Marx og Bakunin
Marx og Bakunin

Historiske debatter mellem anarkister og marxister og nogen af de personer, der bidrog til den.




Leksika mv. / Encyclopedias etc.

Den Store Danske

Encyclopaedia Britannica

  • Anarchism (1910). By Pëtr Kropotkin (online at The Anarchist Library)

Marxists Internet Archive

Spartacus Educational

Se også:/See also:

Dolors Marins: Anarkisme – en grundbog (Forlaget Politisk Revy, 2021, 272 s.).
Se Lars Andersens bogomtale (, 14. oktober 2021) + anmeldelse af Asbjørn Nielsen (, 15. oktober 2021) + anmeldelse af Lars Andersen (, 10. februar 2022).

Alexander Berkman: Anarkismens ABC (pdf) (Hydra Bøger, 2010, 140 sider; online på
Engelsk udgave (1929) online på

Daniel Guérin: Anarchism: from theory to practice (1965/1976, 158 p.; online at (Om Daniel Guérin: Wikipedia, engelsk tekst)
Svensk udgave: Anarkismen: Från lära till handling (pdf) (Pan/Norstedts, 1970, 87 sider; online på
Dansk udgave: Anarkismen – dens teorier og praksis (Borgen, 1979, 177 sider).

Anarkismen: en antologi. Red. Chr. Mailand-Hansen (Rhodos, 1970, 229 sider).

George Woodcock: Anarchism: A history of libertarian ideas and movements (The World Publishing Company, 1962, 504 sider; online at

Daniel Guerin (ed.): No God, No Masters: An Anthology of Anarchism (AK Press, 2005, 699 p.; online at

Lucien van der Walt and Michael Schmidt: Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism. Vol. 1 (AK Press, 2009, 395 p.; online at


2011ararnogod220.jpg Sites etc:
Sites Tekst-arkiv har (udover meget andet) en del ældre og nyere anarkistiske tekster online på dansk. Sitet er nedlagt, men tilgængeligt via Internet Archive.

Anarchism: The Unfinished Revolution
“A Bibliography of Books, Articles, Video/Audio and Internet Sites.”

Se også:

A bibliographical guide to Anarchism in English (Website of James Herod, November 2000; online at Internet Archive)

The Anarchist Library
“The scope of the Anarchist Library project is enormous. It will be a central website for all anarchist texts.”

Anarchist Writers

Anarchy Archives
“An online research center on the history and theory of Anarchism.”

  • Anarchism
    “Articles about anarchism, a political ideology based on mutual aid, solidarity and the abolition of the state.”

Libertære Socialister
(Online på Internet Archive). “… fordi frihed og socialisme må gå hånd i hånd.”

Sorte Fane Blog

Marxists Internet Archive

  • Marxism & Anarchism
    “Resources on the theory and practice of anarchism and the unity and conflict between Marxists and Anarchists over the past 150 years.” Extensive collection of links, and chapters such as: Beginnings – The pioneers of Anarchism – From the History Archives (Paris Commune, English & French & Russian & Spanish Revolutions… Syndicalism, and Some American Anarchist Writers and Documents.
  • Library: Anarchism
    With links to a lot of anarchists writers.
  • Marx and Engels on Anarchism (1846-1894)
    “Articles on anarchism, the struggle against Proudhon and the conflict with Bakunin.”
  • The conflict between Marx & Bakunin

  • Portal: Anarchism
    “Selected Anarchism-related content.”

Workers Liberty


Debat og kritik / Debate and critique

In Danish (+ Swedish):

Marxisme og anarkisme. Af Dennis Strøm Petersen (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr. 305, 13. januar 2011, side 13)
“… en kort introducerende skitsering af, hvordan marxismen stiller sig i forhold til nogle af de punkter, som langt de fleste anarkistiske strømninger synes at have til fælles.”

Marxisme vs. Anarkisme (Sorte Fane blog, 17. oktober 2013) (Video, YouTube, ca. 40 min.). Møde den 10. oktober 2013 om forholdet imellem anarkisme og marxisme, med Jonas Foldager fra Marxistiske Studerende og Janus fra Libertære Socialister.

Anarkismen under behandling. Af Svend Vestergaard Jensen (Socialistisk Information, 9. oktober 2013). Anmeldelse af Marxisme og anarkisme: en antologi (Forlaget Marx, 2013, 177 sider)

Marxisme og anarkisme. Af Alan Woods (Revolution, 24. maj 2013).
“Anarkisme appellerer til mange unge på grund af dens enkelhed: en afvisning af alt, der har med status quo at gøre.”

Marxisme eller anarkisme. Af Phil Hearse (Socialistisk Information, 17. maj 2015). Artiklen blev oprindelig bragt i SI, nr. 185, april 2004.
“De mest konsekvent revolutionære er nødt til at organisere sig for at kunne udgøre en ledelse, som kan kæmpe for, at perspektivet om en magtovertagelse bliver sat på dagsordenen.”

Socialisme og anarkisme – proletariat og småborgerskab. Af Gustav Bang (Social-Demokraten, 9.12.1907. Genoptrykt i: Arbejderklassens liv og dens kamp: Udvalgte artikler. Socialdemokratiets Forlag Fremad, 1915, bind 2, s. 87-94.; online på
Den klassiske socialdemokratiske ideolog fremlægger den klassiske socialdemokratiske holdning.

Engels til Cuno, 24. januar 1872. I: Marx og Engels: Udvalgte Skrifter, bind 2 (Forlaget Tiden, København 1973, s.468-74; online på
“At fortælle arbejderne, at de under alle omstændigheder skal afholde sig fra politik [ifølge denne bakunistiske teori], er det samme som at drive dem over i armene på præsterne eller bourgeoisrepublikanerne.”

Anarkismen ur marxistisk synvinkel (pdf) (, 31. august 2017, 25 s.). Publicerad både i Marxistiskt Perspektiv (nr.3, 1997) + i Arbetarmakt (1997)
“I denna artikel framlägger Rodney Edvinsson en marxistisk kritik av anarkismen, framför allt dess uppfattning om staten, idealsamhället, centralismen och praktiskt handlande.”

In English:

Anarchism: A Marxist Critique
By John Molyneux (Bookmarks, 2011, 83 p.; online at
“[This booklet] argues that anarchists and Marxists share the same goal of an equal, classless society, but the crucial question any activist must answer is how we get to that world from this? Marxism, and not anarchicm can provide the tools for that transition.”

On Marxism 2012, time: 1:19:25 hours.

Anarchism: From Theory to Practice
By Daniel Guerin (Monthly Review Press, 1970, 166 p.; online at
“Daniel Guerin’s book about the theoretical basis of anarchism, and its practical application to the real world in selected historical examples.”

Anarchy Archive

Socialism vs. Anarchism. By Daniel De Leon (Kansas, People’s Pocket Series, No.5, 1901)
“In his usual calm and logical manner De Leon traced the doctrine of ‘physical force’, the so-called ‘propaganda of the deed’, to its last conclusion, showing … how diametrically opposite to these are the methods and tactics of the Socialist movement.”

Blogging on Black Flame: the revolutionary class politics of anarchism and syndicalism
“Collating news, views and reviews of Lucien van der Walt and Michael Schmidt’s book, Black Flame (AK Press, 2009). First of a two-volume set, the book re-examines anarchism’s democratic class politics, its vision of a decentralized planned economy, and its impact on popular struggles in five continents over the last 150 years.”
See reviews etc.:

  • The book online (pdf, 395 p.) (
  • Still fanning the flames: an interview with Michael Schmidt and Lucien van der Walt (Revolution by the book: AK Press Blog, October 15, 2009)
  • All feathered up: a new defence of anarchism. By Martin Thomas (Solidarity, May 2011)
  • Review by Wayne Price (, March 4, 2011)
  • Contesting the revolutionary tradition. By Leo Zeilig (International Socialism, Issue 127, Summer, 2010)
  • Review by Mandisi Majavu (, November 5, 2009)
  • See also the debate with Lucien van der Walt at International Socialism below.


On Anarchism (Vol.2, No.16, November 2011; online at Internet Archive)
“As Anarchist ideas become increasingly popular Eddie Cornock takes a detailed look at the ideology.”

In Defence of Marxism

Reply to Black Flag: Marxism or anarchism? – An open letter to thinking anarchists. Part 1-4. By Alan Woods (21 April 2017)
“The open letter is a response to an article by ‘Black Flag’ (an anarchist group in Brazil).

Marxism and anarchism, Part One. By Alan Woods (5 January 2012) + Part 2 (10 January 2012)
“The present period is the most stormy and convulsive period in history … Under these conditions, the ideas of libertarianism, anarchism, and socialism are all making a revival, as the youth and workers search for an explanation of the crisis and a road forward.” Dansk forkortet udgave: Marxisme og anarkisme (Revolution, 24. maj 2013)

Marxist and Anarchist theory. By Daniel Morley (31 March 2011)
“What distinguishes Marxism from Anarchism? Why two theories, by what are they distinguished from each other, what are their relative merits, and which of the two theories, or which combination of their ideas, is the best tool for fighting capitalism and the bourgeois state?”

Marx versus Bakunin, Part 1-5 . By Alan Woods (17 February – 9 March 2010)
“It is fashionable to portray Marxism as the source of authoritarianism. This accusation is raised repeatedly by anarchists, reformists and all kinds of opportunists. Bakunin was one of the more famous exponents of such accusations. But the truth is concrete and the historical facts reveal that those same elements who raise a hue and cry about authoritarianism are themselves the worst bureaucrats and authoritarians …”

International Socialism

Anarchism, syndicalism and strategy: a reply to Lucien van der Walt. By Paul Blackledge (Issue 131, Summer 2011, p.189-206)
“Unfortunately, rather than debate the substantive issues raised by my original article, van der Walt has chosen to erect and reject a straw man version of Lenin (and Marx). While in this response I have had to deal with these distortions, I want in conclusion to return to the main strategic debates between anarchists and Marxists.”

Counterpower, participatory democracy, revolutionary defence: debating Black Flame, revolutionary anarchism and historical Marxism. By Lucien van der Walt (Issue 130, Autumn 2011, p.193-207)
“This article responds to criticisms of the broad anarchist tradition in International Socialism. I will discuss topics such as the use of sources, defending revolutions and freedom, the Spanish anarchists, anarchism and democracy, the historical role of Marxism, and the Russian Revolution.” See also Lucien van der Walt’s Detailed reply to International Socialism (7 April 2011)

Feedback: Another side of anarchism. By Ian Birchall (Issue 127, Summer 2010, p.175-182)
“Paul Blackledge’s article is a most useful contribution … Yet at times the article only tells half the story. In his introduction Paul promises us a historical framework for the debate. But though he refers effectively to the classic texts of Marxism, he often seems to lift those texts out of the concrete history in which they were originally produced.”

Marxism and anarchism. By Paul Blackledge (Issue 125, Winter 2010, p.131-159)
“In light of the new forms of libertarian politics that developed in the anti-capitalist movement, Paul Blackledge review the differences between Marxists and anarchists.”

The Anarchist argument. By Nigel Harris (Issue 54, January 1973). Review of Marx, Engels and Lenin, Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism (Progress Publishers, 1972, 387 p.)
“… it is a valuable collection and well worth reading … It is a must for those who want to understand the Left today and the recurrence of the same arguments all over again.”

International Socialist Review

Searching for the new, resurrecting the old. By Geoff Bailey (Issue 73, September-October 2010). Review of The Coming Insurrection by The Invisible Committee (2005). Dansk udgave: Den kommende opstand, af Den Usynlige Komité (After Hand, 2011, 121 sider), med følgeessays (pdf) af Mikkel Bolt og Jonas Bals. Se engelsk udgave online på
“The dystopic world painted in The Coming Insurrection seems woefully out of touch in the era of mass credit card bankruptcies, financial collapse, and home foreclosures – in a time when the very perks of mass consumerism have become the sites of radicalization.”
See also: The Coming Insurrection?, by Wayne Price (, November 15, 2010)

Contemporary anarchism: An exchange (Issue 73, September-October 2010)
“Eric Kerl’s article, ‘Contemporary Anarchism’ (Issue 72, 2010), prompted several responses. Here the ISR reproduces one by regular ZNet contributor Tom Wetzel and another by Sebastian Lamb, a member of the New Socialist Group in Canada. Eric Kerl’s rejoinder follows.”

Contemporary anarchism. By Eric Kerl (Issue 72, July-August 2010)
“For the social movements of the past decade, the broad ideas of anarchism have defined the political landscape … This article is an attempt to explore these new developments and seek common ground with the best aspects of today’s anarchism. Further, this article will analyze the shared assumptions of these disparate strains of anarchist thought and offer a Marxist critique of anarchism’s historical, as well as present, shortcomings.”

The tyranny of structurelessness. By Jo Freeman (Issue 19, July-August 2001)
“Jo Freeman was a founder of the first women’s liberation group in Chicago, in 1967. She is the author of several books and many articles, including ‘The Politics of Women’s Liberation’ (iUniverse). The complete text is available on her site at” Also online with an introduction at Jacobin (September 16, 2019). På dansk: Strukturløshedens tyranni (Socialistisk Bibliotek).

Anarchism: hov not to make a revolution. By Paul D’Amato (Issue 3, Winter 1997, p.47-53; online at
“This article will argue that anarchism is absolutely incapable of offering answers to the key questions it purports to address: how we explain the origins and character of exploitation and inequality in society and how we can end them.”

Marx, Bakunin, and the question of authoritarianism (December 2010)
“David Adam casts doubt on the traditional narrative regarding the question of authoritarianism in the Marx-Bakunin conflict.”

Social Anarchism or lifestyle Anarchism – an unbridgeable chasm. By Murray Bookchin (AK Press, 1995, 86 p.)
“Will anarchism remain a revolutionary social movement or become a chic boutique lifestyle subculture?”

Anarchism vs. Marxism: A few notes on an old theme. By Ulli Diemer (Red Menace, Vol.2, No.2, Spring 1978)
“A piece taking on some misconceptions of Marxism commonly held by some anarchists.”

Marx and Anarchism (1957). By Rudolf Rocker (Albert Meltzer (ed.): The Poverty of Statism, Orkney, Cienfuegos Press, 1981)
“This essentially anarchist interpretation of the nature of the state, which seems so odd in the context of Marx’s later teachings, is clear proof of the anarchistic roots of his early socialist evolution.”

Marxist Left Review

Property is sacred: How Proudhon moulded anarchism (Issue 23, Summer 2022).
“Mick Armstrong critiques Proudhon’s anarchism, and shows how his political weaknesses continue to shape anarchist ideas.”

The Comintern’s encounter with syndicalism (Issue 20, Winter 2020)
“Ian Birchall examines how the Communist International engaged with syndicalists in an attempt to build an revolutionary working-class movement in the wake of the Russian Revolution.”

Marxists Internet Archive

Anarkism och marxism. Av Daniel Guérin (MIA/ Svenska arkivet)
“Publicerat 1976, enligt ett föredrag som hölls i New York den 6. november 1973.”

The myth of Anarchist ‘Libertarianism’. Chapter 4 in Hal Draper: The Two Souls of Socialism (New Politics, Vol. 5, No.1, Winter 1966)
“One of the most thoroughgoing authoritarians in the history of radicalism is none other than the ‘Father of Anarchism’.”

Anarchism and Socialism. By G.V. Plekhanov (Minneapolis, New Times Socialist Publishing, 1895)
“This little book of Plechanoff will assuredly convince the youngest even that under any circumstances Anarchism is, but another word for reaction … Eleanor Marx Aveling.”

Socialism and Anarchism. By William Morris (Commonweal, May 5, 1889)
“If freedom from authority means the assertion of the advisability or possibility of an individual man doing what he pleases always and under all circumstances, this is an absolute negation of society, and makes Communism as the highest expression of society impossible.”

By Eric Hobsbawm (London, 1973)
Section 2: Anarchist

  • Chapter 7: Bolshevism and the Anarchists (p.67-83)
  • Chapter 8: The Spanish background (p.84-96)
  • Chapter 9: Reflections on Anarchism (p.97-108)

Refusing to be ruled over. By Paul D’Amato (Issue 691, February 27, 2009)
“No one should begrudge anyone the lifestyle they choose, but all too often, personal revolt becomes a substitute for social and collective struggle for a better world.”
See also Wayne Price: Response to a Trotskyist (ISO) criticism of anarchism (, March 26, 2009)

The Struggle Site

Noam Chomsky on Anarchism, Marxism … (Red & Black Revolution, No.2, May 1995)
“Chomsky gives his views on anarchism and marxism, and the prospects for socialism now. The interview was conducted in May 1995 by Kevin Doyle.”
Se også dansk udgave: Anarkisme, marxisme og håb for fremtiden (Kommune A, Libertært Socialistisk Forlag, 1998, 12 sider; online på

Anarchism and Marxism (Workers Solidarity, No.38, 1993)
“In this article Conor McLoughlin examines and compares the two to see do they, in fact, have anything in common.”

Spunk Library

Appendix: Anarchism and Marxism. “This appendix exists to refute some of the many anti-anarchist diatribes produced by Marxists”:
David McNally: Socialism from below (1984) + Phil Mitchinson: Marxism and direct action (4 May 2000) + Socialist Worker: Marxism and Anarchism (16 September 2000)

Workers Action

Marxism versus Anarchism: The philosophical roots of the Marx-Bakunin conflict (pdf). By Ann Robertson (2009, 26 p.; online at Internet Archive)
“This extensively annotated pamphlet will give the reader a grounded footing in the divergence between two revolutionary schools of thought. This divergence has played out over and over again in key historical episodes throughout the 19th and 20th centuries and into the present.”

Anarchism & Marxism: Their similarities & differences. By Mark Vorpahl (September 8, 2010; online at Internet Archive)
“For Anarchists, classes exist because of the state. Without the state, society would by definition be classless. Therefore, Anarchists main aim is to liquidate the state. Only after this will it be possible to build a classless society based on mutual cooperation. For Marxists, in contrast, the state arose as a result of class conflict.”

Workers’ Liberty

Anarchism, Marxism, and polemic (Solidarity, 3/196, 9 March 2011)
“Martin Thomas’s article Working-class struggle and anarchism (Solidarity, 3/195, 2 March 2011), has prompted a long debate on our website. We print excerpts from two contributions and a reply to the debate by Martin Thomas.” See also Iain McKay: Marxism and Anarchism (The Anarchist Library, november 2003).


Anarchism: Or the revolutionary movement of the twenty-first century. By David Graeber (ZNet, January 6, 2004)
“Schools of anarchism, in contrast [to Marxism], almost invariably emerge from some kind of organizational principle or form of practice … where Marxism has produced brilliant theories of praxis, it’s mostly been anarchists who have been working on the praxis itself.”

Anarchism Debates
“Michael Albert did a ZNet Commentary titled Anarchism. There was much response, some from folks dissenting from the views presented. Albert added another piece to the mix, Anarchism=Zerzan? Interactions about these pieces occurred in various venues.”


Howard Zinn on Anarchism and Marxism (, 29/01/2010, 5:49 min.)
“Howard Zinn answers interviewer Sasha Lilley’s questions about a synthesis of anarchism and Marxism, the Paris Commune, and social change.”


Personer & begivenheder / Individuals & Events             på Socialistisk Bibliotek

Emma Goldman
Emma Goldman


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Marx vs Bakunin Notodovale's photostream
Marx vs Bakunin Notodovale’s photostream