Billboard from 1944 Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Photo: Ed Westcott 6-5-1944 Oak Ridge Tennessee. Public Domain.
Billboard from 1944 Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Photo: Ed Westcott 6-5-1944 Oak Ridge Tennessee. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Linkbox med et lille udvalg artikler om revolutionære under 2. verdenskrig, deres analyser af krigens karakter og politiske praksis.

(Tidsskriftcentret, september 2009)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linkboxen: Anden verdenskrig, 1939-1945

International Communist Current

The revolutionary movement and the Second World War (International Review, April 1, 2017). “We are publishing an interview with Marc Chirik from 1985.”

Labour Review

William Hunter: Marxists in the Second World War (Vol.3, No.5, December 1958)

Brian Pearce: Marxists in the Second World War (Vol.4, No.1, April-May 1959, p.25-28). Svensk udgave: Marxisterna under andra världskriget (Fjärde Internationalen, nr.2, 1981)

Fotomontage (1935) af John Heartfield: Hurra! Færdig med smør!

Marxisme Online

Børge Trolle: De Revolutionære Socialisters indsats i besættelsesårene (Anarki og arbejderhistorie. Festskrift for Carl Heinrich Petersen. Redigeret af Karen Pedersen og Therkel Stræde, Tiderne Skifter, 1985, s.224-242). In English: Danish Trotskyism in World War Two (Revolutionary History, Vol.2, No.2, Summer 1989, p.43-50)

Marxists Internet Archive

Ernest Mandel: Trotskyists and the resistance in World War Two (1976)
“From the transcript of a talk in London in 1976.”

New International

Ernest Erber: Marxism and national defense (Vol.VI, No.5, June 1940, p.106-108)

C.L.R. James: Capitalist society and the war (Vol.VI, No.6, July 1940, p.114-128)

Max Shachtman: Labor and strikes in wartime (Vol.VII, No.3, April 1941, p.38-40)

Revolutionary History
Theme: War and Revolution in Europe 1939-1945 (Vol.1, No.3, Autumn 1988):

Jean-Paul Joubert: Revolutionary defeatism (p.2-7)

Sam Levy: The Proletarian Military Policy revisited (p.8-18)

Rodolphe Prager: The Fourth International during the Second World War (p.19-36)

Daniel Guerin / Lutte Ouvriere: Trotsky and the Second World War (p.39-41)

Theme: Against all Odds: Dutch, French and Indian Trotskyism (Vol.1, No.4, Winter 1988-1989):

Wim Bot: Generals without Troops: Dutch Trotskyism during the occupation (p.1-21)

Charles Wesley Ervin: Trotskyism in India, Part One (p.22-34)

Ian Birchall: Against the stream: French Trotskyism in the Second World War (p.34-38)


Theme: Imperialist War and National Resistance (Vol.3, No.4, Autumn 1991):

Pierre Broue: How Trotsky and the Trotskyists confronted the Second World War (p.2-11)
Trotsky and the Second World War, Part 2:

Daniel Guerin’s preface (p.12-14)

Andre Frankin’s review of the above (p.14-15)

Information Ouvriere’s attack on Guerin (p.16-17)

Guerin’s postscript (p.18-19)

Se også:

Linkbox om Første Verdenskrig (

World War II image from the United States government. From "When You Ride Alone You Ride With Hitler ! Join a car-sharing club TODAY !" by Weimer Pursell, 1943. Printed by the Government Printing Office for the Office of Price Administration. NARA. Public Domain.
World War II image from the United States government. From “When You Ride Alone You Ride With Hitler ! Join a car-sharing club TODAY !” by Weimer Pursell, 1943. Printed by the Government Printing Office for the Office of Price Administration. NARA. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Lenin and Trotsky on pacifism and defeatism. By Brian Pearce (Labour Review, Vol.6, No.1, Spring 1961, p.29-38)

The myth of Lenin’s ‘Revolutionary Defeatism’. By Hal Draper (New International, Vol.XIX, No.5, September-October 1953, p.255-283 + Vol.XIX, No.6, November-December 1953, p.313-351 + Vol.XX, No.1, January-February 1954, p.39-59)

Imperialist war and the question of peace. By Roman Rosdolsky (Revolutionary Communist, No.8, July 1978, p.35-43 + No.9, June 1979, p.44-56). Svensk udgave: Det imperialistiska kriget och fredsfrågan (Fjärde Internationalen, nr.4, 1980 + nr.1, 1981)

Marxism & War (Marxists Internet Archive). With documents, articles and speeches by classical Marxists. Scroll down to On Imperialist War.