En samling artikler med socialisters diskussion af terror/terrorisme / Articles with socialist’s discussion about terror/terrorism
Socialistisk Bibliotek, oktober 2008, revideret juli 2021.
Læs om “Attentatet på Estrup” 21. oktober 1885 (Danmarkshistorien.dk)
På dansk/skandinavisk:
Marxisme Online
Gareth Jenkins: Marxisme og terrorisme (2008)
“Den marxistiske tradition har aldrig billiget terrorisme som en metode til social forandring, og ser det som en kontraproduktiv strategi.”
Leon Trotskij: Hvorfor marxister er imod individuel terrorisme (1911)
“Marxismen i Rusland blev født af en kamp imod individuel terrorisme. Man skal i dag være opmærksom på, at terrorismen dengang var specifikt rettet imod enkelte kapitalister, ministre eller lignende, og derfor virkede mindre frastødende end de massakrer, som vi ofte forbinder med terrorisme i dag.”
Minoritetsaktioner som revolutionär taktik/strategi (pdf). Av Martin Fahlgren (Röda Rummet, nr. 4–5, 2020, 10 sider). “Hur vänstern ska förhålla sig till minoritetsaktioner, som exempelvis sabotage eller mindre gruppers fysiska attacker mot polis och politiska meningsmotståndare, har länge varit en tvistefråga inom arbetarrörelsen –med motsättningar och polemik som sträcker sig ända tillbaka till Marx ́ och Bakunins dagar.”
Specialnot C “Terror” och “terrorism”, vad de betyder (pdf). Av Hal Draper (9. november 2018, 13 s.). “Vad hade begreppen ‘terror’ och ‘terrorism’ för innebörd för Marx och Engels? Och vad ansåg de om dem? Utdrag ur Drapers Karl Marx’s Revoutionary Theory (1986).”
Terrorism: Texter som diskuterar terrorism [svensk]
Blandt indholdet:
Lenin om individuell terrorism vs masskamp.
Trotskij; Fem artiklar om terrorism, skrivna mellan 1909-1938.
Dewey-kommissionen om anklagelsen för terrorism vid Moskvarättegångarna.
Anarkismen & sabotaget – en granskning, av Per-Erik Wentus. m.m.
Marxisme versus terrorisme. Af Frederik Ohsten (30. april 2004). “Kernen i spørgsmålet om terrorisme er, at kapitalismen er ude af stand til at bekæmpe terror.”
Socialistisk Arbejderavis
Terrorisme dur ikke. Af Martin B. Johansen (nr.130, 7. marts 1996, s.5). “… terrorisme er altid en erstatning for arbejderklassens kamp, ikke et supplement.”
Hvad mener socialister om terror? Af Charlie Lywood (nr.353, 19. august 2016, s.13). “Hvad skal socialister mene om den bølge af terrorhandlinger, som præger både Europa, USA, Mellemøsten og den Indiske Halvø?”
In English:
Democratic Socialist Perspective
Dave Holmes: Terrorism: A Marxist Perspective (Resistance Books, 2002, 36 p.; online at Internet Archive)
Contents: Three categories of terrorism – Russia: terrorism or proletarian revolution? – West Germany: the Red Army Faction – Appendix: socialists condemn terrorist outrage.
International Socialism
Gareth Jenkins: Marxism and terrorism (Issue 110, Spring 2006, p.61-83)
“Terrorism, in the sense of planting bombs or assassinating individuals to achieve political ends, is not new. Socialists have had to work out their attitude to it from the time of Marx onwards. Gareth Jenkins traces the tradition of disagreeing with the tactic but sympathising with the anger that produces it.” På dansk: Marxisme og terrorisme (Marxisme Online)
Marxists Internet Archive
Glossary of Terms: Terrorism
Marxism & War. Scroll down to On Terrorism.
Leon Trotsky: The bankruptcy of individual terrorism (May 1909)
Leon Trotsky: Why Marxists oppose individual terrorism (November 1911)
Duncan Hallas & Jim Higgins: Marxism and terrorism (March 1972)
“This question has a very long history in the movement. It was one of the issues in dispute between marxists and anarchists in the last century.”
Socialist Alternative
Marxism opposes terrorism
“We are publishing here two articles by Trotsky putting the socialist case against terrorism, which are still relevant today + an introduction by
Peter Taaffe: The false methods of terrorism (5 October, 2001)
Socialist Review
John Molyneux: Marxism on terrorism (Issue 284, April 2004)
“The violence of the system breeds terrorism, but revolutionaries fight for a very different form of struggle. The right wing have always tried to associate revolution with terrorist acts of the kind that took place in Madrid on 11 March. The fact is, however, that all genuine socialists have always opposed the use of such methods.”
Marxism versus terrorism (May 30, 2012)
“Shaun Harkin explains why Marxists believe that acts of violence committed with the aim of advancing the struggle actually accomplish the opposite.”
Se også:
Terrorism: theirs and ours. By Eqbal Ahmad (Ilankai Tamil Sangam). A presentation at the University of Colorado, Boulder, October 12, 1998 about who and what defines terrorism. Almost the same text as in his book (p.11-26), Terrorism, Theirs & Ours (Open Media Pamphlet Series, 2001, 59 p.). As video: Terrorism: Theirs & Ours (Centre for Public Education, + discussion, 2 hour).
Tidslinjen 18. oktober 1977 om Baader-Meinhof-gruppen, Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF) (Socialistisk Bibliotek)
Linkboxen 9/11: Imperialisme og terror efter 11. september (Socialistisk Bibliotek)
Linksamlingen Terror og venstrefløj (Efter Krudttønden og synagogen, februar 2015)