3.7 C
11. marts 2025
Forside Den 1. maj: Historie og tradition / May Day: History and tradition Image created by Walter Crane (1845–1915), British painter and illustrator, to celebrate May Day (1 May), 1889. The image depicts workers from the five populated continents (Africa, Asia, Americas, Australia and Europe) in unity underneath an angel representing freedom, fraternity and equality. Public Domain.

Image created by Walter Crane (1845–1915), British painter and illustrator, to celebrate May Day (1 May), 1889. The image depicts workers from the five populated continents (Africa, Asia, Americas, Australia and Europe) in unity underneath an angel representing freedom, fraternity and equality. Public Domain.

1. maj-optog år 1900. I midten banner med det historiske 3 x 8-krav: 8 timers arbejder, 8 timers fritid, 8 timers hvile.. Foto: Ukendt.

Image created by Walter Crane (1845–1915), British painter and illustrator, to celebrate May Day (1 May), 1889. The image depicts workers from the five populated continents (Africa, Asia, Americas, Australia and Europe) in unity underneath an angel representing freedom, fraternity and equality. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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