsky and the Second World War (Part 2): 1. Daniel Guérin’s Preface (Vol.3, No.4, 1991, p.12-14).

3. Revolutionary policy and falsification (Vol.3, No.4, 1991, p.16-17).

4. Daniel Guerin’s postscript (Vol.3, No.4, 1991, p.18-19).

‘Guerin’s dialogue with Leninism’. By Ian Birchall (Vol.9, No.2, 2006, p.194-216).

Daniel Guérin Conference. By Ian Birchall (Revolutionary History, Vol.9, No.1, 2004; online at Internet Archive)


Universalist, bisexual ambivalence: an interview with Daniel Guérin (October 2, 2020). The longer form of this text first appeared in issue thirteen of 3 Keller, the monthly magazine of the Gay and Lesbian Centre in Paris, in June 1995.


Daniel Guérin: ‘Towards an extraparliamentary opposition’ (6 August 2020). “Here, translated into English for the first time, is the text of his speech about anti-racist struggle in both the US and France.”

With the youth in ’68 and ‘86 (18 May 2018). “Daniel Guérin’s 1987 letter on the subject is timely as university occupations spread today.”

What Next?: Marxist Discussion Journal

Understanding Fascism: Daniel Guérin’s Brown Plague. By David Renton
(No.30, 2005, p.56-63)

Biografier / Biographies

Nekrologer / Obituaries

Daniel Guerin (Wikipedia.org).

Daniel Guérin (1904-1988) (The Anarchist Encyclopedia).

David Berry: A brief biography of D. Guérin (Loughborough University; online at Internet Archive).

Chris Faatz: Daniel Guerin (1904-1988): Biography (Anarchist Archives).

Goodbye Daniel: Obituary for Daniel Guerin, French libertarian communist (Workers Solidarity Movement, Autumn 1988; online at Internet Archive).

Ian Birchall: Death of a friend (Socialist Worker Review, No.110, June 1988; online at Marxists Internet Archive).

Guerin, Daniel, 1904-1988. By Nick Heath (Libcom.org)

Daniel Guerin: Towards a libertarian communism: [Preface] (Workers Solidarity Movement, 1988; online at Internet Archive).
Politisk selvbiografisk tekst, “… his journey from Leninism to Libertarian communism.”

Se også / See also:

Linkbox: Anarkisme vs. Marxisme (Socialistisk Bibliiotek)

Emneord/subject index: Anarkisme/anarchism