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22. februar 2023
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brief history - Søgeresultat

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Politisk Islam – et reaktionært oprør

...Islamic skepticism – Research reports – Links. See also new site: Center for Inquiry (CFI). Internet Islamic History Sourcebooks Internet Islamic History Sourcebooks. En omfattende site om islam historisk set. Her er også et længere uddrag fra Maxime Rodinsons bog om Muhammad (Pantheon Books, 1980).( An extract of Rodinson’s book...

Imod besættelsen af Irak / Against the occupation of Irak (2. ed.)

...old Communist traditions are once again beginning to take root. It is not just Islamic fundamentalism that is growing in post-war Iraq.” Felix Zorba and Roberto Sarti: Uprising and betrayals: a brief history of the left in Iraq (April 29, 2003) “The main purpose of this article is to expose...

Oprøret i Egypten

...links til meget statistik. Egypten (Wikipedia.dk) Oprøret i Egypten i 2011 (Wikipedia.dk) 2011 Egyptian revolution (Wikipedia.org). Længere artikel med bl.a. Timeline April 6 Youth Movement (Wikipedia.org) History of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, 1954–present (Wikipedia.org) Timeline of the Egyptian Recolution (Socialist Worker, Issue 2287, 28 January 2012) [ps2id id=’site’ target=”/]...


...på bagen. Oprindeligt stod den i VS Bulletin nr. 184/1977. Den genoptrykkes her ud fra den betragtning, at den aktuelle politiske situation kalder både på historisk perspektivering og en mere præcis forståelse af den grundlæggende socialdemokratiske samfundsforståelse.” A brief history of the Danish labour movement. By Gerd Callesen. Revised edition...

Pariserkommunen 1871

...face of proletarian revolution. Chapter 60 in Neil Faulkner: A Marxist History of the World (Counterfire, 30 January 2012). “The Franco-Prussian war produced the first proletarian revolution in history, and showed to the world for the first time what a workers’ state looks like.” Massacre. By Sarah Ensor (Socialist Review,...


...På dansk In English [ps2id id=’leks’ target=”/]   Leksikale mv. / Encyclopaedia etc. Neoliberalisme (Leksikon.org). Neoliberalisme (Denstoredanske.dk). Nyliberalisme (Information.dk). Emneord. Neoliberalisme (Modkraft.dk). Emneord. Neoliberalism (Wikipedia.org). What is neoliberalism?: A Brief Definition for Activists (CorpWatch). What is neoliberalism? (Counterfire; A Marxist History of the World). [ps2id id=’dans’ target=”/]   På dansk...


...januar 2010 Den amerikanske historiker Howard Zinn dør i Santa Monica, Californien. (Født i Brooklyn, New York 24. august 1922). Forfatter til “A People’s History of The United States” og “Voices of a People’s History of the United States”, som også er et oplæsningsprojekt. Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek: Personlisten Howard...

Første Verdenskrig

...Megan Trudell (YouTube.com, 55:08 min.). Empire and revolution: A socialist history of the First World War. By Dave Sherry (YouTube.com, 59:51 min.). Video: No Glory: The Real History Of World War 1: Presented by ‘Remembering The Real World War 1’ – Bristol’s campaign to commemorate the real World War 1...

Iran 1979

...Naz Massoumi (Issue 115, Summer 2007). Review of Andreas Malm and Shora Esmailian, Iran on the Brink: Rising Workers and Threats of War (Pluto Press, 2007, 262 p.) “Iran on the Brink is an accessible guide to Iran’s recent history and the questions that this history has thrown up.” The...

1968 – oprørsåret / Year of Rebellion

...författarna en ledande roll i själva händelserna och unika inblickar i skeendet.”   [ps2id id=”ineng” /]   In English: Timeline: 1968: an extraordinary year (International Socialism, Issue 118, Spring 2008, p. 43-44) Protests of 1968 (Wikipedia.org). Overview and timeline of protests. Paris May-June 1968 (Marxists Internet Archive; France History Archive)....

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