Om venstrefløjens debat om præsidentvalget
Den 16.-17. juni 2012 var anden runde af det egyptiske præsidentvalg mellem militærets Ahmed Shafiq og det muslimske broderskabs Mohamed Mursi.
Vi har samlet links om præsidentvalget og dets resultat med vægt på den internationale venstrefløjs debat omkring anden runde af valget og holdningen til de to kandidater.
Egyptens venstrefløj går splittet til valg. Af Alfred Lang (Modkraft, 26. oktober 2011). I et interview med det tyske dagblad Junge Welt (18. oktober 2011) fortæller Mamdouh Habashi fra det Egyptiske Socialistiske Parti om de vanskeligheder, landets venstrefløj står overfor lige nu [november-valget 2011].
Egyptian presidential elections (Wikipedia.org). Engelsk artikel, med link til bl.a. kortere norsk
Egypt: The Muslim Brotherhood’s election victory – what does it mean? By Alan Woods (In Defence of Marxism, 26 June 2012). With links to five earlier articles about the election.
The road to Morsi’s victory (SocialistWorker.org, June 25, 2012). Interview with Mostafa Ali, a member of Egypt’s Revolutionary Socialists.
Egypt: Morsi in office but not in power (Counterfire, 24 June 2012). “A Morsi victory was better than a Shafiq victory, but the real power is still in the hands of SCAF says John Rees.”
A blunder of historic proportions (Weekly Worker, Issue 919, June 21, 2012). “Voting for the Muslim Brotherhood was a vote for a party of counterrevolution, not the revolution. Jack Conrad examines MB’s origins, ideas and evolution.”
The debate about Egypt’s election. By Alan Mass (SocialistWorker.org, June 12, 2012). “SW.org is hosting a discussion about the critical second round of Egypt’s presidential election” – with links to four earlier articles.
None of the above (Weekly Worker, Issue 917, June 07 2012). “Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty.”
The Revolutionary Socialists and the Egyptian elections: Marxism or opportunism? By Alan Woods (In Defence of Marxism, 1 June 2012)
Se også:
Linkboxen Oprøret i Egypten (Socialistisk Bibliotek)